Star Wars Thread (a Galaxy Far Far Away) Obi-Wan Movie In The Works! (36)

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by DarthRekal, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Ah, I didn't know they were the same, for some reason I thought he was some fan doing it on his own. Hilarious reviews though, and he's so right about Lucas technique of using only 2 cameras, one on one person talking, one on the other, so bland.

    And yes, that clone wars cartoon was awesome, and I agree I wish the Jedi were a little more like that in the movies. We see it a tiny bit here and there, with Obi-Wan's high jump and speed run,?with Anakin jumping a great distance from one speeder to another in that chase, with Windu leaking and flipping down quite a height into the battle arena in, and with Yoda and Dooku's little force battle. Would have been nice to see Jedi crushing droids and crashing ships with the force like Yoda and Mace do in the cartoon, but then I know some fans who disagree too and think it was over the top.
  2. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Saw it. I'm not even going to do a spoilers tag with stuff in it just because there will be someone who clicks it and then gets mad that I spoiled it. I will say this.

    It is good. It is REAL good. A couple small issues, but zero issues that would make you roll your eyes or make you feel embarrassed while watching it like the prequels. I can't wait until I see it again tomorrow at 8:00pm. The worst part about the film is we have to wait 17 months until Episode 8.
    Chillbongo and lakersyunowin like this.
  3. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Yeah I saw it too.


    It's going to hit every one of your emotions and you're going to leave starving for Episode 8. I'd put it as probably 2nd in the series as a whole. Fantastic.
  4. pound4pound

    pound4pound - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    im so tempted to leave after lunch and catch a matinee
    lakersyunowin and John3:16 like this.
  5. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Do it! The Force is with you!
    lakersyunowin and pound4pound like this.
  6. lakersyunowin

    lakersyunowin - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Ok guys! I saw it and I loved it. It is not a perfect movie, but it is a damn good Star Wars movie. You'll leave the theater with a smile on your face feeling like you just went on a grand adventure, which was something sorely missing from the prequels. I'd rank it 4th simply because I have to show love to the original trilogy, but if pushed I could rank it tied for second with ANH, first would of course be ESB. That ranking may change and I expect it will as this new trilogy is filled out. Guys, this movie will wash away the bitter taste of the prequels and fill you with hope and longing.

    Couple random thoughts:
    The development of Rey's force power was too sudden and easy. Unless this is explained in later episodes, like she's a prodigy or savant or there was some sort of Harry Potter-esque transference during her interrogation by Kylo...I think it bordered on too convenient to move the plot forward.

    I thought the whole R2 in sleep mode and suddenly waking up again to show everyone the way to Luke was a little weird and another bit of a plot convenience.

    I both loved and hated the mirroring to episode IV. There was almost too much lifted the droid a message to keep safe to open the movie, a wise old mentor dies, and blow up a bigger badder death star type thing at the end. You could predict that Han Solo would die early in the film and I just wish it came as more of a shock. Still there were enough new faces and voices and differences to keep it feeling fresh overall.

    Villains were a little 2-dimensional. BUT, I don't believe this is a huge critique because Darth Vader was 2-dimensional in episode IV and we didn't even meet the Emperor until episode V. So there's SO much time to give these villains more life and backstory to really create a brand new mythology. The groundwork is laid, I can't wait to see where it goes.

    So little screen time for Luke! It absolutely leaves you wanting MORE but man, I wanted to see him more. He definitely got the wise, old, seasoned, jedi master look down.

    Han died. This was a crushing blow in an otherwise fun romp. The way Obiwan died in episode IV had such a calm serenity about it, and we hear his force ghost voice almost immediately after so it's not like we really lose him. Han died pretty brutally...and he ain't gonna be no force ghost. He was such a huge part of this movie and I can't help but feel I'm gonna miss his presence in the future installments. If you had been following interviews though, you knew this was coming. I believe Harrison Ford has said that he always felt that Han Solo should have died courageously. Then when you hear him endorsing the script as wonderful and perfect, what else could you expect. Can I just say how wonderful Harrison Ford was in his reprisal of Han Solo? He didn't miss a beat. Just fantastic.

    The new faces of the franchise were great. Poe, Rey, Finn are all charismatic and served as wonderful leads. The new villains Ren/Snoke are surrounded by question marks and mystery, with enough menace and quirks to keep them interesting.

