2019/20 Players' Transactions: Breaking News , Trades, Free Agents, And Rumors

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by LaVarBallsDad, Jan 5, 2017.

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  1. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Some here don't like the cap plan and in retrospect it did bite us in the a**. But this summer was the class to do it with. Essentially it was Kawhi or bust and I think it's wild it even came to that but it does feel like that was the case. I thought more names would've been in the hat, but unfortunately they didn't want our cap.

    Now we have 2 year deals and even one year deals (player options in Rondo, McGee, Kcp, AvBrad, Cook 2nd year 1m partial guarantee and Boog) and it's no surprise that Giannis comes up in 2 years along with potentially a rich class of free agents when you consider player opt outs like Bron that summer.

    So again it looks to be a 2yr plan and who did we have to rush to get into bed with once Kawhi was off the board? 32y/o Danny Green... really? We had early bird on Kcp. Boog wasn't heavily wanted. Neither was McGee. Caruso and Cook werent linked to many teams either. AvBrad coulda been had with the Room Exception at any time...like Iggy, if/when he becomes available.

    I believe the rush for 2nd/3rd tier free agents wasn't necessary. That's just my opinion on the matter, cause I didn't see much of a market for the player pool that was still available (outside Dallas with Green).

    The thing about dumping salary is that there were many S&t deals this summer which means any receiving team is hard capped at the apron. Teams were forced to get off salary even if they coveted that player...so it wasn't just bad contracts that we could have been absorbed.

    And with guys like Whiteside, Dragic, Iggy and yes even Cp3, you can take back picks/assets in bringing in their salary. Those deals (sans Cp3) were all expiring deals anyways so you could flip that at the deadline or roll with it through the playoffs...either way, you gain assets.

    The way we went, our only real asset gained is Green and AvBrad even though he can bounce from his new team via player option. Like I said before, Caruso, Kcp, Rondo and McGee cannot be traded without their consent (ie no-trade clause via gained bird rights).
  2. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
    I give up. It's the same thing you say over and over. You addressed none of what I tried to and I think I did say a little differently perhaps than any of the other 300 rebuttals from various members to your private little shoulda done it my way. Even threw some "farting around" smack in there in reference to your waiting and hoping and seeing for a couple of weeks what MIGHT be happening. While we LOSE some of the players quite possibly our FO wanted here for this important season. What about the here and now and let's see how we go. The hypothetical complicated stuff. Over and over.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2019
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  3. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Toronto had Kawhi, Spicy P and Lowry that could play iso, PnR and create for others off the dribble.

    Let's not forget about wear and tear on Bron who came off the worst injury in his career and will be 35 y/o when the postseason starts.

    AD can handle the rock too cause he has guard skills, but ideally you want it coming from the wing/perimeter areas to open up the floor and it makes no sense having AD out there for lengthy durations in the game. Caruso who has yet to have that type of responsibility/role and Rondo (health permitting) are the only guys capable of playing big minutes and being playmakers for others during that time.

    We can go back and forth on this matter but proven playmaking talent is not available on this team outside Bron & Rondo and both those guys need to be fresh to death in May for us to get where we want to go.

    @LTLakerFan how have I not addressed your post?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but you believe we should create a roster for the here and now instead of setting up a team of assets to potentially move later for a guy that may not be there. And I get that.

    However I brought up that guys were available for the here and now and we could have had their contracts dumped on us due to the amount of S&Ts that occurred this summer.

    For example, GS was capped out and couldn't outright sign DLo. So KD did them a solid and agreed to a S&t. That created the dubs getting hardcapped where they had to send 2 picks out (one with Durant and one with Iggy) to bring DLo in at his max. We could have helped grease that trade through and brought in Iggy with picks since BK needed to salary match. Shabazz is a PG that Pelinka once repped. He was added for salary matching and we could have added him to our PG rotation. BK also traded DeMarre Carrol and that could have been a guy that we went to back up Bron with, shot 35% from 3 and was the Nets better defenders (and was a fraction of the price than Green 6m vs 15m).

    Point is that these potential names could have helped a team around Bron/AD no different than the team we have now. However, the key difference is we would have gained more draft capital as a result. As of right now, our assets are limited and mostly out of our control (no-trade clauses out the wazoo).
  4. wallangong

    wallangong - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I’ve literally read the same debate 1,000 times the last 2 months. Save yourself the carpel tunnel fam.

    SFGOLDRUSHER - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 25, 2014
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    Master Optimist.
    San Diego
    I asked in the A.D. thread last night if we can all move on after all of Lakers' offseason moves have been exhausted(opinions) and just move forward towards preseason...

    Apparently convo hopped over here lolz.
  6. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    So what y'all telling me is that I'm part of a group thats driven active discussion during the trademarking days of summer....and folks have read through it?

    SFGOLDRUSHER likes this.
  7. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Say what you will about Morey, but that dude knows how to finesse the cap...

    Nene will essentially be a 10m outgoing contract, but to a team that hadn't won 52 games, his likely incentive driven contract will then become unlikely to that new team...and his contract will then be seen as a cap hit of the minimum 2.6m instead.

    So hypothetically, Iggy has been linked to Htown but Memphis doesn't want to buyout Iggy. So instead, they trade him to the Rox in December (at the earliest). Iggy makes 17m and that means Htown needs to send at least 13.6m in contracts to make the money work. Nene's deal makes him 10m in outgoing salary and that means Morey would only need about 3.6m in additional salary to send out. McLemore and Bennett are partially guaranteed 2m & 1.6m contracts respectively and they can just guarantee their deals to that full amount, which I'm sure Bennett and McLemore will be fine with (btw the latter is a Klutch klient).

