NBA Season Part 2: Life In The Orlando Bubble

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by Barnstable, Mar 11, 2020.

  1. ThizGuy83

    ThizGuy83 - Rookie -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    werent they using that money for the smaller businesses that work for them? and also they paid the money back... so no harm no foul
    JohnnyComeLately2k6 and jbiggs like this.
  2. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Las Islas Filipinas
    more like 10, but it's still family owned
    JohnnyComeLately2k6 likes this.
  3. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Jordan was heavily pushed as the golden child of sports and responsible for Nike's push into sports apparel. People make it seem as if the players today aren't tough... Well, if you are making $30 million dollars per season, that is nearly $360,000 per game. Why would anyone risk fighting and getting into a situation where they lose millions of dollars over some trivial incident? Barkley always speaks about how his era was so tough. Yeah, because you had nothing to lose... Those players were being paid pennies on the dollar compared to the athletes today who risk endorsement deals, get destroyed by the media, and their pay gets decreased.

    Jordan is the GOAT in my eyes but the narrative that he is an untouchable mythical figure is quite indicative of just how far some people will go.

    1. Never won a single playoffs series without Pippen. I believe his record without Pippen is 1-10 in the playoffs.
    2. The case about LeBron had been that the East was weak. 85-86 season, Jordan's Bulls made it into the playoffs with a record of 30-52. How does that happen?
    3. In their six rings together, Pippen beat Jordan in total rebounds, assists, steals, blocks, and was a better defender. Yet, he is often ignored. The year in which MJ retired, Pippen was 3rd in MVP voting, 4th in DPOY, and a top five NBA player. Yet, again, often ignored. The blatant disrespect Pippen gets is just another reason why the media tries so hard to push MJ's image.
    4. Speaking of the Knicks... The year before Jordan retired, the Bulls needed six games to beat the Knicks. The year Jordan retired, the Bulls nearly beat the Knicks but a blown call from the refs caused the Knicks to get to the FT line and seal game 5... which ultimately became a 7 game series in which the Bulls should have won. The ref admitted to it being a bad call.
      So what is the narrative? The Knicks should have lost to the Jordan-less Bulls but at the same time, people are clamoring about how good those Knicks were. They were great but far from a historically great team. To add to this, the year Jordan retired, the Bulls only lost two more games than the season prior with a healthy Jordan. I can't fathom the Lakers losing Kobe or LeBron and then that team managing to win only TWO fewer games. What would the narrative be in sports media? "Do the Lakers need Kobe or LeBron?" "Lakers win 55 games. Should they build their roster without Kobe or LeBron?"
    5. Jordan never got through the prime Bad Boy Pistons, Bird's C Bags, or the REAL Showtime Lakers. They did beat some very good teams and personally, I felt the Supersonics were the best team they ever played against in their six titles but none were truly historically great. Most of these teams were filled with just one star. Reggie Miller, Ewing, Barkley, Clyde, etc., I loved watching Kemp play but he wasn't a superstar. No one would have put Kemp in their list of greatest PF's. Those Jazz teams were basically Stockton+Malone. Who else was capable of contributing? Hornacek? When we get to the Pacers... look, Reggie is underrated but the next best player on the Pacers was Rik Smits. Are we being serious now? Rik Smits wouldn't even be on any list of top 50 NBA centers and yet, that Pacers team took them to seven games in 98. The point is, Jordan never had to go through historically great teams. His team, during their title runs, was simply better.
    6. At one point in MJ's career, he had Scottie Pippen, Rodman, Phil Jackson, and Toni Kukoc. Scottie Pippen is widely recognized as the greatest perimeter defender in NBA history. Dennis Rodman is widely recognized as one of the greatest defenders of all time as well as being the greatest rebounder. Phil Jackson, IMO, is a top-three NBA coach in NBA history. Toni Kukoc was coming off the bench and dropping 18/7/5 on a PER 36 minute basis.
    I love MJ and have spent more money than I would have liked as a young adult on his shoes but the idea that LeBron or Kobe isn't on his level is ridiculous. These three are all on the same tier as far as I am concerned. I'd add KAJ in there as well. I was watching media outlets simply dismiss LeBron as if he wouldn't be able to dominate in the 80-90's. Are these people serious? You're telling me Chris Mullins could drop 26 PPG, Dominique could drop 30 PPG, Muggsy Bogues could average 10 points/10 assists when he's smaller than my little sister but LeBron wouldn't have been able to dominate in the 80-90's? Garbage takes like these are the reason why you see the media has clearly become insufferable when it comes to Jordan. They just love him because he basically created sports media and branding.
  4. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Don't forget Dennis Rodman STILL leading the league in rebounding and grabbing 5-6 offensive rebounds per game while still being an elite defender. It's almost as if LeBron/Kobe had Ben Wallace at his prime as well as Kawhi Leonard's perimeter defense as well. How easy would it have been for Bron or Kobe?
  5. D-Fish Man

