Perfect. Just when I'm really struggling with coach issues, a thread designed to remind me of my least favorite Lakers coach of all time. auPuke:
It's here because in our current state some of you got nostalgic for this clown and that should never happen. He was truly awful and we should never be allowed to forget lest we repeat the mistakes of the past. Never forget!
If you don't see the relevance you don't understand how bad off we are. JK. Teasing. Might be better that way actually.... less pain as to where we are. Totally needs to be in LD.
You guys realize if we had Byron as head coach, Pringles as assistant (Offensive coordinator), and Potato Head as the other assistant (Defensive coordinator), we'd probably be unbeaten right now lol We need these three guys to do a Fusion to become the greatest head coach ever because separately, they are great at one aspect, and suck at everything else.
I'd say initially Byron is very good at inspiring guys and getting them to play harder. He came in last season and preached a lot of good stuff, bringing a major attitude change and had a lot of people buying in initially. It's when his X's and O's and his lineups that start to lose his players I think. Initially he is liked, and if he had competent assistants next to him with better offensive and defensive game plans, his personality might carry him further as a coach. His players seem to really like him..until he starts his gameplan or doesn't make any adjustments.
He had good assistants in NJ (Prince, Frank) and still managed to get canned. While he had those assistants and was employed in NJ, he was rumored to be playing golf much of the time .
Agreed completely. You can be an inspiring guy but once people start seeing your flaws it won't matter. If he had strong assistants, he'd be doing a far, far better job but I think he's afraid of having competent assistants who could take his place.
Media. (not the Press for god's sake...... reading from his stat sheet looking down was his post game MO) "Physical" media. Burning DVDs.
I don't know guys, I can't stand D'Antoni either but from what I've seen he's a much better coach than Byron. I really don't see much positives at all with Byron.
D'Antoni is worse for me because of what he did to Kobe. Absolutely ridiculous to be playing the man as many minutes as he did. I would've rather missed the playoffs then lose Kobe especially since you knew we had no chance without him.
Agree 100%. They really would be a great trio. However, I don't like the idea of Hibbert shooting 3s, as I'm sure D'Antoni would require it.