    So Htown gets Iggy for a potential base package of Nene/McLemore/Bennett. Iggy gets his money, McLemore and Bennett get theirs and Nene really has no say in the matter (ie he doesnt have a no-trade clause cause he hasn't played at least 4 years with Htown yet), but dude should be upset cause Memphis won 33 games last year and now Nene's 10m in likely incentives deal turns into a 2.6m unlikely incentives deal.

    So not only does Memphis shed a tremendous amount of salary with Iggy's 17m outbound, but now Nene/McLemore/Bennett account for about a 6m cap hit and they get roughly an 11m trade exception for their troubles. Maybe they can squeeze another protected pick out of Htown as well. Htown would also be paying a luxury tax by trading for Iggy's full 17m, so how bad would they really want him at that price?

    However in this scenario, Memphis turned their cap space into bringing back a dubs 1st round pick, an 11m trade exception and possibly a Htown 1st rounder for taking on Iggy's deal through December.

    Either way, Nene's contract is going to be tasty to losing teams this season looking to get off salary since they won't likely pay Nene if they don't win 52 games and Nene's 10m contract can bring in as much as 12.6m in salary by itself, but then turns into 2.6m in a caphit for the new team with a sizable trade exception depending on how much salary they shed in the deal.

    Also JJ is Detroit bound...

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2019
  8. nzahir

    nzahir Guest

    How is that deal possible? They were over cap, no?
    SFGOLDRUSHER likes this.
  9. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Had his bird rights.

    I don't know why he would agree to it, but he does not have a no-trade clause and depending on what team he's on, he can make up to 20m over 2years or can only make 2.6m this year, since his deal next year is non-guaranteed till after the trade deadline (2/15/21).

    Dude just became one of the most tradeable assets in this league.
    SFGOLDRUSHER likes this.
  10. Kenzo

    Kenzo - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Joe Smith cough, cough...
    SFGOLDRUSHER and abeer3 like this.
  11. KuzmoBall17

    KuzmoBall17 - Lakers Starter -

    Jul 18, 2017
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    Rumor: Joakim Noah working out for Clippers
    As part of an appearance on the Super Moscato Show in France, Joakim Noah’s father, Yannick, revealed that his son will be working out for the LA Clippers (h/t Clipperholics):

    “He’s going to train in Los Angeles with the Clippers,” Yannick said during his appearance on the Super Moscato Show.

    SFGOLDRUSHER likes this.
  12. nzahir

    nzahir Guest

    Ah ok, they should ship a 1st, him, and filler for Iggy.
    Unfortunately LAC and HOU got the salary and small assets to make the deal work
    SFGOLDRUSHER likes this.
  13. KuzmoBall17

    KuzmoBall17 - Lakers Starter -

    Jul 18, 2017
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    They waived Beasly to sign Joe.
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  14. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    cLips could be looking at something else in the interim before they look at Iggy as a potential trade target.

    Figures that the cLips would target one of the guys that was linked to us (ie Kawhi, George, Zu, Lou, Lue, etc). Not gonna lie, it would be a sneaky good pick up for them and that defense.

    Detroit is still at 15 with Woods as the other non-guaranteed contract. So it would be a fight between him and Joe to lock that last roster spot up. If Wood gets let go, I feel you gotta start looking at Daniels roster spot as a place to start cutting to bring in more crucial areas of need. I would easily give that spot to Woods to add to our center/frontline depth.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2019
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  15. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Knew Houston was doing something sneaky with nene.
    SFGOLDRUSHER likes this.
  16. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Honestly, this doesn't worry me. We worked out Noah. We have probably the worst history of any team in the league with Dwight Howard and we STILL signed him over Noah. Kobe hated Dwight more than anyone and his close friend (our GM) still thought the Dwight option was better than the Noah one. As much as I respected Noah when he was the DPOY in Chicago, the guy's body has let him down.
  17. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    All good points but Noah's body looks fine to me...

    (Forget purple, Dwight's probably feeling blue full of envy)

    And it's no secret, dudes catching bodies too..

    I still think it would be wise to add dude and drop Daniels. Beef up that frontline and protect our Bron/AD investment. Kuz seems to have gotten the memo...

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  18. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I mean, your body can look good on the outside, but be broken on the inside. I look good on the outside, but I have a f---ed up shoulder that healed terrible, a piece of metal in my foot and a broken finger that would require surgery to actually fix.

    I do agree that Daniels for another dude who can play the 4/5/ would be ideal. If we cut Daniels and signed Faried (is he still a free agent?), I'd feel a lit more comfortable going into this season. Actually, I'd rather we cut Rondo for Faried, but zero chance that happens.
  19. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    It could be Faried, Noah, Woods...s*** it could be even this guy...

    Just get this team some more frontline depth. Please.

    As for Rondo, I keep pressing it, but till Bron is given more options where we don't have to heavily rely on him to create/run our offense, Rondo and Caruso are musts for this team. Bring in a durable playmaker and Rondo becomes expendable AFTER Daniels and Dudz.

    Rumor has it Chicago is done with Dunn. He would be a decent get for us if that possiblity materializes a bit further. I mean he was Rondo's rookie his lone year in the Chi.
    SFGOLDRUSHER likes this.
  20. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    green had a standing offer from dallas at similar money.
    SFGOLDRUSHER likes this.
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