Shaquille O'Neal Attacked The Wrong Man Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant were two of the NBA's greatest talents, but their fierce rivalry often overshadowed the success they could have achieved together. Clashing egos and heated conflicts ultimately fractured their bond. Did Shaq manage to mend his relationship with Kobe before tragedy struck? See less
Now Kobe bashers will have more fuel for their unforgiveness of the incident from the legions who dislike DT.
Nick Wright is a moron can’t believe some so called Laker fans actually like this guy just because he happens to be a LeBron fan. You don’t have to diminish Kobe’s greatness to prop up LeBron. Everyone knows LeBron is great I believe he’s the greatest basketball player of all time and I saw Kobe play in his prime, but that does not diminish how great Kobe was. To imply Kobe isn’t clutch or that people pretend that he was clutch is one of the most idiotic things this buffoon has ever said. Which is saying a lot because the only bigger idiot on TV is Skip Bayless. Kobe was an absolute killer on the court whenever he had the ball in his hands you had confidence he was going to deliver and the Lakers were going to win because he did it throughout his legendary career. Anyone who disagrees with that doesn’t know anything about basketball.
Lebron was afraid of Kobe with the ball in his hands. Kobe was not afraid of Lebron. His arsenal was too limited.
Posting this piece it s***s video is worse then his existence. f*** this this guy and everything he is. He looks like a soiled rat. f*** him.
he does look ratty. I didn't care to watch the video and hear his recycled rants. Soon his moon boy will retire and he will likely become completely irrelevant. He already is to me.