    D-Fish Man - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 22, 2014
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    Here's what I think distinguishes Jordan from the rest (FWIW I think Magic is the GOAT): all the all-time greats are near perfect. Magic, Jordan, Kareem, Russell, Kobe, Bird... you couldn't really ask for much more. All of them were competitive, all of them were motivated, all of them wanted to win more than anything, and all of them were confident. But Jordan's belief in himself, his belief that he could and would win, and his ability to take that belief and will himself to victory through it, is unmatched. For as confident and competitive as Kobe was, he could, from time to time, let the moment overtake him. He got in his head. Not often, but it happened. Never with Jordan. He is #1 all-time on the belief and confidence list. It's what sets him apart from the also-rans, and it's why people who watched him in his hey-day just can't bring themselves to pick against him... unless you're like me and grew up in the early 80s watching Magic.
    TIME, BangBoomPow and sirronstuff like this.
  6. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I pick against MJ all the time because I was watching when he was being kicked around in the 80s lol and it took him 7 years to win with the refs allowing Pippen to manhandle Magic.
  7. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Long read, but certainly interesting.

  8. lakerjones

    lakerjones Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    La La land
    Boom! Shots fired!
    Isiah Thomas Says Michael Jordan Was 4th-Best Player He Ever Played Against

    Nathaniel S. Butler/Getty Images
    Michael Jordan couldn't hide his disdain for Isiah Thomas in the documentary, The Last Dance, and it doesn't appear Thomas is all that enamored with Jordan either.

    CBS Sports HQ's Bill Reiter asked Thomas to list the best players he lined up against during his time with the Detroit Pistons. Jordan was fourth behind Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Larry Bird and Magic Johnson.

    Bill Reiter


    Asked Isiah to rank the five best players he ever played against based on his own experience. His answer:

    1. Kareem
    2. Bird
    3. Magic
    4. Jordan [​IMG]
    5. Dr. J …

    CBS Sports NBA


    Isiah Thomas explains why he was surprised Michael Jordan called him 'a-hole' and how Pistons defined that era

    by @sportsreiter …



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    Thomas explained his list to Reiter:

    "When you put Jordan and his basketball team in the '80s, they weren't a very successful team. They just weren't. When you talk about Jordan and his team dominating, they dominated the '90s. But when you put him with those Lakers teams and those Pistons teams and those C Bags teams, they all beat him. They just did.

    "What separated Jordan from all of us was he was the first one to three-peat. But he didn't three-peat against Magic, Larry and Dr. J."

    Any ranking of the great players is always subjective, yet Thomas' hierarchy is bound to raise some eyebrows.

    The third and fourth episodes of The Last Dance laid out the rivalry between the Pistons and Chicago Bulls.
  9. TIME

    TIME Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Good post. Pippin was much bigger to MJ's 6 rings than he gets credit for. If Kobe had prime Pippin as a running mate...
  10. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    If you experienced the 80s NBA, Isiah is not being facetious. KAJ, Magic and Bird were beating the Pistons for years who in turn kick the Bulls a**** for years, what do you think Zeke will say LOL.
    BangBoomPow, TIME, Barnstable and 4 others like this.
  11. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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  12. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I think one thing to add to this point is the media also likely feels like they have a gun to their head when talking about him. Say something negative about MJ and he will hold it against you for the rest of your life. The man takes pettiness to an entirely different stratosphere. If you want any access to Jordan, or want to ever get a sound bite from him, you better come ready with your bar of soap to wash his balls. And the soap should probably have some sort of moisturizer.
  13. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
  14. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Lakers looking at reopening up their practice facility May 16th... good news moving towards the NBA coming back!!

  15. lakerjones

    lakerjones Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    La La land
    Great news!
  16. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    It's a lot like politics, IMO. Hollywood hates Trump so many Hollywood celebrities are afraid of being pro-Trump in ANY circumstance because of the backlash they will get. Do you know what makes all of this even more ridiculous? The people claiming Jordan could average 45-50 PPG don't realize how dumb their argument is. If it is easier to score today, then Dominique Wilkins (who averaged 26-30 PPG during his prime), would average 40-42 PPG... Does anyone believe this foolishness????????
    sirronstuff likes this.
  17. lakerjones

    lakerjones Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    The title is slightly misleading as if the teams don't want to, but what it means is that under the current stay at home restrictions only three teams can open this Friday. However, all are trying and many will be able to open as early as some time next week or shortly thereafter (as in the Lakers).

    NBA teams can reopen practice facilities Friday; at the moment, only three teams are on board

    Jeff ZillgittMark Medina

    NBA targeted Friday for teams to open their practice facilities to a limited number of players at a time, just a few teams – the Cleveland Cavaliers, Portland Trail Blazers and Denver Nuggets and maybe another team or two – plan to make their facility available on that day.

    The Houston Rockets had planned to open Friday, but Texas Gov. Greg Abbott pushed back the opening of gyms until May 18 so the Rockets will follow those guidelines.

    The Atlanta Hawks plan to open sometime next week, but several teams remain at least a week away, and in the case of the Golden State Warriors, weeks away, from bringing in players for individual workouts as the league deals with coronavirus-related fallout.

    The league suspended its season March 11 but would like to resume if conditions allow.

