DOOMSDAY:Cookin The Tears Of The Oposition

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by raviator, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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  2. puffyusaf#2

    puffyusaf#2 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 4, 2014
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    Author of "Just a Thought"
    GNW Doing things
    Thank you Queen of Doom for the fantastical gift of PaperClip doom! We are unworthy of your feast. So tasty!
  3. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Not much doom. The Wizards are sorely lacking any fans.

    Got to get it while you can, ice cream melts fast.

    Squashing?…. more like squirming till the last second of overtime.

    That’s pretty sad.

    No we are used to dogging it against bad teams. It’s our motto.

    “Loozma” want to be a big dog but he’s just a dog instead.

    The sacrificing of a kitten must’ve worked. You made it all the way to the last second of overtime.

    That was a terrible opportunity even though it almost went in.

    Thank god we pulled it out. What a cluster.

    And sometimes you drown in the pool.

    We don’t love him like that.

    gcclaker and puffyusaf#2 like this.
  4. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    He punked SGA instead.

    You are not gonna win any hotdog eating contest at this rate.

    You were in deep… deep s***.

    Like Barbecue chicken.

    What kind of job do you have in OKC, cow tipping?

    It’s been happening for a decade.

    We definitely have multiple identities. We are like a box of chocolate. You never know what you’re gonna get.

    Not even close.

    Well trying to stop the game somehow when you’re laying on the ground half the time.

    Flagrant 2.

    That team could make shots.

    Was it watching your team scary enough?

    Every cloud has its silver lining.

    Dlo had more smoke coming out of his ear than when Swaggy found out about the video he made.

    Hammer meet nail….because we nailed you big times.

    I guess you’re sleeping like an 80-year-old who has to get up in the middle of the night.

    Refs, refs, refs…. give me a break.

    Keep trying.. Maybe in another 20 year, you can finally figure it out.
    puffyusaf#2, gcclaker, DeeZee and 3 others like this.
  5. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
    What’s with the Reaves hate from other fanbase:Laugh: I mean-at most he’s the 3rd best player here, more or less but they actually hate him an undrafted kid from OKC:LLLLLebronlaughing:
    LTLakerFan and Cookie like this.
  6. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    It’s the same situation as Bald Eagle. They think we overrate him and he’d be a nobody if he didn’t play for the Lakers. Plus they think he flops.
    LTLakerFan and KareemtheGreat33 like this.
  7. puffyusaf#2

    puffyusaf#2 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 4, 2014
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    Author of "Just a Thought"
    GNW Doing things
    Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump...................................................

    Oh this is gonna be GOOOOOOOOOOD DOOM!
    LTLakerFan and SamsonMiodek like this.
  8. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    They got their a** kicked and we didn’t even have Bron.

    Is it still embarrassing if it’s Dlo?

    Too bad that Cav/Min OT game didn’t go on longer. That way you wouldn’t have had your heart broken at the end of this game.

    Pat Bev has the brain of a goldfish.

    It’s that green in your jerseys. That’s a very bad color in basketball.

    Like a Thanksgiving turkey.

    Lineup with Pat Bev, is garbage. They should’ve named him, Oscar from Sesame Street. He certainly
    looks like he lives in a garbage can.

    Good thing, you didn’t smell like dead fish.

    Too bad we didn’t give up a first to get rid off this bum lol.

    His only usefulness is picking up trash on the side of the highway. Trash recognizes trash.

    When you’re hot, you’re hot.

    You had a run and it went down your leg.

    Dlo took your heart, soul and balls.

    That’s because it’s brains at least 10 minutes slow.

    Welcome to our past world.

    You could see Dlo shooting from the moon and it going in tonight.

    Not anymore.

    Well deal you will have to do.

    Red not really my color but it must be Dlo’s.

    Doc sounds like a helium balloon with a leak. Nothing about him sounds smart.

    God must have ice in his veins.

    That’s not nice to say about Pat Bev. lol

    He’s just preparing you for some of the dumb s*** that he’ll be rolling out come playoff time.

    Don’t sport the watch if you can’t make it in time.

    Instead of Dame time, It’s doom time.

    After the playoffs you can donate your heart also because it’ll be broken and of no use.

    Definitely bad timing on your part.
  9. SamsonMiodek

    SamsonMiodek - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Family guy
    That was some truly magnificent doom, thanks @Cookie ! I feel almost sorry for the Bucks' fans having to deal with both Doc and Pat goldfish (lol).
  10. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Not a lot of funny retorts tonight. Team fans aren’t stressing when they are missing half their team and still in the game for the most part.

    Yes I had to look up NBW. Stands for non-bailable warrant.

    I must have missed the quarter he made looked like a j******.

    Better have suicide prevention on speed dial.

