AR’s grandma will like that. This one and the real time version not so much. Did anyone pick up on what happened preceding it? AR sure seemed not to agree. Kid is tough.
Vogel is learning that if he plays the players that are good now instead of the ones that were good a decade ago we might win some games. Nice strategy.
luka, lebron. maybe joe ingles. i'm sure i can come up with others, but you're asking a wing player to catch on the run, recognize the advantage of the secondary break, and then be able to whip a pass 40ft on the money through defenders. it's impressive.
Reaves isn’t particularly gifted athletically in the same way that Nash wasn’t. But he has awesome spatial awareness of himself, the opposition and his teammates around him. The greatest thing about him is how he has what feels like extra time to make the right decision, things just move slower for him. It’s a really unique trait for a rookie and something only a small percentage of NBA players ever develop.
exactly my point. you can't teach this stuff. i don't know if the scouts knew this or got lucky, but this dude is a savant. his size and athleticism issues will prevent superstardom/allstardom, but what a find.