Star Wars Thread (a Galaxy Far Far Away) Obi-Wan Movie In The Works! (36)

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by DarthRekal, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    ^^^ Yes, that. That was my biggest gripe with the movie. It is action start to finish and does not stop and give you those quiet moments to reflect and where lessons are passed on and such. It only stops for these moments a few times and for a minute or two at a time. It's extremely fun in the moment, but my concern is will that be a movie that holds up in 30 years? You need that balance, that's why the originals are still so good. TFA blows the prequels away and is a great SW movie, so I'm not complaining, but 15 more mins and some scenes to flesh out characters and maybe we have perfection.

    I also agree that Empire is a perfect SW movie, and a damn good movie period. It's action from the very beginning and it doesn't let up as Han and his party are being chased by the Empire, but it's balanced out by Luke and Yoda, and the time spent in Cloud City. And that duel between Luke and Vader, it's the best of them all, so atmospheric, so much weight to it, it's perfect. My hope is that we get back to balance and more storytelling and character development moments with Ep 8, and hopefully Luke, like old Ben Kenobi is the one to be a huge part of that. If they do that with 8 and 9, then in the end 7 can be the fun ride it was intended to be, and as a whole, the saga of 7-9 will work as intended. I'll say this, TFA is going to be a SW movie you can pop in for years to come if you want a non stop action fun ride, even if not reaching the levels of the originals, and I will take that any day over the slog that is trying to get through Episodes 1&2.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2015
  2. RasAlgethi

    RasAlgethi Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Laker Land
    This video talks about all the cameos

  3. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Star Wars dates: Here's when the next five movies will be released


    Star Wars
    Posted December 30 2015 — 1:35 PM EST

    You just saw The Force Awakens and want more next-gen Star Wars. Well, you’re going to get more. A lot more. Regularly and steadily, for many years to come. But when, specifically, will each new title be released? Below is Disney’s not-quite-top-secret plan. Obviously, these dates are subject to change. Thankfully, no Bothans died to bring us this information …

    Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
    Director: Gareth Edwards
    Written by: Gary Whitta and Chris Weitz
    Starring: Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Riz Ahmed, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Forest Whitaker, Mads Mikkelsen, and Alan Tudyk
    Logline: Following the foundation of the Galactic Empire, a wayward band of Rebel fighters comes together to carry out a desperate mission: to steal the plans for the Death Star before it can be used to enforce the Emperor’s rule.
    Release: Dec. 16, 2016

    (So, yes, a long full year. But given we had to wait a decade for The Force Awakens — or, depending on your feelings about the prequels, 32 years sinceReturn of the Jedi — sitting back for just one year doesn’t seem all that bad … Plus, it’s then only about five months until …)

    Star Wars: Episode VIII
    Written and directed by Rian Johnson
    Starring: Mark Hamill, Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac (reportedly)
    Release: May 26, 2017
    Logline: Unknown

    Star Wars Anthology: Han Solo (working title)
    Directors: Phil Lord and Christopher Miller
    Written by: Lawrence and Jon Kasdan
    Starring: Not yet announced
    Logline: How young Han Solo became the smuggler, thief, and scoundrel whom Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi first encountered in the cantina at Mos Eisley.
    Release: May 25th, 2018

    Star Wars: Episode IX
    Director: Colin Trevorrow
    Writer: Rian Johnson
    Starring: Not yet announced
    Logline: Unknown
    Release: 2019

    Star Wars Anthology: Boba Fett
    Director: Not yet announced
    Writer: Not yet announced
    Starring: Not yet announced
    Logline: Unknown
    Release: 2020 (reportedly)

    So if all this goes according to plan, we’ll get five Star Wars films in four years … after getting “only” seven Star Wars films over 38 years. Not bad!
  4. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    The wait between 7 and 8 will go fast, it's much shorter than people had to wait between the original and Empire. Plus Rogue One will help, I hope, hated the last Godzilla movie and this is the same director. I have faith in Rian Johnson writing 8 and 9 because I freakin loved Looper, and I'm glad he's directing 8. I think with Luke in it and hopefully many questions being answered, it's got the potential to be better than TFA same as Empire topped ANH, but I'm less sure on Trevorrow for 9. Jurassic World was fun, but far from perfect, and you'd think you'd get the absolute best director possible for your closer to this trilogy.