    I couldn't believe how fast the movie went by and by the end I was like..."NO! I want more right now!"
    TIME, pound4pound, Chillbongo and 2 others like this.
  7. gill

    gill - Rookie -

    Jun 30, 2015
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    I just got back from my viewing today. My impression: now THAT was a Star Wars movie. Not so much because they finally reverted to real physical sets and in turn better acting but the story, pacing and development that makes you connect to these characters? It's back!!! Abrams freakin' nailed it like A New Hope connects to you.

    As for spoiler impressions, I'll post it below and I'll try to answer questions of @lakersyunowin with my own theories

    Rey - Totally blew everyone's theory that she's Han & Leia's second child (Kylo's twin sister). However they may still be related because I think she has to be related to Luke somehow. I'm thinking a daughter that he never knew about. There is just WAAAAAYYY too much imagery as hints in this movie that can also be applied to Luke. The Force calling to her aside (and using it), just consider how the images surrounding her in this movie also applied to Luke:

    1. Lives on a sand planet
    2. Befriends a droid
    3. The motif of their outfits on said sand planets are nearly identical
    4. The use of Anakin's old blue lightsaber.
    5. Kylo mentioning to her about yearning for a father figure in Solo (something Luke does with Ben).
    6. And I think this is the big alarm for me: Remember when she was fighting Kylo in the forest and Anakin's blue lightsaber was stuck in the snow, wiggling as the Force was trying to move it? That screamed "HOTH!!!! THAT'S EXACTLY LIKE HOTH IN THE CAVE!" to me.


    It did seemed a little convenient though that all of a sudden she was just getting stronger and stronger in the Force as the movie moved along. Plot device perhaps, but hopefully we'll get an explanation in the latter Episodes. My theory for that is she gets stronger when near someone else who's strong in the Force. I also hope they explain how Kanata got a hold of that lightsaber cuz that was freakin' lost in the depths of Cloud City for all I know.

    R2 - they did mention that he went into low power mode when Luke left. Notice how he comes back to life when Rey was around. Activated by Skywalker DNA perhaps? Then again... Leia was there the whole time so that blows up that theory.

    Han - my gosh... just watch it for yourself. it's so gutwrenching and the biggest shocker in the film.

    Finn - based on the trailers, I thought he was a rip off of Kyle Katarn from the Jedi Knight series of games (Stormtrooper turned Jedi). Abrams had us fooled there.

    Poe - easily the new Wedge Antilles of the series. He's like Steph Curry in an X-Wing. He doesn't miss when he shoots!!!

    Kylo Ren - not menacing enough without the mask. I was expecting at least battle scars but he looked too fresh and every time I look at him I'm like... "I'm supposed to take this guy seriously without the mask???" And thank Yoda he's NOT Luke Skywalker!

    Luke - Looks like Ben but man... not enough screen time. It was literally AT THE END and then it went to the credits. It ended too soon! LOL. His dialog from Teaser #2 is totally missing as well. He refers to the Force being strong in his family. He refers to Vader, himself, Leia... and another person. It may show up in Episode VIII or so and perhaps a flashback to him training Ben Solo? I would assume she's talking to Rey as that other person (I hope).

    The new guys - Abrams totally nailed the "passing of the torch" vibe I got from the movie (especially with what happened to Han). There was enough to keep old fans like myself happy but at the same time, the new characters shined throughout the film. They had their very own moments. These characters are not just throw ins but they have so much depth to them and very relatable / likeable. I can't wait to see what the next couple of episodes reveal about them.

    That is all! I want to see it again RIGHT NOW!
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
    TIME, Chillbongo and lakersyunowin like this.
  8. lakersyunowin

    lakersyunowin - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Yea, gosh there's so much left to explore! I want Episode 8 like...right now :[
    gill likes this.
  9. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I'm going back this weekend. Probably for a matinee so I can get a quieter experience but I gotta watch it again...
  10. gill

    gill - Rookie -

    Jun 30, 2015
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    I went with my buddies from work this afternoon. I was trying to convince my wife to go tonight right after her shift. Sadly, she doesn't like big crowds in a theater (even though reserve seating is so common now).
  11. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Just saw it, and WOW!!!!

    That was exactly what a Star Wars movie should be. Damn near perfect to me upon first view:

    You guys already went through most of my thoughts, but a few other thoughts I had:

    1. I thought Fin really shined above all the other new stars. He had some pretty funny scenes and I liked him Instantly.

    2. Rey was a bit more bland to me at first, but I warmed up to her. I did think that her powers manifesting was a bit too fast, but because Kylo Ren was kind of teaching her how to use them, through torture, so it didn't take me out of the movie much.

