President Trump

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Philosophy -(FORUM CLOSED)-' started by TIME, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    I love how you link an article and then not even read the context. Anyone can read a Tweet or Instagram post and claim something. Here's what you refused or didn't mention:


    So if they file a separate application (one that is not tied to the current system), they can qualify for it.

    Secondly, the SNAP issue has already been discussed.

    Here is the full snippet:

    "limiting benefits available to able-bodied adults ages 18 to 49 – like Holteen – who do not have dependents. The change will not affect children and their parents, people over 50, people with disabilities or pregnant women."

    Let me sum it up for you so even someone who doesn't like to read can quickly deduce what is going on:

    1. If you have dependents, you will still qualify. Meaning, your parents, children, or other individuals who are dependent on you.
    2. If you are over age 50, you will still qualify.
    3. If you are disabled, you will still qualify.
    4. If you are a pregnant woman, you will still qualify.
    5. If you are not any of the above, then you are legally and able-bodied to work and should get off your couch and get a damn job in this rising economy in which wages are increasing and employers are increasing their pay to hire quality employees.
    Are you genuinely suggesting that people should qualify for SNAP if they don't want to work? And don't give me the mumbo-jumbo that they can't find work. SNAP wasn't intended to be a permanent and lifelong benefit. It was originally designed for those who legitimately fall on hard times. Relying on SNAP is why people continuously will vote Democrat. More freebies, why not? Funny how SNAP and many government programs are tied to not having a job. No job = more benefits. Meanwhile, those who are actually working are penalized. YIKES.
    Seriously, stop with your propaganda. And saying, "Oh, and Bloomberg sucks too" in such a snobby way when you haven't even done proper research on an article you linked is disgusting.
  2. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    You are spreading propaganda.

    It's been established Trump has told hundreds if not thousands of lies and I'm not going to waste my time linking evidence to prove a known liar.

    Many of the Dems are also liars... I have no argument with that.

    Stop posting and I will.
  3. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    I never mentioned anything about Democrats. Respond to what I just posted and debunk it or stop spreading falsified news. I didn't think your basketball posts could be worse than these politics ones but it unfortunately is.
    Lakeshow85, Lakerman JSJ and John3:16 like this.
  4. Lakerman JSJ

    Lakerman JSJ Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    Lakeshow85 and Wino like this.
  5. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Trump lies and we gave away too many assets. One comment is proven, the other will be known over the next few years.

    Now lying has spread to Major League Baseball.

    But sure, everything is hunky dory... as long as big business keeps showing growth that's all that matters.

    Honesty used to be a foundation of American values. Yes, I know there have been liars throughout history... but never has it been done so shamelessly by the so called pillars of our community.
  6. Lakerman JSJ

    Lakerman JSJ Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    I'm sorry, but I see one person replying with facts & data, and the other replying with useless platitudes and vague comments about "lies" & "American Values". I'll let you draw a conclusion about who's who.

    Either way, we're reasonable people around here. Not a bunch of sycophants. Present a factual counterpoint, and we'll read & consider it. For me personally, all the melodramatic blah-blahs devoid of facts & data doesn't move the needle.
  7. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Tell me honestly if any link I post about Trump will change your mind.

    If I show proof of lying, will you change?

    Of course not, so why waste my time?

    I post only for those who aren't so far gone that they make excuses for this man no matter what he says.
  8. revgen

    revgen - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    You honestly believe only Trump lies and none of the Dem candidates do?
  9. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    No, I think most of the Dems are also corrupt.
    Lakeshow85 and Helljumper like this.
  10. Lakerman JSJ

    Lakerman JSJ Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    That whole argument is flawed from the jump. Most people don’t support Trump because they think he’s the second coming of Christ who never tells a lie and is a perfect angel. They support him because they agree with most of his policies. Policies that have helped produce a kickass economy and has delivered a message to foreign enemies that we’re not going to be pushed around (to name a few off the top of my head).

    The dude is kind of a blowhard thin-skinned immature big mouth. But who cares? He’s not a king. He’s not a messiah. He’s a politician. And all politicians are to be viewed skeptically first and to assume they’ll be loose with truths if it suits them politically.

    And guess what? That literally applies to all of them. The few people out there with the kind of high character we’d all want ideally in a President don’t want the gig. Ironically, it’s pretty much all the power-hungry jerks who go for the job. It is what it is.
  11. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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  12. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Unless there is a better alternative to Trump, I don't care what your arguments are. Trump has done more for this country than Bernie has and Bernie has been in public office for over 40 years. Isn't it funny how that works? Why didn't Bernie run for president in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012...? Did the problems he state only occur during 2016? I don't really care if Trump lies. He's doing a great job producing results. What results is Bernie producing? Student debt forgiveness, free this, free that. Yeah, sure sounds like he's got a lot of ideas promising free stuff. Hey, I guess if you don't like earning your money and want to get free stuff, you can vote for Bernie. But people who enjoy earning their own and spending their own don't want that. It reminds me of the father who confronted Elizabeth Warren. He asked if he would be receiving a credit for all the student debt his daughter incurred while going to college. He worked two jobs and while his friend saved up to purchase a brand new car, he chose to save up to pay off his daughter's student loan. His reward for paying off his daughter's student loan after years of hard work and sacrifice? He now has to pay for the debt of someone else who was irresponsible! Who knew that a communications major student who chose to borrow $40k per year won't be able to find a steady career and now has to work retail or in the food industry? When people talk about college being expensive, it sure is... If you're not in the business, STEM, or other productive careers, don't go to college, please!

