President Trump

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Philosophy -(FORUM CLOSED)-' started by TIME, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    You are intentionally dishonest, disgusting, and full of yourself. Wars existed before America became a country and it will exist after America is gone as well. To try and paint America as the big bad bully because they became the most successful country in the history is laughable. Did you forget that Genghis Khan killed over 40 million people before America existed? Middle East was in conflict long before America existed. Are you oblivious to that? Who said blacks or Latinos are the most dangerous people? They do commit the most crime per capita but all I've read from the media is that Trump is bad. Which news are you watching? The KKK Daily News? Seriously... It's also hilarious you are comparing deaths in a war vs innocent people being targeted by others.

    I never said race alone and that is why I've stated you are disgusting and intentionally dishonest. I said race, culture, religion, etc., NUMEROUS factors. You're trying to paint me as a racist. You have no idea what you are talking about. Racism wouldn't exist if only one race was in a country. Common logic says that more races leads to more racism in a country. That's undeniable. More religions = more conflict. If you can't follow that simple concept, you are intentionally dishonest.

    "She used Amazon, so what?"

    So she's contributing to a company that is corrupt... Nice! Amazon isn't a monopoly, buddy. It would do you well to understand what a monopoly is. Staples sells office supplies and price matches Amazon. So does Target and Walmart. I have 100 different stores I can purchase stuff that Amazon sells. But hey, nothing like a hypocrite these days, right? Destroying the environment, right? Do you think the product falls from the sky to her doorsteps? Amazon has to transport these items from their warehouses to her home via a carrier service. See, stuff like this is why I've stated you're not intellectually sound to debate about these things. It's very simple and minor details that you seemingly override that causes a faulty way of thinking from your end. And then you like to use your seemingly righteous way of pretending you are a humanitarian while the rest of us are all money scheming jerks because we aren't like Denmark or Norway. GTFO with that nonsense.
  2. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    You are being intellectually dishonest if you think you weren't throwing shade by pointing out the demographic breakdown in a discussion about healthcare.
  3. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Have you considered how many lives are saved due to American intervention? Of course you haven't. North Korea would have destroyed millions of South Koreans and vice-versa. You don't consider that ISIS was killing Middle Eastern individuals. Let me guess: America funded ISIS? You make it seem as if America is the one killing everyone around the world. What happened in WW2? USA wanted to stay neutral but Germany and Japan attacked us! USA must be at fault, surely, yeah? Isn't it plausible that other countries have corrupt militants who are ready to cause harm but due to America's vast military, they have thwarted many of these attacks? You don't consider any of that. You just think we can relocate all our military spending and no one would attack us, hooray! Newsflash: If we didn't spend on our military, you can bet dollars to donuts Russia and China would have more of a control in worldwide conflicts than America. The reason the world is far more stable now than that of the past is precisely because of our military. No one wants to mess with us, period. You seem to live in a fairy world where you think the world is peaceful at all times. It isn't. But I am 100% positive the world is a safer place with America leading the charge than if it were to be any other country. Ahhh, let's invest more money into the healthcare sector despite you just showing a statistic that it is corrupt. Man, do you follow your logic? Did you even read any of the research I've showed that stated that we already spend too much money on healthcare and the way to solve it is not by spending more? I feel like I am wasting my time. Come back to me when you want a legitimate discussion where you actually read what is being written instead of being an emotional liberal.
  4. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    America was the hero in World War II. MacArthur should have gone all the way to China, but since then it hasn't been a great track record.

    We've used the Middle East as our Spanish Civil War weapons testing ground, at times supporting Saddam Hussein against Iran and then later declaring him the devil... then creating a vacuum that devastated their country.

    My father served in the US Air Force in the Korean War even though his own government took his family's business and home during the second World War.

    Imagine losing a house and a thriving business when you didn't do jack sh*t!

    Imagine still enlisting in spite of that nonsense.

    Eisenhower himself warned about the military industrial complex. Eisenhower also taxed wealthy Americans up to 90%

    That was a time when people had way more conscience and common decency probably forged by the Depression and the war.

    I was impressed with your initial post even though I disagreed with it. But then it degenerated once you became upset.

    I get why you would be dismayed by any implication that you might be racist. I'm glad that made you indignant... at least you care.

    Unfortunately it's hard to divorce oneself from that discussion when one supports a racist administration. You can say it's purely a matter of principle but sadly our president has long proven his true colors with his well documented biased comments about the right kind of immigrants and sh*thole countries.

    Our country has a long difficult history with racism.

    I know as my family has been directly affected by it.

    Still love it though.
  5. revgen

    revgen - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    First of all, the "sh*thole country" remark is based on an anonymous source.