    3. I thought it was a bit of a cop out to not have Rey kiss Fin at the end, but whatever.

    4. Han dying was a shock to me. I was really emotional about it and started to tear up lol

    5. I loved Kylo Ren as the villain. I thought it was brilliant to have him be evil, but his master sees a little bit of light still left in him, and seeing Ren's struggle with the good in himself. He wasn't a 1 dimensional evil you see in most movies and I think the guy that played him pulled it off flawlessly. I also loved how he venerated Darth Vader as his idol.

    6. The whole feel of the move was Star Wars from start to finish for me. I loved it!!
    TIME, lakersyunowin and gill like this.
  12. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Remember a few years ago when everyone was pissed off that Disney took over the franchise? HA HA

    I'm excited about the reviews. I need to get my butt to the theater and check it out.
    JSM, Chillbongo and Barnstable like this.
  13. gill

    gill - Rookie -

    Jun 30, 2015
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    Disney has been nothing short of magical with the franchise's they got over the past few years. First, they resurrected Marvel from bankruptcy ashes into a multi-billion dollar, multimedia franchise. Marvel Cinematic Universe is just so freakin' amazing considering how many moving parts it has.

    And yes, I was one of those negative nancies that didn't like them acquiring Star Wars. I thought they would completely "disney-fy" it and make it appeal too much to kids. And then they got Abrams and then watching the first teaser trailer... and now the new film... I was wrong. Dead. Wrong.

    Let's hope this run continues.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
  14. gill

    gill - Rookie -

    Jun 30, 2015
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    TIME likes this.
  15. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Luke's voice over in the trailer: "My family is strong in the force. My father had it. My father had it. My sister had it. You have that power too." Clearly talking to his kid right? His kid isn't Poe and it isn't Finn so....
  16. gill

    gill - Rookie -

    Jun 30, 2015
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    I doubt he'll rip it apart (in an amazing and educational way too) like he did with the prequels.
  17. raviator

    raviator - Rookie -

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Just got done seeing it. Exactly what a Star Wars movie should be! Will definitely be seeing it again.
    It's bad but I saw Hans death coming a mile away. Ren wasn't going good that easily.
    Way too little screen time for Luke. Was kind of hoping he'd come out of hiding and save the day somehow but maybe that would've been too predictable or cheesy. Although I still loved it, they did take a little too much from episode iv, but like many said the new faces made up for it.
  18. lakersyunowin

    lakersyunowin - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I NEVER watch movies in theaters more than ever. I am so friggin tempted to go back as soon as humanly possible and watch it again. I can't remember the last time I had so much FUN watching a movie in a theater. I have some more thoughts:

    THE BROMANCE between Poe and Finn is just AWESOME. I really love the chemistry they had together. Like when they reunited towards the final battle, it was like they were lifelong friends but really had only just met. I wanted to get in on the hug between them. These real feeling emotional human connections were SORELY missed in the prequels where everything felt so wooden and fake. Even Finn and Rey were great, and thankfully not in a forced romance, but more in the way of a mutual "hey you are my first genuine friend."

    BB8 is just about the most cutest motherf***er out there. I was worried he'd be an R2 rehash but he's more innocent like a baby. THAT THUMBS UP HE DID!? I man-squealed.

    I need to see it again I need to see it again I need to see it again I need to see it again I need to see it again.
  19. Alcindor

    Alcindor - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    About as happy as I could be with the movie. Absolutely nailed it in every department. Minor complaints: If I never have to see Carrie Fisher or hear her slurring trailer-park voice again I am so fine with that. She is so done, I can't descibe it (she looks older than Harrison who is 15 years older). Anyways the kids nailed it, out of the park. Including Adam Driver who presented a a new kind of bad guy.
    lakersyunowin likes this.
  20. gill

    gill - Rookie -

    Jun 30, 2015
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    I wonder how many scenes / minutes were cut? It seems like a lot of the scenes were fast paced. The whole movie feels like we're on the move. That's not a bad thing for me. I think it was paced well. Just wished some scenes had a bit more exposition (but not to the level of the prequels were people just sit on a damn couch in between action scenes).

    I feel like the structure of Episode VIII will be like Godfather II: a prequel / sequel type of sorts intertwined with one another explaining what happened in between Episode VI & VII. There's a TON of backstory that's only hinted at in this film (but enough for us fanboys to discuss it... brilliant move JJ!). They definitely need to show it on screen in the next episodes. I don't know if they'll do it in media outside of the movies, but at least I know one HUGE sequence that the next episode needs to go back on: The Knights of Ren destroying Luke's Jedi school.
    Alcindor and lakersyunowin like this.

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