    T-wolves fans really don’t like Dlo.

    Don’t look at our coach then. He’s both hideous and dysfunctional.

    You did well, all things considered.

    I don’t even know some of these guys names.

    Just don’t caress his unibrow. He doesn’t like anyone touching that.

    She is really bad with the LeBron hero worship.

    Maybe you never had anyone as talented as Hayes for him to lob to lol.

    I guess LeBron is blinding the ref with the shine off his bald spot. They didn’t see what happened, so they have to call a foul.

    We understand it. Just ask Ham.

    Nobody obviously. That’s why he got 25 rebounds.

    But not turnovers. Just come to the Laker bakery. We have any flavor you like.

    And we needed every bit of it.

    Tell me when exactly that they WERE relevant.

    That’s easy enough since most people don’t even know where Minneapolis is and the people that do, don’t want to.

    Titanic, You know that ship suck, right? Maybe he means gigantic.

    I guess you need more Wolves.


    My eyes burn, sometimes watching our own team, even without the sawdust.
  11. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Rescued from page 2. Nice to have a no stress blowout game. It’s been a minute.

    And what a finish….for the Lakers.

    Thank god it only lasted 2 minutes.

    This is never something you want to say in the first quarter.

    Hope you enjoy our rest.

    It’s usually us with the airballs. This is nice for change.

    Good game for Max.

    Bron could be his daddy.

    Dlo was smoking but we will still take DJ if you throw in a first.

    They don’t think much of Snyder. Especially playing his starters in a blowout.

    He’s old but not that old.

    His unibrow has special eye healing abilities.

    You were done a lot earlier than this.

    Things you never thought someone would say about our team.

    We weren’t trying hard. You guys just aren’t that good.

    Very strange move.

    I can relate, but thankfully, this wasn’t one of those times for our team.

    It’s bad when the game is over by the half.

    It was ruff for the Hawks….woof woof.

    I sure hope so but I’ve been fooled before.

    I never believe the Hawks are going anywhere. No matter what their record is. It would suck to be a fan.

    Going down in a blowout.

    You know there are other shots you can take.

    No team with Trae Young is ever going to be a great defensive team.
  12. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
    Dlo playing with a vengeance. he heard the hawks said he wasn’t good enough to trade for DJ and
    this is his FU game
    Dlo was smoking but we will still take DJ if you throw in a first.

    They aren’t missing WTF.
    Things you never thought someone would say about our team.

    9-41 from 3. There’s your ball game.
    You know there are other shots you can take.

    Hope that one game great defense didn’t have anyone fooled.
    Ha ha last game was too good to be true.
    Defense returns to its natural state… poop.

    [​IMG] .... someone's eyes just got misty thinking of the good old bad days

    :giggle: :clap:
    sirronstuff and Cookie like this.
  13. The Showtime Mamba

    The Showtime Mamba - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Do the 76ers have much hope? Ever since Embiid and his breakaway kneecaps went bowling for cartilage with Andrew Bynum I have my suspicions. I find the 76er fans struggle to PROCESS reality.

    I'm expecting a bounce back game from Maxey and I'm expecting a win.
    (Tyrese couldn't stop the bleeding but did find a way to Maxey-Pad his stats)

    Tobi playing... Losss...
    (His name is Kunta kinte)

    Tobias has the stiffest hips man
    (That's what um he said???)

    Hield is basically Jason Kapono with 3 shots of espresso.
    (Kapono played for us like he was Hield with 3 shots of black tar heroin)

    Guy takes 10 3s a night everywhere else
    gets here and becomes scared to shoot
    (On Hield - this goes to our main man Rob Pelinka - a cautionary tale)

    Tobias in transition is always a DUD lol
    (Watch out WNBA!)

    the key is to not give a coach any terrible players that he will overplay.

    or at least make them young terrible players.

    Doug, Brett, Doc and now is just the way coaches are wired
    (In Lakeland we call this playing Goblin Ball or Hamtasy Basketball)

    That's the dagger
    (I thought that was Ben Simmon's nickname?)

    (Doom mwhahahahahah!)

    hate this team with a passion
    (As a Philli fan it could apply to both teams equally)

    Rainy Days and Mondays
    (Such a Karen comment)

    Bamba straight up losing the game
    (New Spike Lee Film Loss Loss Loss Bamba - He don't got game)

    How does Mo Bamba still get minutes
    (Must be the process)

    Sit embiid the rest of the year this team is dog s*** they give up like all the other past teams
    (That's the spirit of 76 right their when all they want is a summer of 69s)

    Lol le flop and a forearm shiver on the same play defensive foul
    (The King calls that going 2 for 1)

    Tobi really thought he was gonna make a fast break basket challenging Lebron with a trailing AD.
    (Another slogan for "the process" should be 'the definition of insanity" Tobi is the first ever living brain donor, a humanitarian and what is healthy than a vegetable?)

    f*** is Tobias thinking there
    (It's a bad sign when zombies don't even want your brains - no the zombie isn't anorexic!)

