Magic Johnson Discussion

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by DOAKLEY8, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    You realize you’re still arguing this with no one at this point, right? Like one poster over the last couple pages said anything negative about Magic, and I haven’t really seen anyone say we wouldn’t be better off with someone with more experience above Rob. I’d have been thrilled to hire Griffin, anyone but Kurt. Hopefully it doesn’t cost us in the future, but as for now arguing here about it isn’t going to change the Lakers FO minds on this, even that little “protest” did nothing.
    Helljumper and SFGOLDRUSHER like this.
  2. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    You do realize you don't have to address it if it doesn't pertain to you. I didn't see you coming in addressing others when they were addressing me. So what's it to you?

    The individuals know who I'm addressing and if they don't like it, I hear that ignore feature is a nice lil feature.

    Btw the narrative is that Magic deaded the potential Kawhi signing. I'm making commentary on a recent narrative. Ask yourself why this thread was bumped in the first place.

    What's it to you if I show examples where the FO needs addressing? Isn't discussion part of a discussion board?
  3. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I honestly don't know why you're getting defensive about this. I just got here a few weeks ago and I don't know what happened here, but I'd say the majority of your posts are combative or borderline baiting Magic posts. Your other posts are the cool vash I remember from when I left, but when it comes to Magic you come with this chip on your shoulder attitude and try to argue stuff that nobody is even arguing. Then you conflate that with other opinions and you get upset. The obvious one being: Pelinka doing a good job isn't some sort of indictment on Magic.

    Weezy is right on this one. You have these passive aggressive points directed at me and a few others who support the summer that Pelinka has had and then you can't understand why people respond to you negatively?
    That's some passive aggressive stuff right there. Nobody is forcing you to talk about Pelinka this much, but you should definitely be able to see that nobody is arguing with you anymore. You're beating a dead horse and when the beating stops and everyone is ready to move on to a new horse, you come running back to beat up this one some more.
    Bhelly, Helljumper, tada and 8 others like this.
  4. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    The thread was bumped, if I recall correctly, because of that stupid ESPN crap regarding Magic. It wasn’t even shared to hate on Magic, it was posted to inform how ESPN or whoever was yet again using us for clicks. But sure, that means we should continue to argue about Rob for some reason and play victim and talk about agendas and being persecuted. :wasntme: Play contrarian, troll the trolls, devil’s advocate for the sake of spurring discussion, but yet don’t like it when disagreed with or even called out, ok then. Also, I’m not supposed to have anyone on this forum on “ignore”, and I wouldn’t anyway as I’m fine seeing all points of view, doesn’t mean I have to stand by and say nothing if I disagree and I find it hilarious that you of all people would give that advice. “Ask yourself why..”, honestly you are taking the tinfoilin’ thing kind of far at this point. Have fun with this though.

    tada, Kenzo, SFGOLDRUSHER and 3 others like this.
  5. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    So Real, you weren't here for most of last maybe that thing about beating a dead horse, lil ol me had nothing on the mob last year. Weez knows...he was here.

    As for this Magic vs Rob thing...y'all made that up and chose to put me in a particular camp. So when others stare Magic should keep his mouth shut and he ruined the Lakers, I don't see any of y'all telling those fine folk to cool their jets. What makes me such a special case?

    Was this thread bumped to address a particular narrative? I made comments diffusing those narratives and pointed out that there was possibly more to why our top choices keep dismissing us.

    How is that beating a dead horse when that narrative literally came out the previous day in the Athletic's cover story?

    As for folks taking my stance on. Y'all made me out to be Magic's boy when I have criticized Magic on certain matters I wasn't f'n with him on. Meanwhile, y'all think our FO is doing "excellent" I'm addressing that matter accordingly.

    Lastly Real, thanks for normally thinking I'm cool, but with all due respect, who is you to evaluate if/when I'm cool or not? Haha.
  6. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
    Ty Lue? Didn't want 3 years and didn't want Kidd. Got the big head thinking he was a championship coach cause of him. 0-18 without LeBron in the lineup. Didn't have the balls to bet on himself and will never sniff a head coaching gig again. Glad we have Vogel and thankfully we don't have Lue for 5 years.

    Who else .... Kawhi? Clipper snake? Well under the best of assumed chances for us if he truly was open to the Lakers the whole time this year after he said it last year .... then what Mag did just prior to ALL of free agency and opening his yap again after he gets a chance to have that all important interview with KL ... sure as **** hurt KL's perception of us (extremely likely) starting the night of the last game of the Lakers season.