    When people talk about Making America Great Again, they aren't talking about the social issues. Obviously, America today is less racist than it has ever been. They are referring to the mentality of Americans today. These liberals are out of control with their rainbow hair parading around the streets throwing every accusation out there. Where is the American spirit where people worked hard to get what they want? Where people had the freedom to do what they want without being called a racist, xenophobe, misogynist? I live in NYC. You have no idea how many people here can't even talk about politics without fear of being fired! Try wearing a MAGA hat out in the streets of NYC. Unless you're 300 lbs of pure muscle, prepare to be harassed!
  13. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    You don't want to "waste" money on college and healthcare, I don't want to waste money on endless war which I believe makes the world less safe instead of more secure.

    The real threats to our welfare are the wealthy, the Russians, the Chinese. The Arabs are mostly poor souls who had the misfortune to be born over oil reserves. Are there dangerous people in the middle east... sure, but most have been radicalized by larger nations using the region as their source of energy and as a weapons testing ground and source of arms revenue. We believe they are the main threat because newspapers owned by the wealthy tell us they are... we believe they are a threat because cable news from both the Democrat and Republican sides tell us they are... and guess what? If you bomb poor people and kill their relatives and children they tend to become angry. They are pissed off pawns, and have a right to be upset.

    But they aren't the real problem any more than a class of kindergarten students are a menace to the high school football team.

    You admit you don't care what my arguments are, you don't care if Trump lies... but there is a price to be paid for giving up basic human values for profits.

    Maybe right now you are the beneficiary of such a cynical policy but one day maybe someone else becomes stronger than you.

    You can say well you will outspend them in weaponry... but if two people are locked in a bathroom together and one person has one hand grenade while the other person has fifty... does anyone really have an advantage there?

    This is the plight of the world right now... sure we have more nukes... but you can only blow up this world one time.

    Better to spend the money figuring out climate change, energy alternatives, and ways to feed the world more efficiently.
  14. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Let me kill your response.
    Do you truly think if America spent $0 for the military, there wouldn't be war? Seriously, take a long hard thought about that. Before America existed = war existed. War didn't start and won't end with America. Global conflict exists because of factors you can't even imagine. A large source of our military funding isn't designed to start a war... It's to PREVENT a war. Why do celebrities pay bodyguards six figures? It's not because they want those bodyguards to attack someone. It's because they need those bodyguards to prevent an attack. America's military is a PREVENTIVE measure - not an offensive one. Let me ask you a question: If it was about seizing natural resources and starting a war, why doesn't America just move North and seize Canada? We'd have it within our possession in under two weeks. The reason is because you're just making stuff up! America isn't looking for war but you best believe we will start one if you attack us!

    I never said we shouldn't spend money on healthcare and education. You are highly misinformed and illogical. My position is that the government is terrible at running these programs and so we shouldn't be tossing more money into programs that aren't working. I've already highlighted how we can fix healthcare and our educational system a few pages back. In terms of education, people need to understand that we are already spending more in education for K-12 students than almost every country out there. The problem isn't to spend more money on public education but to make sure that families are creating an environment where their children can learn. Andrew Yang spoke about this. It's not a money issue. For college education, I'm sorry but people need to drill it into their heads that you shouldn't be going to private colleges to study for a major that is of no use to society. In fact, you are better off becoming a plumber, electrician, etc., than those six figure debt you will incur studying for a useless degree.

    I can tell you're an Arab... You have to be! You always defend those Middle Eastern countries as if they aren't creating their own internal conflict. Saudi Arabia and Iraq both hate Iran... All those countries hate Israel! The problem with the Middle East IMO is religion! You have different subsets of Muslims who are completely incompatible with each other. You blame America for their problems... The most deaths in the Middle East are caused by Middle Eastern people. Imagine if they all banded together with their oil money to create a better life for their citizens. Instead, they chase each other around and forbid their women from having equal rights. America isn't without blame and the war on Iraq caused by Bush (who I'm sure everyone here disapproves) was based on a lie but that isn't Trump's fault. Blame Bush and Obama for how the Middle East has turned out... In fact, name me, in the past three years, what has Trump done to the Middle East that was so bad? He's only telling Iran to stop producing Nuclear weapons and he would lift their sanctions... All the issues in the Middle East the past two decades were caused by the Clintons, Obama, and Bush! I agree, bombing innocent individuals in that area was disgusting. Blame Obama and Bush! Those drone strikes in that area were ordered by them. But also blame those filthy animals in the Middle East who purposely used these civilians as a meat shield.