    The Han Solo movie, have no desire for it at this time, there is one Han Solo and that is Harrison Ford. Anyone they get will be a cheap imitation unless they go the very young route and make it about a 16-20 year old kid or something. If they try and find someone to play him shortly before the events of ANH, I can't see how it will work.
  5. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    My hopes are sky, sky high for Rian Johnson's sequel. I am insanely nervous about Treverrow's movie though. If it's like Jurassic World it'll have even more problems than 7 did and won't nearly be as entertaining/have any longevity.

    I'm really hoping 8 blows everyone away and someone else helps write 9 because I do not have a ton of faith in what Treverrow can do.
    lakersyunowin likes this.
  6. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    SPOILERS FOR EP 7 ahead for anyone who still hasn't seen it, tired of using tags.

    I'm hoping for a much deeper and darker movie with 8 (like with Empire). 7 is a lot of fun, but they can do better and they can go much more original and take us places we've never been, as opposed to mostly a copy of ANH. Thankfully, Rian Johnson is writing 8 AND 9, Trevorrow is only directing 9. Hopefully that makes a difference. Only time will tell. But, I suppose even if they mess these ones up somehow (which I doubt), they said they're gonna just keep making SW movies from here on out, so we're bound to get good or even fantastic ones in there.

    And again, hopefully some much more original stories. The prequels may not be good movies (although 3 is very good to me), but you can't say they didn't take us places we'd never been and tell completely different stories in completely different ways than the originals. I give Lucas credit for at the very least coming up with all those planets, droids, Jedi, creating a whole universe.

    I actually watched episode 3 last night and I still love it, I honestly feel more emotion in it and connect more with it than 7, get more chills, close to shedding a tear more often. I did feel the experience was enhanced by 7 though, knowing where all this is going to lead. Not many agree with my opinion on this, but I feel even lots of stuff from the prequels only adds to the greatness of the originals, and I'm actually watching 4-6 today in anticipation of seeing 7 again to see if maybe that helps me connect emotionally a little more. I'm still very bothered that Han's death is forgotten in minutes and a hug between Leia and Rey is all we get to honor it. Dude owns episodes 4 and 5, he deserved better. I actually feel more pain when Anakin burns up in 3 than when Han is killed.
  7. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I liked parts of 3 and I put it much closer to 6 than I do to 1 or 2, but I still like 7 a heck of a lot more than 3 overall. I do agree that the prequels feel more part of the story though now that there's another trilogy.

    I think there's some parts of the prequels that are truly great and fun but there's just sooooooo many awful parts of those movies. The writing, the acting, the writing, the writing, and the writing, the pace, the slowness, how slow they are, the plot, and the writing are all mostly awful.
    Helljumper and lakersyunowin like this.
  8. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    You're lumping them together when I'm not though. 1 & 2 are unwatchable, while 3 is one of my favorites to watch, I can watch it almost any time. The acting is much improved in it, and again, those actors are good, but you can only do so much with what you're given. I think 3 gets dismissed simply because it's a prequel, but I feel it's a great payoff for all the crap of the first 2. There are some horrible acting moments, but mostly it isn't that bad, and there are more scenes in it that get me glued than in 7. I've been watching 3 for 10 years, I've seen 7 3 times, all I'm saying is I gotta give stuff more time to fully judge. When I saw Phantom Menace originally I thought it was the greatest thing ever, I saw it like 6 or 7 times in the theater, but time is the true judge of things, and I can't rank 7 too high so soon, it's too fresh.