    Goodbye to Love
    (lol this same guy is randomly dropping Carpenter songs into the chat. Took me a couple of songs to realize)

    Where is all this laker black magic coming from?
    (The only black Laker magic I know was Earvin Johnson, we probably could afford to sacrifice cam Johnson to the basketball gods if we got desperate)

    Top of the World
    (No not the Jimmy Cagney gangster quotes. A Carpenter's quote. If he mentions "wait a minute mr postman' I think he may go postal)

    What does Bamba do. Just start Reed, Reed gives a f***
    (Bamba the man without f***)

    Maxey gotta find his groove here
    (He can get his groove back but your g'emperor can't get his clothes back)

    I wish I could send Bamba to the moon.
    (Send him to the Houston Rockets and see what they can do)

    Is it just me or does Tobi usually show up against LeBron? I kinda want to look up matchup data if it exists on bbref. Feel likes he's oddly decent at guarding Bron specifically.
    Disclaimer: I am not a Tobi apologist
    (Typing with oven mitts is tricky but essential when you have a burner account)

    Confident & aggressive Tobi feels like a completely different player from timid & lackadaisical Tobi.
    (Like superman and stupor man. )

    Yesterday Once More
    (Richard Carpenter is that you?)

    Fan cash girl can get it!! Even with that stupid voice
    (Equal opportunity creeper almost sounds magnanimous in his gesture)

    Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft
    (Carpenters song again, actually starting to freak me out)

    Why is our offense exclusively contested mid range jumpers this game?
    (Garlicy mid-range jumpers ward off Mike D'Antoni's it's a necessary precaution or just drive a Philli cheese steak through his heart in seven seconds or less)

    Reed’s gotta get in the weight room more if he wants to be a legitimate C in this league
    (But Philli is the WAIT room with the overdue process)

    Oubre hasn't made a three pointer in 186 days. Don't double check that, just trust me
    (Jinkys Velma)

    We’ve Only Just Begun
    (Carpenters could have done with some Philli cheese steaks)

    I regret to say that Mohamed Fakaba Bamba may have the worst footwork in the league
    (Reading all this is making me hate Bamba. f*** Bamba)

    People really thought Harris was shutting down Lebron, turns out he was just coasting cuz he's old as f***.
    (What came first the Bron or the process, not Bamba for he who is without f***s shall not cast the first f***)

    Welp, that LeFuckYou 3 is probably the dagger
    (Is that a dagger I see before me? - we call the Bron 3 - the Scottish play when drawn up by Ham)

    Bamba moves his feet like he's wading through porridge - f*** me
    (Bamba can't help you with the last part)

    LeBron playing swiss cheese d out here
    (Yes that is all)

    f***in bamba has bricks for hands ffs how is Bamba so weak oh my God
    (Bamba it is not safe for you to walk the dark streets of Philli at night or day)

    Build a statue of Tobias so I can piss on it pregame
    (The statue is next to the locker room in the 24 carat golden showers)

    Even when he does good things, Tobi still finds ways to f*** up possessions. Poor dude.
    (Tobi has worse possessions than the Exorcist 2 the heretic)

    Tobias feeling himself a lil too much. Pass the ball bum
    (disgusting and don't want to even know what a ball bum is?)

    Bamba would lose an arm wrestling match to a sea sponge
    (Lives in a pinepple under the sea, taps out mo Bamba in 1,2,3)

    f*** it lose out get a lottery pick idc anymore
    (Now this guy trusts the process)

    Summary_ This fan base hates Tobias Harris, and Mo Bamba almost as much as they hate themselves and their mf'n stupid families. They also seem to hate Nick Nurse. One guy seems to love the Carpenters and communicates exclusively in Carpenters lyrics (strange coping mechanism I think). Just don't say Karen 3 times or she will appear and steal your Philli cheese steaks, after all her ghoulish spirit longs to be close to you. And yes there was at least another Carpenter's song mentioned. If misery loves company than these griping bastards are in a cult of personality without the personality. Could be worse Laker fans, could be worse.
  14. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    High scoring track meet. Pacer fans think they got hosed by the refs and more than a few fans are not happy with Ty.

    Hopefully not the toilet bowl.

    Is it bad that I didn’t remember that we played Indiana for the IST? Seems like so long ago.

    AD was a monster tonight.

    Reaves was great. Bron was a layup missing fool.

    What is unfair is having to wade through hundreds of comments on game chats trying to find doom and finding nothing but
    we got hosed on free throw BS.