    Maybe those reasons figured in?
    LakerSince1989 and SFGOLDRUSHER like this.
  7. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    @LTLakerFan Coaching isn't my forte. I mean I was a strong advocate for Luke and most coaching experts said he wasn't the right X&O's guy. Those same folks (LFR, Cranjis and bfc - when he still posted here) all said that Lue was a great x&os coach. So I feel I got to look at our coaching with a different lens.

    Lue was clearly our first choice via all the leaks during our coaching search. Also Vogel was rumored to be our lead assistant anyways with that configuration.

    And with Lue we coulda had a Doc clone anyways, which eliminates the coaching advantage the cLips had on us.

    In terms of a max slot for free agency...when Magic stepped down he gave us 3 months before free agency started to find a worthy candidate. If we struck out then at least I would applaud the effort...we didn't even conduct a PBO search.

    Then we have free agency in which the FO has stated we are going to go big game hunting. Fans were mad last season about it, yet there was few of us that preached patience and to judge the FO after the summer. If they couldn't deliver, the pitchforks should come out then.

    And, here we are.

    Still, I love that we got AD and you absolutely have to go for Kawhi if he's a realistic option. Yet, what I don't like us that we didn't use an asset (our cap space that took 2 years in the making) to gain back lost assets in the AD trade (some assets were lost rather unnecessaryily imo).

    Then we come to find out, we weren't even really in play for any other max guy besides Kawhi.

    Still through all that, I wouldn't mind that we struck out had we had a more palatable contigency for my liking.

    It doesn't matter if Magic was still here or not...I would have remained patient with how we approached this summer and when our plan As were not realized and we went with what we ended up going with, I would have cut into Magic as well, hoping Jeanie could restructure the FO to bring in more savvy execs.
  8. fabfourlakers

    fabfourlakers - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 19, 2014
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    Kawhi was never coming here...if he was, he would have signed the first day of free agency and not waited for the Clippers to make a move.

    Clippers were always his first choice and he helped them get PG by recruiting him (which he'll deny of course)...

    Did magic have anything to do with it? No, likely not. Lakers did their best but it didn't matter...end of the day, we still filled out the roster rather nicely and we're actually quite a deep team...only thing we're missing is a solid wing defender...can only hope some buyouts happen (Iggy, MKG, Crowder etc) and we pounce on them immediately
  9. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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  10. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I have no idea what your first sentence means here.

    I didn't choose to put you anywhere, you've proven it to me through your actions. The idea that you wouldn't know you've been defensive over Magic/attacking Pelinka on a very consistent basis is untenable. There's no way you honestly don't think you've been defensive about Magic and have been aggressive towards Pelinka (as well as passive aggressive towards myself). I've literally been defending Magic against the "It's his fault Kawhi didn't pick the Lakers" nonsense. I believe Weezy has too. It seems you're avoiding the truth in some of these arguments.

    This thread was bumped because Kawhi was trying to hint that it was Magic's fault he didn't sign here. Kawhi's people echoed those thoughts (Cris Carter almost immediately after the signing blamed Magic's "leaks"). I see nobody in this thread blaming Magic. You brought up "the FO" as people who are losing opportunities, so YOU are the only one who brought up some current FO (of course a thinly veiled shot at Pelinka) vs. Magic. YOU did that.

    The beating a dead horse is you a) throwing shade at the FO/Pelinka for the reachiest of reaches and b) acting like we're attacking you on a personal level which certainly isn't true (definitely never happened in my case).

    Folks aren't even taking your stances on anymore because talking to you has proven ineffective. Many have tried to reason with you, me included, but you have made up your mind and you continue to come back to the same points that have been refuted. Nobody here has "made you out to be Magic's boy", you've earned that. You bring up that you thought Magic wasn't a good fit and yet you defend his moves (or lack of moves) in order to take from Pelinka. That's what you do. It would be like me claiming not to be a Laker fan, but coming back to this site to post. My actions speak differently. You can try to address the Lakers doing an excellent job, but you're failing at it. You can keep pretending we don't have one of the best teams we've had in a decade in order to say Pelinka misused the "assets" of the end of the bench, but you're wrong. The Lakers left this summer with Anthony Davis, Boogie Cousins, Avery Bradley, and Danny Green along with forming great depth in most places. We're one of the best teams in the NBA with two Top 6 or 7 players. That's a fact. Keep talking about Mo Wagner, Jemerrio Jones, and Isaac Bonga though. And a 2nd rounder. Their absence is definitely... notable.

    I brought up that you used to be cool out of respect to a) the fact we've known each other for a decade now on this and CL and b) so you know I'm not attacking you personally. I like you. You bring energy to the site, you always have. But this weird obsession with attacking Pelinka and the FO while refusing to acknowledge that our roster is stacked with talent is... strange. And I'm frustrated trying to reason with you. It's hard to talk to someone who doesn't want to be talked to but continues to talk.
    tada, Bhelly, fabfourlakers and 3 others like this.
  11. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I was going to let your other post slide...but f*** it, round and round we go...

