President Trump

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Philosophy -(FORUM CLOSED)-' started by TIME, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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  2. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    what makes you think i'm not qualified to speak on american politics? just because i don't live in america it means i'm not up to date on US politics? newflash pal, here in canada a lot of us are very much up to date with the sad state of american politics as well as the state of politics in other nations. can't say the same for you guys though because 'murica first right? not to mention that i have lots of family in the LA area and have visited countless times during my life, but please keep telling me about how i'm not knowledgable.

    see your post here is a prime example of why it is impossible to engage in any civil discourse with a trump supporter. right away you start attacking "the left" and ranting about fake news. you say he's not crazy but his tweets and words sure seem to indicate otherwise and are not the actions of a sane person. in regards to the accusations of rape, i never said they were for sure true. but any accusation like that should be taken seriously regardless, especially when they are being made against a person who has had countless other women come forward accusing him of the same thing (and has made comments about how he can grab any woman he wants.) has nothing to do with the evil librulz like you people think. its a serious accusation and must be investigated.

    lol @ you and john316 ranting about how america is the greatest when i haven't even said anything to provoke that response. calm your "patriotism" guys. don't be sorry, i live in a great nation myself and i have family in another great nation (america) so best of both worlds for me. i also never said anything about bombing counties. i brought up the fact that the US has been screwing iran over for almost 70 years now and still has the gall to regard iran as this dangerous enemy when they are the ones with blood on their hands in this conflict. if you don't see that then i would love to provide you with a history lesson on the subject, it could definitely serve as an eye-opener for you.

    we'll see what happens in 2020 but i will say that the people who voted trump in '16 just because they hated hillary are not going to be around in 2020. he ran against the most hated candidate ever and still lost the popular vote by 3 mil. is trump's base enough to get him re-elected? i'm having a hard time believing that. and you again mention "the left." sorry but the left are the ones making and pushing for progressive reform in america, why would anyone hate that?
    Lakeshow85 likes this.
  3. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    ^^ Yes, America First! Absolutely. Go watch the Olympics or World Cup and count the fans waving flags of their country. NOTHING wrong with having pride in your country or putting your interests first. Trying to help the homeless in North Korea when we have homeless in America makes zero sense to me. I'll take care of my household, then help my neighbors, then someone in another city, then another state, then another country. In that order.

    Iran isn't innocent. Khobar Towers for example, but we'll just agree to disagree.

    Why do I hate the Left and their progressive reform? There is more to the Left than that. They want Sanctuary cities, but fought Trump when he said he'd send illegals there. Tells you all you need to know about how much they really care. The faces of the Left are a Republicans dream come true. Biden had a real shot, but then he claimed he would cure cancer if elected. Can't make this stuff up. Pocahontas and the rest of the field are just offering more and more free stuff. If you're voting for free stuff (which much of the Left is), the country will be weaker when (IF) they pay up.

    As for Trump, you can hate him all day. Don't care in the least. If you were an American, affected by him, I might care a little. But I will say this: Economy is booming. Unemployment is in the 3s. Lowest unemployment for blacks and hispanics EVER. DOW and NASDAQ and off the charts. Consumer Confidence is high. GDP is in the 4s (Obama said the days of it being in the 3s were over. He was right. Just his 8 years). Trump negotiated the new NAFTA and got America's profit from 57 to 65%. Oh Canada didn't negotiate and got destroyed when they had to come crawling to the agreement Trump and Mexico made. Good job Canada!!! Trumps tax reform has strengthened the middle class. Notice the media ignores all of these things!!!! They are what matter to me. 2 more years until 4 more years.
  4. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Ahhh. Go tell your fellow Canadians how much they "love" Justin Trudeau and his amazing progressive policies. Newsflash: Canadians are getting sick of it there as well. You're not qualified because people living in America are actually doing quite well under Trump's presidency. All you've been doing is following what the liberal news media has been pushing - negative press. It's a fact that the economy today is much stronger than when Trump first became the president. On a financial perspective, yes, people are doing better than they have and that is why you are seeing consumer spending increase at levels we have never seen before. Oh, you're so knowledgeable. All you've done is talk about how Trump tweets and why all rape allegations should be taken seriously despite numerous rape allegations against Trump has been clearly an attack or agenda-driven motive. Do you not realize that people have a lot to gain by saying he raped them or were you born yesterday?

    I actually never insulted you in any way so how am I in any shape or form denying you from having a civil discourse? Please don't get insulted emotionally and try to pin that down on me. You're too sensitive, get over yourself.

    In regards to U.S. screwing Iran, Iran has been threatening Israel and using their nuclear weapon research as leverage for us to continue appeasing them. Trump doesn't want nuclear weapons in that region and that is why he is taking such a hard stance. But it's funny you say that U.S. has been screwing Iran for almost 70 years but then want to pin it down on Trump and his cabinet members. Why are you so focused on Trump and ignore the blatant disregard for the law when it came to past presidents such as Obama or Bill Clinton? Heck, go blame George Bush Jr. as well. Sorry, we are Canada's big brother and have to get s*** done so you guys can continue reaping off our military protection. If we wanted, we could have Canada seized within a month and there is nothing your country can do about it. Be more thankful America is there to protect YOU and your country.