    Even if he did say it, it's not a racist remark. It's an ignorant idea. Trump wants immigrants who can do high-skilled jobs. And for good reason. 63% of immigrants (both illegal and legal) in this country are on some kind of social welfare. The "sh*thole country" idea assumes that rich well-educated populations like Norway would want to immigrate here. The opposite is true. Well-educated people from a rich country like Norway are less inclined to move here than well-educated people living in a poverty-ridden country like Haiti.
    John3:16 likes this.
  6. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    so how about that Trump guy?
  7. revgen

    revgen - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    I'm convinced that Trump is a true anti-globalist. I wasn't convinced that he was in 2016, so I wrote-in Rand Paul instead. Trump is not exactly libertarian or conservative, but he's the first major presidential candidate to support anti-globalism since Barry Goldwater in 1964. Despite his various faults, he's a step in the right direction.
    BadCoaching and John3:16 like this.
  8. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
  9. revgen

    revgen - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 6, 2014
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  10. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    KareemtheGreat33 likes this.
  11. Wino

    Wino - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 24, 2017
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    La Jolla
    I have always said, vote your pocketbook. Vote for the person who is going to directly help your economic situation and then accept that who ever wins won on a majority vote. Lose graciously, win graciously. Politicians should be honest with their approach and stick closely to their belief systems. There should be no deceptions ever, everyone should be who they are and run on it.

    Honestly, nowadays, I think the Republican party is MORE direct and honest with their positions. The Democrats are full of pandering and manipulation. While I will always consider voting for people who are not affiliated with either the Republicans or Democrats, I don't think I will ever be able to vote for a Democrat again in my life. I don't trust them.
  12. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    What has been going on at the highest levels is so beyond shameful it’s amazing
  13. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
    I wonder how Republicans still will with the media against them since forever. Like the NYT presidential endorsement, which should be called the NYT Democratic Party presidential endorsement, since they never endorsed a Republican for the last 50 years or so
  14. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    "Eisenhower taxed Americans 90%."

    I'm an accountant working for one of the largest firms in America. Trust me when I say this, stop using that statistic. You have no clue what you are talking about. No one wealthy paid that rate because the wealthy don't stay wealthy paying 91% of their income. You are completely oblivious to the situation. The tax code decides how much tax you pay - not the tax rate. I can earn $100k income and pay $0 in taxes if I wanted to through strategic tax planning.


    What do you see here? 91% is the highest rate? What I'm more interested in is how every tax bracket had to pay more.


    It's been nearly the same for over 6 decades. Clearly your tax rates aren't the reason why. It's just nonsense.

    And I don't need to hear about your accusations about someone being a racist because you don't agree with them. It's the same people who call you a Lakers-hater in disguise because you always find a way to trash the team. You calling me a racist just proves you lack the intellect to think beyond namecalling and resort to ad-hominem attacks. It's easy for you to debate me on an online platform where you wouldn't be personally humiliated in a face-to-face platform where I have given you facts and all you have given me is, "This should be free because it is free everywhere else." Great, go move to those countries. Apply for citizenship there. But you won't... and I know you won't because you know deep down, America is the greatest country out there. You're just starving for some criticism because you have no one else to blame. If you live your life thinking the government of America controls your destiny, you've already lost. Seriously, you have admitted to giving up and have already lost. Go live elsewhere and renounce your American citizenship. America hasn't been perfect but they damn sure have done a better job than any other country out there. If America is so bad, why are people fleeing to come to America? America receives the most applications for immigration than any other country by a wide margin. Why? Because people know they will be safe, have the best rights of any country, live in a stable economy, and live with the most diverse population in the world. But hey, America to you is bad, they invade every country on horseback, they kill and slaughter every individual that disagrees with them. Grow up. Life isn't fair. Wars happen for many reasons. Not a single country out there has been perfect.

    I also don't know why you continuously blame the U.S.A for the issues going on with Middle East. I'm sorry, did you truly think the Middle East only became a mess during the Iraq war? WRONG! Ever since the British and French colonized them, they've became a mess. If you want to blame someone, go blame the British and the French. They were the ones who invaded the Middle East and separated them into sectional countries. An even bigger impact is the religious differences in that area which is the most divided of all. If you're a Christian living in the Middle East, get out, NOW! Jewish? Get OUT! Heck, Muslim on Muslim Shia vs Sunni hatred is also an issue. Religions don't co-exist here so what you have are sections of people who just hate each other.

    The Iraq war was a mistake. I didn't support it. But it's not the reason we can't afford healthcare or these other policies you are claiming we should.
    JohnnyComeLately2k6 likes this.
  15. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Not every Nazi who supported Hitler was an anti semite... however, if you know someone is mobilizing or exploiting a racist base to win elections... if you know someone implements racist policies to gain political support... everyone involved owns some collective responsibility.

    The Dems did the same using identity politics to mobilize, black, latino, women voters... I'm not saying they are much better... but so far the Dems haven't started rounding up Mexican children... though the Obama administration deserves responsibility for continuing the path of Bush's post 9/11 policies.

    Using simplistic scapegoats has always been a tool of corrupt administrations... it's much easier to mobilize an electorate by race or gender then appealing to a more esoteric notion of a higher morality... but nonetheless humans with functioning consciences shouldn't just throw up our hands and say this is how the world runs so we should just accept it.