    Also, not to excuse Hayden's acting, because it can be bad, but it is much improved in 3, and I genuinely think he was going for a Vader thing that makes him come across a little strange. He makes these gestures and motions and he delivers lines in a forceful deliberate way as if he is trying to make you believe that later on he will be the guy in that Vader suit. It's like he studied and based his delivery and gestures on Vader and James earl jones, same as McGregor is doing an Alec Guinness impersonation. And no I'm not kidding with this, watch 3 again with this in mind. Watch a line like "DON'T ask me to do that!" when Padme asks him to tell Palpatine to stop the war and let peace resume, and pretend that's Vader in costume making that hand gesture and Jones saying it. Same with many other lines after he becomes "Vader".I think you'll start to see what Lucas was going for that just didn't come off well.

    I'm not trying to convince anyone the prequels are good movies, I'm just saying I watched 3 a couple days ago and it hit harder with me and I enjoyed it more still than I do 7. A moment where Mace Windu is about to kill Palpatine and Anakin is struggling there needing to save Padme, and that second he makes the decision to stop Windu and slices through his hand, I love that shot, and man I feel the pain and weight of that every time. That ONE split second decision allowed the events of 4-6 to happen. I really, really like 7, but I like 3 more, just my personal rank, and watching 4 and 5 yesterday, I like them more too. 4 is a perfect SW stand-alone movie, and 5 is just a great movie period. I'm still looking at it like this: 5, 4, 3, 6, 7, 1, 2 (with 3 and 6 being interchangeable depending on the day, and maybe 7 in time), but it really doesn't matter, SW is back and I couldn't be happier. I just hope they raise the bar with 8, we need some original storytelling.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2016
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  9. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I get you're a fan of III man, and I think it takes unfair blame from II and I being bad, but I don't think there's any way it's better than VII. I think III has much more heart to it than the previous two, but the writing is still absolutely awful. The writing is so bad it takes me out of the movie in key moments. Even the dialogue between Obi-Wan and Anakin at the end isn't quite right. Some lines work, but some don't work at all. Natalie Portman had more or less given up on that movie.

    I think III is clearly better than II and I, but I don't put it anywhere near VII, it's closer to VI. That doesn't mean it's bad, but it's just not as entertaining, not as fun, the characters are somehow less interesting even though we've seen them for three movies, the pace is still imperfectly slow.

    I think I is also a bit underrated because while it's got a lot of flaws, it also has some really great things in it too. Pod racing was very cool and unique and not something we'd seen before or even thought of. Maul's lightsaber broke us into a new realm of what lightsabers can be. The fight between Maul/Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon is one of the best in all 7 movies. No it's not a good movie, but it does a good job of reintroducing Star Wars to a new generation. The worst in series by a wide, wide margin is II. It has almost no redeeming qualities at all.
  10. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I think we can just agree to disagree on 3 vs 7, and that's fine. I think it comes down to taste. There are scenes and dialouge that just don't work in 3 and 7 (and all the rest too IMO except maybe 5). Most people love 7 because it feels like 4, and it is very well acted, but it's all a little too familiar for me. Also, I think I simply enjoy the darker movies to the lighter ones, and 3 is as dark as it gets, while 7 is fun and light. That just my taste, that's all. I agree that 7 is better acted than 3, but 3's story is much more complex and deep for me. I'd rather watch the scene of Palpatine telling Anakin the story of Darth Plageus than any scene in 7. It's just a personal preference, that's all.
  11. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Yeah that's fine. I understand liking III and I've had to defend it against some of my friends who consider it just as weak as the other prequels. I'd easily include it as part of the family with 4-7 instead of the weird cousin 1 and the drug addict, flunkie, "chooses to be homeless" 2nd nephew that is II.

    I'm down with the darker tones of III and IV. For me I don't mind the dark tone as long as it's an interesting and fun ride. While III is a better movie than people give it credit for, it still takes too long to build. There's wasted time and scenes still and it tends to get bogged down. Too much brooding Anakin, not enough pissed off/emotional Anakin. If you take off about 15 minutes from that movie I think it gets a better reception.
    Weezy likes this.
  12. lakersyunowin

    lakersyunowin - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    III is best of the prequels and it's not even close. The opening sequence is probably my favorite part of the movie culminating in "another happy landing." Then it kinda goes downhill for me from there. I rewatched it the other day and some of the acting and dialogue is still so painfully awkward. Samuel L. Jackson has no grace when it comes to fighting (already saw this in Ep II). I did NOT enjoy the lightsaber fight between Obiwan and Anakin. It was way too over the top and overly complicated. And please don't get me started on "I have the high ground." Grievous was kinda goofy instead of menacing and deadly like in the Clone Wars cartoon (the original one, not CGI). Cheesy Frankenstein Vader and his scream. The fall of Anakin to the dark side was rather clumsily handled. I didn't buy it. The premise is great (him wanting to save Padme), but the execution was pretty mediocre in terms of the circumstances and decision-making that led Anakin there.

