2019/20 Players' Transactions: Breaking News , Trades, Free Agents, And Rumors

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by LaVarBallsDad, Jan 5, 2017.

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  1. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
    The way things have been going? Glass with big hole in the bottom?
  2. PurPle n GoLd 1

    PurPle n GoLd 1 - Lakers 6th Man -

    Feb 18, 2015
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    the way iggys buy out have been going god damm cell auto correct
  3. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
    Ah OK. Sounded a little like doom & gloom was somehow creeping in for some reason. Yeah no control over that.
  4. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Boogie was first reported as a vet min signing (2.7m which I loved) rather than a 3.5m deal (which takes some of Rob's shine away). If Rob can't negotiate him out of 800k in a market that didn't want him, something's wrong with that picture. So Boogie wouldn't have been a likely loss.

    Green was linked to the Mavs, so that could have been a potential loss, but then you pivot and maybe look at Morris instead...maybe you take pluck away JaMychael Green and hurt the cLips depth instead.

    The Russ example I used is not even for us landing Russ...if it's instead Russ to Miami, you can grease that type of trade cause Miami is hardcapped and were forced to stretch Anderson to get complete the Butler deal. We come in and could have facilitated Riles and Presti as the 3rd team using our cap space to gain back future assets we lost in the AD trade. Those same assets can later be used at the trade deadline, cause as of right now we got no 2nd rounders till 2023, and have only Kuz and our 2020 1st (projected to be in the 20s) as our only immediate assets to grease a trade.

    Miami has a bunch of 2 year deals and has their 2020 and 2022 1st rounders, while the Thunder just came into a slew of picks themselves. They are going to want to come out of the more punitive luxury tax as a repeat offender, so maybe they use Russ to dump salary like Aquaman or Shroeder, who are both 2 yr deals.

    We f***ed up by rushing into a depleted free agency pool when there was no one really to bid against. Just dumb.
  5. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Again, we cannot assume anything about Boogie's value. That's a man's money and he took the money we provided to him. That small amount may have been the difference, you don't know it wasn't. Negotiating someone out of 800 thousand dollars, regardless of previous wealth, is no easy feat.

    So we just gloss over a loss of the 2nd best SG on the market? This was a tremendous pickup and Marcus Morris is nowhere near as valuable both in terms of what Marcus can do in general and for our team specifically.

    Again you keep using Miami as an example so what's your idea from them? Take on Gragic or f***ing Ryan Anderson? Ryan Anderson is a useless bag of nothing and would be a complete and utter waste of money. That's why nobody traded for him even when there was cap space available. Dragic would have been useful, but not nearly as useful as McGee, Boogie, Cook, and Green. This argument continues to not hold water.

    The Thunder are tanking now, why would they start throwing away picks to move bad contracts? They just moved Grant and got a 1st round pick for him. All they have to do now is dump Roberson or (more likely) Patrick Peterson somewhere. Are either those significant upgrades over what we have? Roberson might actually cost a pick as well. Peterson is the only guy that's a likely dump candidate and in that case, what does he do to make our team better now?

    You keep saying we f***ed up and that's simply not true. We're built to win the title for the next 2 years and then re-evaluate our options. We did a f***ing great job adding pieces to a team that supposedly had nothing left in Free Agency.
    tada, Cookie, alam1108 and 5 others like this.
  6. OX1947

    OX1947 - Lakers MVP -

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Isn't Harden a volume shooter who doesn't play defense?.......mic drop.
  7. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Real, you haven't been paying attention.

    Miami wants Russ and Russ wants Miami.

    Miami is hardcapped at 139m and can't go over it at any time this season.

    Miami did the initial Butler deal with the Mavs, but Cuban mucked it up.

    Miami needs a 3rd team with cap space and post-Kawhi decision it was only us and Dallas that had enough.

    2 yr deals seems to be our MO and both Miami and Okc have many options that they could have dumped into our space along with other assets.

    Miami has 2020 and 2022 1st round picks still while Okc has a truckload.

    OKC is in repeater tax hell and would use Russ to also dump the money they have on their books.

    We f***ed up in rushing into a depleted free agency pool when it was only ourselves and Dallas that we were bidding against.

    I don't know how many times you want me to keep saying the same thing haha.

    Agree to disagree, but Rob's finesse game is weak AF....and you'd think he'd be good with a knife by now.
    Chick the G.O.A.T. likes this.
  8. nzahir

    nzahir Guest

    We had like one day to use all our cap before trading for AD

    No time to wait for other moves
  9. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I've been paying attention to this offseason completely and I think we both know you just have an ax to grind here. You're characterizing our team incorrectly in order to take shots at Rob Pelinka just because you're a Magic fan and you feel like any propping of Pelinka is a shot at Magic. I missed all the Magic vs. Pelinka talk (thankfully), but what you're doing by characterizing our summer as a mistake is just feeding into a horrible narrative from the national media that the Lakers are a mess. The team right now is one of the deepest teams in the league and dangerous in all aspects besides maybe their backup wing position. And I get it, I'm not even a huge Pelinka fan, but what you're doing here is just not a good characterization of our team and our summer.

    I understand everything you just said and you are not responding to my counters. Miami is hardcapped, so what? What are you taking from them that's worth anything to a contending team? Dragic or Anderson. Dragic is valuable, but not as valuable as what we have. Anderson has no value.

