LOLOL …. FAT for the WIN!!! …. not sure who is leaking these kind of uncool details about the closed door and phone dealings. Are they trying to get Nico fired or worse?
Maybe but that kwame for pau trade will still be legendary. I mean kwame brown for pau? It still makes me LOL to this day - plus it kept Kobe with the team and won us 2 chips
We did give up Marc who within a couple of years would have made the pain of Bynum's unfortunate knee accidents go completely away.
while the pau trade was absolutely legendary, i think it's important to understand that kwame was expiring, and they got marc gasol in the deal. kwame's expiring money allowed memphis to be players in FA the next year, signing zbo, who along with marc gasol gave them the best years their franchise had until very recently--better than the pau years. it's possible for both teams to get what they want.
That’s true, but let’s all not act like anyone knew Marc would turn into a solid player. He was completely unproven (48th pick in the draft) at that point and it seems people are acting like we traded a known entity in Marc which was far from the case at that time I also don’t think it can be understated how important the trade was in keeping Kobe happy and on the team. That in itself made the trade fantastic let alone anything else ps- trading kwame was the definition of addition by subtraction. I would have traded kwame for a fishing pole because at least one of the 2 could catch something
i think many people didn't know, but i think some did. gasol was basically on the same trajectory as luis scola had been (had performed very well overseas at a young age in a men's league), and he was a hot commodity at the same time. everyone focused on him being the 48th pick instead of his accomplishments, mostly because he was a laker pick, imo, and we're not allowed to be good at stuff according to many fans and almost everyone in the press.
pelinka's FO has been absolutely flawless in terms of not leaking stuff out since magic's dumb a** left. the fact that they were able to pull off a trade of this magnitude without a peep is incredible. pretty much every other notable lakers trade in the last few years has completely come out of left field too if magic was still here he probably would've tweeted about the mavs calling about a luka deal the second it happened
Why I wonder who is yakking about the 2nd pick and DK originally being discussed in the deal. It REALLY makes Dallas GM look like an idiot which I’m sure is not Rob’s intent based on their good relationship. And it could be out of context on top of that if we were trying to include one of their bigs.
Kind of piling on Nico when these talking hasn’t said who they will trade in equal value to prime AD. They keep on harping picks but what use are those when Luka elevates the team he is on
Wild that this guy sat up there months ago and said trades are hard and then pulled of this Doncic move.