    So while it was good as far as prequels go, it's still far below any of the OT movies for me.
  13. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    I've been in the wind a bit so here is my(a former SW superfan) thoughts on the movie. No direct spoilers.

    I think that a lot of the people who are criticizing the film haven't sat down and watched the OT in a long time. I watch them once or twice a year minimum with my boys, and let me tell you something. While they are beloved, they are flawed. I am not talking about the dated kinda flawed, as they look better than most movies put out today in terms of visuals. I am talking about the hokey lines, sections of goofy dialogue, and some very interesting plot holes(IE no lifeforms on the escape pod so they don't shoot it down, cause i suppose no one has ever heard of droids before) That being said they are still fantastic fun movies that nearly everyone loves whether they saw in theaters the first time around, grew up with them, or are late to the show and just now watching. They are simply a great story that captivates a majority of people. But to expect a new star wars movie made by JJ who stated time and time again he was going to make the new ones like the old is silly. If you walked in expecting Tolkien, you were setting yourself up for failure. Star Wars is a story about space wizards with laser swords acting out the heroes journey, its not an epic in the sense of LoTR or even something like Saving Private Ryan. And TFA fits that mold perfectly, its light hearted with a twist of darkness, its fun to watch, and its moving.

    As for all of the nods, quite frankly it was too much for me, but I can forgive that. As I watched the film the first time I realized something as Poe was about to play his part in the final battle. This movie was an apology from JJ/Disney/Kasdan and a later interview with the crew confirmed this. They made this movie to show us, the diehards, that they get SW, that they love SW as much as we do, and that they can be trusted with what feels like our story moving forward. In many ways it feels like they purposely tried to condense many, perhaps too many, elements from specifically ANH and ESB into the movie, while poking fun of or completely ignoring the majority of the prequels(which are indisputably terrible save for a couple points). I feel like they not only accomplished this, but they managed to bring the story to a place where they have a blank slate to work from. The real test of the quality of the new trilogies is not TFA, but the next 5 movies. At this point we have the old story closed and a completely new adventure dawning.

    As for its place in the greater story, fter watching the OT once all the way through and TFA twice I really feel like the rankings should be:

    1. ESB: This is hands down the best movie of the bunch and its not even close. The visuals, the directing, the acting, the dialogue, pacing, and so forth are simply supreme. It has its flaws, but they are a lot fewer than the others. Every time I watch this film it just amazes me how good it is.

    2. TFA: yes i know blasphemous, but hear me out. This is a not about whats great about TFA, its whats about whats not great about ANH and RotJ. In the end TFA has perhaps the best emotional side of all the star wars(JJ gets more emotion out of BB8 than GL could get out of an Oscar winner), delivers wonderful, diverse, deeper characters, and all in a well paced entertaining film. Even my non geek wife loved it, then came home and watched 5/6 because of it.

    3. ANH: This movie started it all and deserves all the credit in the world for revolutionizing film, but it has some issues. The direction and dialogue have strong hints of GL crap that ruined the prequels, it has some very odd emotional issues aka Luke comes home to find the people who raised him burnt to a crisp and has ZERO emotional response. In fact he is way more emotional about Ben dying then he ever is about the death the only family he knows and there is more. ANH just doesn't hold up like ESB and doesn't entertain like TFA or move you emotionally at all. Dont get me wrong, I love it, and its still legendary, but its not as good as the other too...