    I'm under no illusions that wealthy people never paid what they are supposed to. If people actually cared about fairness... we'd just have a flat tax that wouldn't require hiring a battery of accountants to find loopholes for the wealthy. But at least there was a 90% bracket... then I remember Reagan knocked it down from 70% to 50%. I love how people argue that those taxes never get paid anyway, yet the wealthy continue to find new ways of cutting them. I suppose it eases their conscience somehow to pay people to eliminate their taxes as opposed to circumventing them the old fashioned way.

    America was founded on the principle of equality for Americans and its typical of authoritarian regimes to tell people exercising their freedom of speech to go live somewhere else if they don't like the status quo.
  16. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Rounding up Mexican children? First off, it's not just Mexicans. Central and South Americans are all migrating towards the border in hopes of coming to America. You have people from an entire continent trying to enter America because our immigration laws are lax. You talk about rounding them up as if America has a procedure in capturing these children. They aren't.

    What happened was illegal immigrants who were caught started claiming that they were the parents of the children when they weren't. These children were being used as scapegoats to enter into America because our immigration laws were more lax if you had children accompanying you. Trump decided to SEPARATE children and adults because these sneaky criminals were not trying to circumvent the law(s). Newsflash: If you don't want your children separated, don't come! How easy is that? If you don't want to be arrested, don't commit the crime. EASY.

    Ahhh. So you're advocating for a flat tax rate? Funny.. That's what Republicans want! You know who else wants that? Rich people! What are you arguing about, then? Stop quoting tax rates, please. You don't understand them to continue bringing it up. It's willful ignorance at your end at this point. You're just barking at the wrong tree.

    Of course I am telling you to live elsewhere if you're that upset about America and continuously praising European countries. That's called common sense. If I hate eating at a restaurant, I leave and go elsewhere. You can do the same. You don't have to be in America. Go and live in Europe and prove to everyone how great it is. But you won't. It's understandable why. I never called you a Lakers-hater when everyone did. You should have the decency to not imply someone is a racist because you have no factual evidence on how to support your arguments made. All you've done was type your emotions. Facts don't care about your feelings and it seems you don't care about facts but more about ranting about why life is unfair.
  17. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    These "sneaky" criminals are mostly just poor people trying to make a living. Are there people who exploit the system? Sure, but the amount they steal is tiny compared to what we lost to corporate and estate tax cuts. Again... it's like complaining about a few ants or termites in one's house when there is an armed robber lurking about in the form of big money and congress.

    You are correct that I should have used more precise language in describing the demographic that is being held by ICE... but you knew exactly what I meant in terms of the majority group who is affected.

    If you want to talk about precision, why not state the percentage of people who "illegal immigrants who were caught started claiming that they were the parents of the children when they weren't" Talk about your blanket statements... I bet my blanket statement is way more accurate than your own.

    I have no problem with the laws being enforced... I have the problem when the issue is used as a political football.

    I'm sure wealthy people would be happy with flat sales tax rate. I doubt they'd be happy with a flat income tax rate where deductions and loopholes were rendered ineffective.

    Again you missed my point about the spirit of our country. We left England so we could express our contrarian opinions without fear of intimidation of censure... not treat the President like they are a king. Why should I leave my own country because a minority of wealthy citizens control the media?

    In the words of the man who you have in your signature

  18. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    President Trump with another beautiful victory. Democrats and Mitt Romney tried to ambush Trump with a weak case of removal of office. The fact that he was even impeached for such a paltry reason is quite indicative of how disgusting and petty these Democrats are. I actually would like to thank the Democrats because thanks to them, they just secured a second term of President Trump. Now Trump will be on every interview and rally stating that he was acquitted and that the Democrats are losers once again. The stock market has been rough the past week but if it weren't for that coronavirus, it would be up another 3-5%...
    sirronstuff likes this.
  19. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I'd love to see this all backfire and blow up in the Democrats face. Not that I'm even a huge Trump fan, but I'm an anti fan of the the type of politics the Democrats have been up to. How can you even support such openly shady people with a good conscience? Even if you agree with their political views, the methods are deplorable.

    see what I just did there :)
    JohnnyComeLately2k6 likes this.
  20. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Most true liberals hate the DNC. The fiasco in Iowa is only another example of what Hillary tried to do to Sanders last election.

    Wealthy people on both sides of the aisle are petrified about Bernie winning because he might actually try to change the status quo.

    If Biden, Buttigieg, Warren win the nomination it wouldn't be much different from a moderate republican winning. Warren would try to effect change on the surface but she's been taking corporate money like the rest of them so not much would change. Bernie's the only who would try, but he wouldn't get far without the support of Congress.

    The impeachment trial was a horrible tactic on the part of the Democrats. Anyone with half a brain could see that the Republicans would never vote to impeach, so all they did was inflame Trump's base and shot themselves in the foot. They should have just patiently waited until 2020 where there was a good chance they could have flipped some seats in the Senate.

    Still, as terrible as the Democrats are, they are less terrible than the Republicans and that's saying something.

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