    Like I said, Quite a few of their fans don’t like Haliburton.

    That’s a fair statement.

    Does he have jelly in his bones to go with that?

    Just like a Ghinzu knife. If you send him $19.99, he will throw in a few free throws at the line to ice the game.

    Might??? I think you’d only get an argument from Slick on that one.

    Quit already. I’m having flashbacks from last year being up 17 and losing.

    Does seem to be a bit mental with him right now.


    Clippers getting Westbrook back IS a break. Trust me, we know unfortunately.
  15. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    No Reggie Miller is just clueless and likes to hear himself speak.

    He’s a Laker at heart.

    Great time to start a new tradition.

    It’s called the Jekyll and Hyde sports fan phenomenon.

    Until Reaves put on the afterburners and blew past him.

    If it was EVERYTHING, you would have let us beat you in regulation.

    Yes and now you’re his b**** too.

    All that skill and still can’t make the freebies.

    That watch is broken

    Dame Dollar comes up a Buck short again.

    He was too busy, choking himself.

    Live by the chuck, die by the chuck.

    Dame better get ready for those tire tracks on his body from Doc throwing him under the bus.

    You left out the awesome clueless look of Doc Rivers staring blankly off into space when his team loses the series.

    Welcome to the NBA, where anything can happen.

    Couldn’t have happened at a better time for us.

    You get a brick, you get a brick, you get a brick.

    Playing pocket pool is something. Oh look, a gumball.

    Just wait till you’re up 3-1 in a series. Then you will really see the Doc Rivers magic at work.

    He saves those for his bedroom. Although he might want to use them on Bron when he starts chucking us out of the game.

    That unibrow putting the fear of god into people.

    AD sinks’em, Giannis blinks’em.

    Should have kept Bud but you hired the Dud.

    Actually I did too but then I got some Kuzmo mushrooms and that s*** does wonders.

    Reaves time. We have a new watch in town.

    Yes and so did everyone else on your team.

    You never know.

    Grass isn’t always greener but it sure is greaser now.

    You should know, you’ve done it before.

    Need to go to the Clippers new arena. They have lots of toilets to flush that down.

    It’s not a career high but who cares….great game for Reaves. He really took over.

    Doesn’t everyone.
    Kenzo, trodgers, gcclaker and 6 others like this.
  16. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
    That’s yummy doom and quite satisfying for someone like me on a Lenten fasting:LLLLLebronlaughing:
    puffyusaf#2, LTLakerFan and Cookie like this.
  17. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
    Great Doom Cookie ... Waay too many daggers to their stomachs to mention.

    But this seems to be a universal opposing fans' dislike of AR:

    "So is Reaves kind of a b****. I tend to go out of my way to ignore LA.

    I mean if you are any kind of basketball fan you should appreciate how he plays the game and the many great plays. And is not a look at me, chest pumping primal screamer every time he makes an incredible play. Just runs back up the floor like he's been there before and keeps working. Have to believe it's because he's a no tat stereotyped white guy that really can't be good like your eyes are telling you and isn't ripped (though I believe deceptively strong to go along with athletic) and can't jump out of the gym.
    Cookie likes this.
  18. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Not many Grizzly fans so not much material to work with.

    You lost and you’re still ugly.

    Then keep looking away.

    It’s sweet dreams for Laker fans.

    All the best refs train at the Stevie Wonder school for the blind.

    No he’s the Japanese Jordan.

    He’s unguardable.

    And Rui said such nice things about your Memphis BBQ.

    No he just like baskets more.

    Lol.They need Ja to shoot up the place.

    What’s that say about you team getting blowout by us then?

    The plan worked flawlessly. Even Ham couldn’t screw it up.

    It’s like a dollar store Magic vs Bird.

    Think you’ll kink will not be in short supply anytime soon.

    Even the best of us fall for the “fakeback”.

    I’ll never understand the attraction of non-alcoholic beverages.
  19. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
    Me too. If you’re only after the taste of alcohol then you have a problem
    Kenzo, Zoyd Wheeler and Cookie like this.
  20. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
    I saw an interesting article in my Apple news awhile back about how a high money making guy in finance with a brokerage left it and recruited a micro brewer to move to CT and experiment for years to come up with good tasting non-alcoholic beer as he saw a huge market for it. They started the Athletic Brewing Co and are number 1 now if I recall correctly. Like I don’t know 14-16 different brews and flavors with IPAs and dark beers. Most are only found on their site for order but some IPAs in stores. I have sampled some from store and on line and my favorite so far is a dark called All Out. It is even creamy a bit like close to a Guinness taste. I like a lot of beers but usually stock the fridge with Modelo. Now I mix these in and like that dark beer better as far as taste. They’re not cheap though.
    Cookie and trodgers like this.

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