    In a memo delivered on Tuesday, the NBA informed teams they could reopen where stay-at-home orders have been eased. In a previous memo, the NBA provided a detailed and extensive 14-page to-do list to ensure safe and clean environments for players. Also, no more than four players at a time can use the practice facility for workouts.


    Chicago: The Bulls will not open Friday with the state under stay-at-home orders until May 30. The team is taking direction from local authorities and the NBA.

    Cleveland: The Cavaliers plan to open Friday as long as the NBA continues to approve that date.

    Dallas: In a statement, the Mavericks said they are "discussing all scenarios and have yet to make a decision on how we will move forward. As always, safety is our number one concern. We will not do anything in any one of our properties until we are certain we can keep everyone safe.”

    In an email to USA TODAY Sports, Mavericks owner Mark Cuban wrote, "If we can’t test anyone, I don't see how it happens."

    Houston: As Texas slowly re-opens, the Rockets had planned to open Friday. But with update restrictions on the opening of gyms from Gov. Greg Abbott's office, the Rockets won't open their facility until at least May 18.

    Indiana: The Pacers do not plan to open Friday.

    Los Angeles Clippers: Team is following local stay-at-home orders until May 15 but has petitioned authorities to have access when state moves to phase 2 of reopening.

    Los Angeles Lakers: With Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti extending stay-at-home orders through at least May 15, the Lakers plan to keep their facilities closed until at least those orders are lifted – unless they’re granted an exception from the city.

    Memphis: The city began a partial reopening of some of its restaurants, gyms and libraries on Monday. But that does not mean the Grizzlies would definitively open up their facility on Friday. The city plans to expand its reopening in two weeks.

    Miami: Even though Florida moves into its next phase of reopening, Miami-Dade County still has stay-at-home-orders, and the Heat will not open on Friday. It’s possible they open next week.
    Milwaukee: The Bucks do not plan to open Friday but are looking at a potential day next week.

    Minnesota: The Timberwolves are following local stay-at-home orders through May 15 and remain in contact with the NBA and local authorities.

    New Orleans: The Pelicans don’t plan to open any earlier than May 15, when the state’s state-at-home order ends.

    New York: The Knicks say they are abiding by NBA and state guidance and will not open Friday.

    Oklahoma City: Thunder general manager Sam Presti said, “I wouldn't say that we're committed to doing that,” when asked about opening on Friday.

    Orlando: As portions of Florida begin to re-open, the Magic will not open on Friday and are working on establishing a firm date. “The Orlando Magic’s foremost priority remains everyone’s health and well-being connected to the game and we will continue to follow the NBA’s guidelines while also continuing to listen to public health experts and observe local governmental directives,” the team said in a statement.

    Philadelphia: The Sixers will not open Friday and will revisit the situation in about a week. Besides their own practice facility, they could also use their G League facility in nearby Wilmington, Delaware.

    Phoenix: The Suns are planning to open their facility May 16 at the earliest.

    Portland: The Blazers plan to open their facility for workouts on Friday.

    Sacramento: The Kings will not open Friday.

    San Antonio: The Spurs do not plan to open Friday.

    Toronto: The city still is under stay-at-home orders, and the Raptors will not open Friday. They don’t have a firm timetable to reopen either.

    Utah: Executive vice president of basketball operations Dennis Lindsey told reporters he wasn’t “at liberty to give the exact date yet” but doesn’t expect it to be Friday.

    Washington: The Wizards won’t open Friday while the city remains under stay-at-home orders. "When permitted to begin, we will ensure that all the rules and restrictions set forth by the NBA are strictly followed for all workouts. The Wizards and Monumental Sports & Entertainment are committed to maintaining the health and safety of our fans, employees and players. We encourage everyone to stay home and be safe as we work together to stay connected and get through this difficult time."
  18. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    It seems to me that the league is heading towards resuming the season or else these teams wouldn't be anywhere near reopening their facilities. Seeing LeBron work out like Thanos on IG leads me to believe that he has received news that the season will be restarting soon. The UFC is holding a fight card this Saturday. With the PROPER protocols, this can be done safely. But this will require ALL teams to practice safe protocol.
  19. lakerjones

    lakerjones Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I agree BangBoomPow. I've been saying all along, I think there's too much at stake here for them NOT to try and conclude the season. This might be the rare sport that actually can be played without fans in the stadium. This is why it is important that Lebron backtracked on his original statement about him not ever playing without fans. There is no way he would be able to finish this season in that case. Instead, he said he would be fine with it.

    The thing that is unknown is still the timetable. We all have to see how that goes in terms of the virus. It's telling though that Gavin Newsome and Mayor Garcetti both have talked about phase 4 in California being the time that Sports can resume without crowds. Of course that might be too late for the NBA and we may see them going forward with something like the Vegas MGM plan where they can sequester the players, teams and their families in one specific area in order to safely conduct the playoffs.

    I still think the biggest thing for the NBA going forward is exactly what Mark Cuban mentioned: rapid result testing for the players. The sooner they can make that happen the sooner we will see it resume.
  20. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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