    Lastly, I don't really care what your message is because it's false. Majority of what you said is all about how you feel rather than the results. As mentioned before, why do you not bring up the strong economy, strong labor force, strong diversity, strong housing market, strong stock market, strong military, strong consumer spending, and much more? Why do you insist on bringing up nonsense like rape allegations supported by no evidence? You're focused on that while I'm focused on results. The fact is, you can't dispute America is the greatest country in the entirety of civilization because it's true. Every country has problems. No one likes Trudeau and the only reason he even has any support is because his father did a decent job as prime minister. But one thing is for sure: Americans love America because no other country provides what we can. So keep on pushing your negative rhetoric.
    John3:16 likes this.
  5. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    I've always felt Joe Biden had zero shot. One quick glimpse of him carressing children and grabbing onto their body was enough for me to say that this man has some serious issues. Trump will pounce onto Joe Biden. Plus, the economy is stronger now than when Obama was president so I'm not really sure how Joe Biden will be able to seize those votes that went to Trump precisely due to people not liking Obama's presidency.

    You're 100% correct on what the left is doing. They're basically all changing their stances to whichever provides the most "free" benefits to the voters. It's funny because it was only Bernie running on this platform a few years ago and now it seems as if Bernie is late to the show. Soon, they are going to be bidding against one another to see who provides the most free stuff like it's an auction. In NYC, they just allowed illegal immigrants the ability to have drivers license. Why illegals are allowed to be able to drive cars is in-itself a crime. People could die and these individuals could flee the scene without ever being identified. Now, we're rewarding them with a drivers license like it's a good thing they are in this country illegally. The only candidate I can tolerate and respect running as a Democrat is Andrew Yang. The rest are just lying to the American people. Take student debt for instance. Someone will have to pay this off. Benefits going to other programs are now going to be going towards student debt. What about people who paid off their student debt by working hard, taking no vacations, and saving every dollar they could from not eating out? Or are we going to reward people who decided to spend $12 for a martini while knowing they have a $100k debt for their liberal arts degree?
    John3:16 likes this.
  6. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    unfortunately, america first to trump and his supports means **** your allies. just hope that they remember your elections are every 4 years

    so you don't care that there are many americans who have been affected by him? that basically says it all. and lol @ trump "negotiated the new NAFTA." it's the same NAFTA under a different name

    ah i see you're one of those hardcore kool-aid drinking cult-45ers who is willing to die with trump

    no, not all people in america are doing well because of trump. many are suffering because of him actually but then again, when you get all your information from state new....i mean fox news you'll probably believe that everyone is living their best lives because of him. and sorry pal but you're the sensitive one here, getting all pissy because i insulted your cult leader

    lol @ "trump doesn't want nuclear weapons in that region." why is the west able to harbor these weapons but those countries can't? don't they have a right to defend themselves from the nations that are the most likely to actually use them? i see you didn't actually read my post, not surprised really. i'm not blaming 70 years of awful foreign policy towards iran on trump but nice try. i said that after all these years it is mindblowing to see the US still label iran as this dangerous enemy. they don't want war but people like bolton and pompeo are trying so hard to start one. funny you mention blatant disgregard for the law and trump in the same sentence. he's basically said he'll do as he pleases (and has pretty much followed through with it) and challenges people to try and stop him. wouldn't make me feel very safe

    If we wanted, we could have Canada seized within a month and there is nothing your country can do about it. Be more thankful America is there to protect YOU and your country.

    - you call this civil discourse? lol. but hey, ignore the fact that canada is arguably your most important ally

    and i don't bring up the economy or unemployment because it was already going at its current pace under obama. trump simply didn't inherit a complete mess like his predecessor did. its simply kept up its positive pace under trump. you speak of trump like he is so popular in america and so loved. i guess you're forgetting his god awful approval ratings. or is that just fake news?
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2019
    Bhelly likes this.
  7. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    You said NAFTA is the same thing with a different name. I said we are getting 65% vs previous 57%. If that is the same to you, I say thanks for playing. And Trudeau for not playing. HAHA. How many billions do you think that is. But hey, just a new name. Nothing else
  8. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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  9. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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  10. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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  11. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    revgen likes this.
  12. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    lols pretty hilarious thread

    golden reply
  13. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    This dude really said NAFTA is the same as USMCA but renamed... No point. Dude is ignorant.
  14. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    show me hows its any different aside from some minor tweaks (and tariffs)

    not to mention it still hasn't passed in the US
  15. ReggieHurley

    ReggieHurley - Rookie -

    Jul 2, 2019
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    whattup guys i came here for kawhi but gotta say +1 to team trump.
    Lakeshow85 and JD like this.
  16. Bhelly

    Bhelly - Rookie -

    Jun 18, 2019
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    I was hoping to see a response to this.

    You have family in LA, so hopefully you know what you read in this thread isn’t representative of all Americans. It’s sad that it’s so hard to have a civil discussion these days.
  17. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    yeah and (predictably) the guy never responded

    oh trust me i know most people in america hate trump (much like most people around the world.) only ones who still support him at this point are the ones willing to drink the kool-aid
    Somalipirate likes this.
  18. Somalipirate

    Somalipirate - Rookie -

    Jul 2, 2019
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    hijacking cargo ships in the Indian Ocean
    There are some MDs on Twitter who make a fairly compelling case that Trump has all the clinical signs of early stage dementia. Watching how he slurred words at the July 4th it’s all about me event today, I tend to agree. But Trump supporters will never accept that like his father and grandfather, plaque is building in Trump’s frontal lobe.
  19. ProzacViagra

    ProzacViagra - Rookie -

    Jan 29, 2019
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    So he joins the ranks of Pelosi, McConnell, Feinstein, Grassley, Waters. Waters, Feinstein and Pelosi all seem to be showing signs of octogenarian dimished capacity. At least the Presidency has term limits, these other clowns will die in their chairs.
    revgen and John3:16 like this.
  20. JD

    JD - Rookie -

    Jul 3, 2019
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    In a van... down by the river.
    Making an awful lot of assumptions.

    And I'm not here to discuss. I don't think politics has any business on forums, unless setup specifically for that.

    P.S. Twitter is a joke. The vast majority of people, do not have a Twitter account.

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