    First of all, let's play this what-if game. Imagine the Lakers waiting after Kawhi signs and losing out on Danny Green to Dallas. Just imagine how stupid that would be. You would be s***ing on Rob for missing out on the 2nd best SG on the market. Then let's say we end up "greasing the wheels" for OKC (a team that just tangentially f***ed us two summers in a row). What does that mean in actual assets? Taking on Anderson? Roberson? Dragic? Let's say it's the absolute best case scenario and we get Roberson, Dragic, a 1st round pick. Our roster is now Dragic, Roberson, LeBron, Kuzma, Davis and only 7m more to finish the team off. So you're weakening our roster for the next two seasons... for a draft pick? Maybe two picks if you're lucky?

    So you'd rather us collect picks and worse players than compete the next two seasons with one of the deeper rosters in the league.
  10. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    This is also a great point. We were on a clock with 6 teams or so waiting for us to move. Asking them to keep pushing this thing around would be just another reason for Pelinka detractors to hate on Pelinka.
  11. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Sure, those are two facts about Harden. But at age 23, Harden averaged 25.9 points, 5.8 assists, and 4.9 rebounds. He also has never shot as poorly on threes as Kuzma did last season. He's also never shot as poorly from the line as Kuzma did.

    So, at the same age, he was scoring almost 140% as many points, rebounding at almost the same rate, handing out more than twice as many assists, shooting a much better eFG%, was already an All-Star, and had led one team to the playoffs as the main star. That's why, no matter what you think about Harden, Kuzma can't touch him. And literally no one believes they're close.
    shoe and abeer3 like this.
  12. Chick the G.O.A.T.

    Chick the G.O.A.T. - Rookie -

    Jun 30, 2019
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    capital gains
    In reality not lalaland

    You kilt him chuck lol

    Hardcan is a baller and I completely dislike his game and his antics but you cant deny what he is.

    Kuz is a solid role player, 3rd or 4th option at best right now. Kuz cant hold Hardcans jockstrap much as I hate to say it..
    trodgers likes this.
  13. karacha

    karacha Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Harden is arguably the best volume shooter who does not play D ever. Certainly the most successful in terms of stats.
    trodgers likes this.
  14. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    miami can't trade their 2020, 2022, or 2024 picks because they already traded 2021 and 2023 and have no 1sts coming to them ever. and so you're asking okc to move russell for almost no talent AND add picks to get it done? and you wanted schroeder or adams and a clippers pick (the team favored to win the title)? first, i'm not sure that's possible, second: ick.

    i'd say we swept the best remaining FAs pretty cleanly except for jamychal green. and you can't get EVERYONE. feels like you're just sticking to some emptied guns at this point.
    tada, Cookie, alam1108 and 3 others like this.
  15. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    We had about 30m in space anyways due to AD agreeing on waiving his trade kicker and dumping Moe/Bonga/JJ for no reason.

    So AD trade happens 1st and we still have cap. That near max slot was only vital in giving it entirely to a max player. There's no urgency in breaking it down for role players tho.

    And either way, there are way too many teams involved in the trade, so of course they would consent on delaying the deal. You already got high draft picks in Zion, Garland, Reddish sitting out of summer league. It wasn't really that big a deal.

    @therealdeal we need a Prez to check Rob and hold him accountable. For not being a Rob guy, I don't know why you continue to fight that narrative...which has been my narrative from the moment Magic quit (which I gave Magic s*** for btw).

    You guys love to just do broad strokes here. Jules was renounced...that was under Magic. It was a mistake to not at least entertain a S&t there...Rob was part of it, but sure it's all Magic's fault.

    So let's get to the AD trade then. The guy/Klutch legit gave us all the leverage. Look how much the cLips traded for George. That deal is also there for AD if dude is willing to resign with the cLips. But he didn't want to. AD was angling to the Lakers, yet we blew up the roster and traded away draft capital to have the deal still go through on July 6th. Fine, then let's wait on finding out if Kawhi commits and if he does, dump out remaining assets onto the Wiz. There was no timeline for that part of the deal.

    If Kawhi doesn't commit, those assets remain and we have roughly 28m in cap to spend on the Danny Greens of the world.

    As for Miami and Okc scenario's you goddamn right I would used Okc's punitive repeater tax and Miami's hardcap to extract as many assets as possible.

    Then use those same assets to go get a real difference maker either ASAP or at the deadline. Green's deal brings back a max 19m salary ie non star...while Dragic or Adams brings back 25-32m in salary ie a disgruntled star.
  16. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Steipen rule applies to trading away consecutive picks in the same trade. Any potential Russ trade wouldn't apply here.

    Y'all feel free to keep saying we would have missed out on free agents... meanwhile Dallas is sitting on about 13m and still no immediate takers.
  17. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    yeah, i really don't get it. so many premises i won't grant for the argument to make sense.

    let's see how the westbrook deal gets done in terms of third teams and compensation...

    of course: imagine waiting that out and having them cut you out.
  18. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    keep fighting the good fight, though...

    tada, Cookie, alam1108 and 1 other person like this.
  19. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Exactly. If we'd waited for that while sitting on 30m dollars all so we could... absorb who? There's not that many dump candidates out there that would greatly impact our ability to compete this season. There's zero percent chance we make that move and instead we made the right pivot to get guys on team friendly deals where we can reset in two years if we want to or keep running it if it's going well.
  20. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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