    4. RotJ: Sigh I confess I have a love hate relationship with this movie. It was my fave as a kid, but the older I got the less I liked it. If it wasn't for the quality of the first two and them lending such great characters RotJ would suffer a lot. Their are parts of the Jabba story that just seem pressed, there are parts of endor that are just cornball, and why Luke wastes a year off goofing around and not with Yoda is never addressed. I won't even talk about the groan worthy one liners(Tarzan Wookie?). But the saving grace, and best part, which might be the best part of the series is 2 of the 3 battle scenes intermixed. The battle for endor in space and the final face off between father and son is just money in every way. The ending of Jedi is probably my favorite thing star wars, and one of my favorite things movie ever.

    5. RotS: The things that work for RotJ are the exact opposite for RotS. RotS is burdened by all the horrible story and horrible acting and nonsense relationships and crap politics based story of the first two, and right when you feel that it just might pull itself out of the ashes boom... i have the high ground slaps you in the face and NOOOOOOO! slams home like a left hook. According to this movie the decisive battle between Obi and Ani comes down to Obi has the high ground, and although we have all seen jedi jump 10s of feet in the air, in TPM it looks like Obi jumps 50 ft, Ani can't seem to jump 10 in the air. All the drama, all the heart ache is lost to the highground... and then padme dies of a broken heart... and then so did the child in me... But with all that dramatic venting aside this movie is decidedly better that 1/2, but it just has too much baggage to carry to get close at all to the OT or TFA.

    6: TPM: Aw yes star wars, except no actual wars, just a lot of talking, sitting around talking, oh and wait, politics. This movie does have Maul who is in fact a great character, but instead of building on that, it kills him. It also gives us jar jar, its working, and a metric ton of bad dialogue, bad acting, nonsense plot points, and talking about cool stuff that happened off screen. Yoda is transformed from mystic sage to crotchity old blow hard.

    7: AotC: This has to be one of the worst film ever. At no point is Ani scene as a hero, or is any reason given for Padme to fall for this winy maniac. Again lots of politics, lots of circling up and talking, lots of creepy stalker Ani, replaces the awesome villian of Maul with an old man and a weazing lizards droid, has obiwan nearly die cause he apparently can't use the force on jango, even worse plot developments, and just sucks hardcore.

    in the end its a sad day with the Clone Wars original animated mini series, not CGI, is way better that the prequels, that was a great take on SW.
  14. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I can't agree with you that TFA is better than ANH unless we're only talking personal preference. I watched ANH just a few days ago and it is a better movie IMO. I do agree about the OT having bad dialouge, acting, plot holes/conveniences though, ANH has plenty of them. For that reason I forgive TFA for the same things, but I can't call a movie I've seen 3 times and is this fresh better than one that has held up for almost 40 years. ANH to me is a pretty much perfect stand-alone SW movie, because that's what it was made to be in case it didn't succeed. With more time and viewings it's likely I will put TFA above ROTJ, but in terms of quality I can't yet. Would I rather watch it than ROTJ? Yes, I am starting to lean that way as I continue to want to see the movie more and more, and will be going again tomorrow. Also, to clarify, my rankings of the SW movies in this thread are personal viewing preference. TFA is clearly a superior film to ROTS, I just at the moment get more from viewings of ROTS personally. That could change in time, and Episodes 8 & 9 can possibly even enhance 7 later on by answering the big questions.
  15. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    I must disagree, though I will admit we are talking the slightest difference in my mind as TFA is just barely ahead of ANH. To me TFA has the much better protagonist, Rey is solid in every way which is a strong contrast to Luke's constant whining. To be honest Luke really kills ANH for me in many ways. He whines, he never emotes, he aimlessly bounces around the universe. Parental figures butchered? eh who cares Ill just go with this old dude. TFA is also a much more emotional movie with better developed characters. By the end I care a lot for characters I just met, not to mention the characters I have known for decades. Granted it has the benefit of being the fourth movie, which ANH doesn't. ANH does have the better developed bad guys though. The First Order never feels as ominous as Grand Moff Tarkin and other none Vader characters. And Vader is simply great for the get go. Though Kylo defiantly feels like Anakin should have felt in the prequels though.
  16. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I think a lot of your criticisms of ANH vs. TFA are done purposefully. Luke in ANH is supposed to be whiny. Mark Hamill has said he wanted Luke to be a whiny brat to start so that he could grow into a different person by the end of the movie. True, it makes Luke frustrating at times but it's done for a reason. The aunt/uncle thing I've never been able to justify though :D

