i think in terms of open court speed and verticality, but yeah, he's probably not quicker laterally than gabe is. gabe's a great mentor for bronny, tbh; hopefully that's been happening.
beat me to it, and yes, game speed is always the thing for rookies especially. dalton's struggled mightily with it, despite being older/more experienced in general.
This is the key The same in other sports also Moving into the bigs introduces you to a whole new level of speed You either catch up, or get passed by
I thought he seems like a decent prospect. Better to just let him fend for himself, but both Stephen A and Lebron both knew exactly what they were doing, and so do Candace by covering it for clicks. It's all about ratings, clicks, views, popularity contest, controlling the narrative, etc. Should be Interesting to read Lebron's upcoming autobiography "I'm the greatest"
why, as a parent, is that necessarily the better course of action? some of the lengths that these people who are commenting about bronny will go to in order to help their own children succeed probably do substantially more damage to the child. as i said above, bronny seems to be doing great. it's the haters that are in shambles.
I remember seeing a report of MJ's kid getting busted for drugs (or something) and watched how badly the kid got dragged through the mud. The only reason anyone cared about it cause he is MJ's kid. (I do think he tried to name drop if I remember right though I could be wrong about that tidbit). Anyway, Bronny would be a NON topic if he wasn't Bron's kid. Yes, it is fair to think that he may not have been drafted at all if he wasn't Brons kid. It's fair to say he would be in the G-League trying to make it if he wasn't Bron's kid. It is fair to critique the kid for his play BUT we know he wouldn't even be spoken about if he wasn't Bron's kid. It's the catch 22 for the kid. These pundits pretend they are "just talking ball" but they are using this kid as a platform for their nonsense. Like I said earlier in the Bron thread Kendrick Perkins is one of the very few pundits I have enjoyed listening to his take even if I don't always agree. Guys like SAS are just clowns looking to get clicks.
My 2 cents.. Steven A crossed the line when he went from criticizing Bronny as a Player to criticizing & judging LeBron as a Father. Steven A is a clown. A talking head that gets paid for creating controversy. He's lucky he didn't get his talking head knocked TF off..