    Yes, I am willing to overlook what Trump lies about (many of his lies are trivial and doesn't affect a single individual). They are harmless. What I care more about is the results of his presidency. A president will always lie. That's something you seem to think is new. Obama lied, Bush lied, Clinton lied, and every other president has lied. They lie about their policy, what they will get done, and how they can get it done. I don't care as long as what helps this country is being achieved and so far, Trump is leading us to the right direction. Prove that he isn't, PLEASE! What do you hate so much about Trump other than his lies that are totally meaningless! Trump should have the legal authority to investigate the Bidens. The only reason these Democrats have a case is because Trump can't hold funds that were to be appropriated to other countries. It's a TRIVIAL reasoning and doesn't affect anyone! The question is, why did Joe Biden tell his son, "I hope you know what you are doing" when his son became a board member of Burisma? Why didn't Obama launch an investigation to figure out how the hell Hunter Biden was able to earn so much money? Why did Joe Biden say in front of everyone, "You better fire that person or you're not getting the money?" That sure sounds like corruption to me because imagine if Trump said that in front of an audience...

    As for military spending, we spend nearly 3% of our GDP on the military.

    Other countries have spent more. The problem is when you're the superpower of the world, you have to protect not only the interest of your country but others as well. Right now, these other countries are not spending nearly as much as they should because they know that the United States are their allies and will provide the most benefit to them. On the other hand, the U.S. spending all this money is to make sure that the world is stable. The moment we decrease military spending drastically, I can almost guarantee you that other countries will see that as a sign to boost their military. It's the same concept for your home. You set up cameras, door locks, etc., and spend hundreds of dollars on security to make sure you are safe. The same idea applies to our military in many aspects. We are paying to be safe. If we are attacked, I know the military will be there to protect us. If Germany was attacked, I have full faith America would step in and eliminate the enemy. It's easy for you to criticize the military when you're watching Lakers games safe-and-sound... Just realize WHY you are safe...
    Lakeshow85 and Wino like this.
  15. revgen

    revgen - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    The best way to prevent war is trade. Does a strong military help? Sure, but carrots often work as well if it's done correctly, and have an extra benefit of boosting the economy on both the supply and demand sides without contributing to the national debt. Unfortunately, corrupt Democrats and Republicans did it the wrong way with China until Trump came along.

    Also, when a country has the 2nd amendment, it dissuades the enemy from attacking. Historical WWII Japanese military documents described concerns with American civilian "cowboys" armed with weapons, which is part of the reason why the Japanese never launched a ground invasion against us. Even including our islands like Hawaii. Hence why they mostly attacked us with planes, ships, and missiles. The 2nd amendment also makes it easier to draft civilians and train them for combat, since they're already familiar with guns.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2020
  16. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    I could post here 20,000 times and I'd never come up with a theory as outrageous that I'm an Arabic Pelicans fan that for some reason decided to post on a board with 20 active members to troll them.

    1. I never said we should spend zero on the military. I said we should spend less. You can only blow up the world so many times.
    2. I can agree more emphasis should be placed on training people for more practical jobs, but there still needs to be some emphasis on the humanities and arts. Without them, we become something less than human.
    3. I've already explained my father was a Staff Sergeant in the USAF during the Korean War and that his family had their home and business taken away from them by our own government. This is why I have compassion against fascist government behavior because unlike most my family actually suffered directly from some of our racist policies.
    4. I think Biden is corrupt... investigate away as far as I'm concerned. Just don't whine if they later investigate Trump if the Dems take power.
    5. Military spending is always sold to the people as security. What are they going to say... hey, do you mind giving us money so we can line the pockets of the military industrial complex?
    I think helping people instead of endless bombing creates a more secure world.

    The best thing you said today is that you don't care if Trump lies as long as it benefits you. I disagree with that philosophy but at least it makes sense to me. Pure greed and selfishness has existed since the dawn of man.
  17. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    The 2nd amendment is obsolete. For it to be relevant in 2020... people would have to be allowed to own nuclear weapons and weaponized drones.
    People can feel like they have power to defend themselves against the government but they don't. Even automatic weapons are useless against the US military. As surveillance becomes tighter and more prevalent... the government will only continue to get stronger. With data mining and phone tracking they know where everyone is. When self driving cars take over, this will become even a greater problem in terms of privacy. I can visualize instead of arrest warrants, self driving cars simply overriding and taking people to the police station.

    I could see the point in keeping automatic and semi automatic weapons if the government didn't have superior weapons... but they do so the 2nd amendment is needlessly used to justify private ownership of weapons of mass killing, but they are powerless to ever create a revolution.
  18. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    Tim Tebow for President!
  19. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
    I told you he was born in the Philippines, do you want a foreign born American leader every other term?
  20. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas

    Hilarious, turned out he was as sleazy as can be
    Lakeshow85, Lakerman JSJ and revgen like this.

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