    As for the New Order lacking as much punch as the Empire, that's the point of them! They're fanatics who are trying to emulate the Empire but go even further! But they're NOT the Empire. They don't have the organization or the leadership that the Empire did. In fact Ren and Hux are incredibly young to be leading any kind of government. They lack experience. Just like Kylo I have a feeling they'll grow as the movies progress.
  17. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I'm showing the 1st prequel to my boys right now. The first 4 movies I showed them, they loved, and hung on the edge of their seat the whole time. This one, they're asking how much time is left and saying they'll give it till 8 to get better lol. Even little kids can see this movie sucked
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016
    Kingsama and lakersyunowin like this.
  18. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I think this just comes down to personal preference, and again, we can agree to disagree, no problem. The OT is awesome, TFA is awesome, SW is back. I think mainly I prefer the slow build of ANH to TFA. The time we spend with the droids getting eased into the story, meeting and really getting to know Luke, and his time spent with obi-wan. Then there's the comedy, Han is spot on in all the Death Star scenes, and 3P0 genuinely cracks me up (in ESB he frequently has me rolling). Plus the Han/Luke and co Leia rescue scene feels so much longer and enjoyable than any time spent on the Starkiller. And the original x-wing Death Star assault is still the best to me, the one in TFA is pretty short and limited by comparison. TFA is pretty much non stop action from the start and it feels a bit much for me right up until Han shows up, I have very few complaints from then on. I must worry that action doesn't hold up as well over the years as a more pure story like ANH and ESB, and even ROTJ which I watched last night does. But we will see.

    All of that said, I just got back from seeing TFA for the 4th time, and it continues to improve with each viewing. I went to see it in 3D this time and it was taken to another level. F******* fantastic. I also went with some family, my mom who was there for the original, and it was emotional for her, and it was the most for me so far this time too. I felt the pain in Han and Leia's conversations about Ben, and I shed some tears for Han's death and my eyes welled up a bit here and there as well. I pretty much cheered on Finn and Rey going at it with lightsabers against Ren, you know the outcome but you still want them to get that bastard. The lightsaber battles were even better in 3D, so hard hitting and more noticeable just how much they are tearing up that forest during them, and Kylo Ren remains awesome.

    My only complaint still is no funeral for Han, they just hug, get back to business, and wave goodbye all smiles as Rey and Chewie go to find Luke. I do start to suspect that Leia hugging Rey and not Chewie is intentional though, like she knows something about who she is, family most likely. Mainly each viewing I go to this movie feels more and more like SW, and this one was the best yet, incredible ride in 3D, and for some reason I felt a much darker tone that I was looking for to it than I had before. I don't know how many more times I'll see it, but probably a few for sure.

    I'll say one last thing that hit me during the movie, it seems that Jedi training or powers are becoming quicker learned. Not saying this is good or bad, just an observation. Prequels, had to learn from childhood. OT, Luke learned a little from Obi-Wan, and maybe weeks or months with Yoda. This time, it's like these kids have it stronger in them. Almost as if in prequel times they identified force strong kids and trained them, but offspring of Jedi seem to be different. Jedi in the prequels didn't have marriages, they didn't have kids, but these new ones do, and I dunno just speculation but it seems to make a whole new powerful breed of force user a lot quicker. Also seems like Luke, Obi-Wan, possibly Yoda or even Anakin are guiding these kids along as force "ghosts". Ren asks Vader to show him the darkness again, or something like that, and we hear Obi-Wan say "Rey, you're taking your first steps", very cool stuff. Just something that occurred to me, and damn it's fun to speculate on SW again.
  19. RasAlgethi

    RasAlgethi Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    I think people over look a lot of flaws with the ep 4 and the first trilogy in general because its such a classic. Nostalgia.
    therealdeal and Helljumper like this.
  20. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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