Would it be possible to implement a Media Circuit section to discuss movies/shows etc. Similar to what was on CL? That was one of my favorite sections to visit in CL. Thanks...
I was trying to condense things because it seemed like things were so compartmentalized that some sections were just dead, so I was just thinking of having the Open Discussion section include any media threads people wanted, but I'm listening if people want a dedicated media section. What's everyone's vote? Dedicated media section or not?
I thought the Media Circuit at CL was dead... So, I think that having one larger "Open Court" section would be best (at least for now).
You guys maybe right. Until this site starts to receive some heavy traffic, it may be best to just have it within the Open discussion. I personally liked the Media Circuit's dedicated focus so I didn't have to search through so much content, but that could be something to revisit down the line as the number of subscribers here grows.
yeah I think we can do the wait and see approach on the Media Circuit. I would always venture over that on CL but realized it was slowing down. Glad to hear @JSM is back to bring us some great content (new trailers and such). Speaking of trailers I am really excited about this upcoming movie, American Sniper, which just released its first trailer:
I came to this suggestions forum to say exactly this. I like it how it is right now. While the Media Circuit / Tech Central definitely organized things on CL, I feel like it also resulted in me never really visiting Open Court often. Now since the media threads I'm more interested in are all in the same forum, I'm more likely to see other random interesting topics and actually check them out. And it works the other way around. Some members might have always been going to Open Court to post in the philosophical topics they were interested in, and because of that they may have not seen some of the Tech Central threads that they might have actually been interested in.