    Where it stops is where you start to open your eye.

    For a guy that claims to see it all, you sure have manna, uh mono vision. Why don't you go back and see why TIME bumped this thread in the first place.

    But nah, you rather "spin" it another way. And I don't have to "ask myself why". I already know. Sure seems like you're sour-on someone or something (could be that dirty laundry you like staring at).


    And you acting like I'm the one with an agenda. #CoolStoryBro or do you need to go post more Magic tweets to make it more "obvious."

    Our FO leadership needs help. Magic stepping down was actually a blessing to accomplish that. Go ahead and come at me on that matter. But try to leave that weak Magic fan boy innuendo out the discussion, unless that's all you have to stand on. In which case...#AgainCoolStoryBro

    @therealdeal I would like to respect your post, but till you go back and read up on what happened last year, I can't honor your opinion on the matter. And frankly it ain't worth your time.

    But all I know is not once have I labeled you a Rob fan boy, while you have used my affinity towards Magic to descredit valid concerns about Rob.

    Fact of the matter is we didn't get our first choices this summer. That means our FO can't close. When Magic was here, we were still doing goofy s*** with our cap/assets. He's gone now, so let's address the rest of our current configuration. Cause if it was all the way right, we would have had our first choices and a better contigency in place imho.

    I don't mind if you want to play off me being a Magic advocate. But if that is your major contention in descrediting my posts, you know you can do better than that.

    We either keep more of our assets by trading AD into our space or you go nuclear so that we have AD and a max guy. We went nuclear for tier 2 role players and we somehow forced our 35 y/o star to play with more ball in hand and forced our star PF to play a position that he doesn't want to gravitate towards since both Mcgee/Boogie have health and durability concerns. With 30m+ in cap space and no 1yr stop gap limitations in contract offerings, how can you sincerely say our roster is well balanced?

    Imo we could have done better in either rounding out the roster or gaining lost assets back via our cap. I guess we can agree to disagree on that matter.

    Btw, I'm still a cool guy....I'm just keeping it real, which is something I thought you would be cool with. What's your deal? Haha.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2019
  12. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I'm really digging the vibe in this thread. It's a super good look for our message board.
    tada, Bhelly, SFGOLDRUSHER and 8 others like this.
  13. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Okay cool. See? That's not too hard and it didn't take too much animosity or long posts.

    I'm sure you're going to find people who support this opinion very hard to come by considering the roster we built is among the best in the league (if not the best top to bottom), but if that's how you feel cool. You can't be upset though when fans call you out on that opinion just by looking at the roster and seeing a team full of good players on good contracts.

    As for keeping it real... isn't that what I'm doing right now? :D
  14. Kenzo

    Kenzo - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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  15. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
    Damn it Weezy I have LSS last song syndrome I'll be singing this all day:Laugh:

    SFGOLDRUSHER, sirronstuff and Weezy like this.
  16. LakerFanIam

    LakerFanIam - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 8, 2014
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  17. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    :Laugh: Could be worse, at least it’s a decent song.
  18. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    wow ur so old dude

    when is that from? The 1920's LMBO?
    SFGOLDRUSHER likes this.
  19. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
  20. fabfourlakers

    fabfourlakers - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 19, 2014
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    I actually see your points on where Rob screwed up or could have done better. We've seen other teams accept players on 1-year deals while gaining assets in the process where as we threw away assets (granted not as asset rich as other assets but nonetheless, they're assets) to not end up with a superstar (Kawhi) and then spent money on tier 2/3 guys without gaining those assets back that we threw away. I see that completely and that is something I will say Rob has to be better at, because if we don't win it all, we're going to be barren on assets moving forward and it's just going to be tougher to rebuild the roster in the future. Luckily, we do have great scouting, so we can find gems in the late first or second round, and even through G league you can get some rotation players if you develop them right (Caruso, JWill, Jemerrio Jones etc). So in that sense, Rob is creating more pressure on himself, our scouting and our whole front office to really hit on their picks and their sleepers because we've given a lot of assets away to go for the home run right now. I don't have a major issue with it like Vash does, but I do see why he's calling Rob out on it. He's not even saying that Magic is so amazing and Magic is awesome (He criticized Magic big time on letting Lopez walk), I think he's just saying that Rob isn't that much better than Magic and he's swinging right now for big moves but if things don't go right for us....we're gonna be very asset poor when we could have avoided it while making these big moves (easier said than done though).

    Overall though, I'm not going to sweat these details...I think Rob killed it this summer and I believe he'll get better as a GM. Just no more Heath Ledger stories please.

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