Magic Johnson Discussion

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by DOAKLEY8, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. bfc1125roy

    bfc1125roy - Rookie -

    Jun 21, 2017
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    It was never playoffs it was always cap space. Otherwise we wouldn't have signed 1 year deals in the summer? Makes sense? If you think it was always the playoffs, why is every other contract we signed other than LeBron a 1 year deal?
  2. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Who is you and what's your point? So when I'm minding my business being the pro-Laker "optimist" on a goddamn Lakers site and folks start making condescending comments about my positive takes...and I respond, and now it's a problem.

    Some y'all can dish but can't receive...and that's not arrogant?

    I don't think we've ever had a prolonged back and forth. So if you got something to say. I'd like to hear it.

    I have fun with other members. They come at me...I come at them. You gotta problem with it and don't want to address it. Skim through that Mfer.

    If you want to address it then come @ me strong. I encourage it.

    If you think I'm attacking you...then yep my posts is for you. Step up. Otherwise LakersBawl is tongue in cheek. Get a sense of humor.

    Now on to the s*** defense of the FO. You have a problem with it...what's your grievance?

    I haven't provided a strong point? Seriously, I can't remember anything you've ever said here about the FO. Whoops my arrogance showing again...but I'm being sincere. Your beef with the FO is what I exactly? Refresh my memory.

    Either way, I'm not speculating when I've provided free agents that coulda been had and with our stop gap approach till the his coming summer, were a limited supply.

    I've provided cap details for the plethora of options our FO has created, which wasn't the case with MozDeng.

    I've provided advanced stats, sourced material, quotes, etc to back nearly all my points.

    Here's the spin...Why don't yall Bawlers provide solutions instead of crying all the goddamn time. How bout that?

    There's been a few members that haven't been lazy with it...

    EtG's been critical but imho he backs it up with substance. Abeer and Doc have provided solutions/options. Khmrp before he became cLipper Darrell had some decent trade proposals. Weez has provided clear introspection even though I give him grief about his podcast guy haha. Savs has had great solutions and is the possible Messiah to Dame one day...bealieve that. Sorry if I've missed some others.

    But crying after a game.. I get. They played like s***....let them have it!

    Crying and attacking our strategy without providing a solution ... I don't get. Hey, but maybe that's your schtick.

    Crying and attacking our strategy while applauding the same look by another team... Now I'm out to get you!

    What some of y'all doing is no better than what another team's haters do.

    We don't all have to like Bron, Magic, Luke, etc. But as a Laker fan, you expect a window of observation. Patience for it to harvest and tactful criticism till it's realized.

    I've attacked Mitch/Jim and that whole magic wand b*******....but after years of ineptitude. yearSSS

    But that isn't happening here. It's really weird. Almost like some of yall want this to fail. Odd..but do you.

    Maybe you guys want new management overall...but applauding the cLips and other teams for doing the same thing we're doing and have successfully done is a low that no proud Laker fan should cross imho. I'm calling that s*** out.

    Then some of y'all will go at a LakerLifer like Magic with next to zero substance in your critique and now I'm questioning the sincerity of your Laker fandom.

    Its.Been.1.Full.Year with Rob & Magic. It's arrogant of you guys to think their jobs are already on the line.

    And wallangong seriously come at me stronger...otherwise stay out the way and I'll have my fun with guys that will put up a worthy discussion. If you want to, I'm game... otherwise don't lecture me about the quality of the site when it's been turned into doom diarrhea for opposing fan bases cookie threads.

    Btw: Anybody got a problem, PM me. I promise I'm a nice guy. Arrogant AF...but nice and I'll try to accommodate.
  3. ZenMaster

    ZenMaster - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Don't bother.
    Juronimo and Khmrp like this.
  4. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Hey it's the Puke guy. You've provided no solution for your b****'n about coach. But looks like you'll get your day in the sun this summer.



    Okay, like Rob/Mag, your times up. Back in the bushes you go.
  5. Khmrp

    Khmrp - Lakers Legend -

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Playoffs than cap.flexibility or are we not holding magic comment as truth bout making playoffs? Just cause magic signed a bunch of 1yr deal dont mean he wasnt expecting playoffs
    alam1108 likes this.
  6. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory

    We going in as 8 seed, and taking GS to 7 book it Danno
    Khmrp, Cookie and ElginTheGreat like this.
  7. bfc1125roy

    bfc1125roy - Rookie -

    Jun 21, 2017
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    I didn't say he wasn't expecting it, just that it wasn't as big a priority compared to his max FA plans. You can read a quote from him from this past summer about it here:

  8. Chillbongo

    Chillbongo - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    Magic gambled but did what was best for him. Getting LeBron in LA is a win for the Lakers, the Buss fam, AEG, Spectrum and everyone else with $kin in the game. Magic has bosses too. He's got people to please.

    Magic went for LeBron and thought he was going to get a Kawahi or PG etc. and didn't. You do that 10/10 times. Well by the time the chips fell, he had to scramble - Brook was gone, Randle was gone, 2nd tier free agents were gone. Magic didn't want to tie up cap space to leave leeway for trades and 2019 FAs. Could he have signed some shooters, probably. But I think he was all-in on trading for someone this season, or leaving cap space for July. We'll see what happens this summer.

    Either way from his perspective he's doing things right for the business. LeBron is making the Lakers a lot of money, and vice-versa. You think LeBron came here for ball? That's the cherry on top.
  9. DjBelvedere

    DjBelvedere - Rookie -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Come early July I will judge Magic. Until then he has the benefit of the doubt from my side.
    sirronstuff likes this.
  10. Toneloc

    Toneloc - Rookie -

    Jun 1, 2017
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    spot on... there is certainly a lot of tension within the organization and community at the moment, but all we can do is sit back and enjoy (wince) the ride... look for a "restructure" if we don't deliver this summer...
  11. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    If we can’t sign who we need, then the coach needs to adjust his schemes to da players on his squad. Something hasta give
  12. Khmrp

    Khmrp - Lakers Legend -

    Jun 10, 2016
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    if you gona tell me Magic is "content/satisfied" with whats going on because he simply wanted to cont. to carry that cap space for this off-season than this was waste of a season for everyone, including us as fans.
    alam1108 and sirronstuff like this.
  13. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    But he sold lotsa ticketz
    ZenMaster and Khmrp like this.
  14. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Magic probably expected us to be between 4th and 6th in the West. Guess what? We were before the Lebron injury. Lebron goes down and then Magic breaks the cardinal rule of managing a team: he allowed an agent and player try and run things. You created dysfunction in a locker room that was already probably on edge due to all the one year deals taking up spots. You then have the player who was running the team calling guys out. Yeah. That's gonna help gain their trust back, especially when you are insinuating that the guys who were part of the trade rumors need to grow up and deal with it......which happen to be the ONLY guys on the team that are actually playing well. (Ingram/Kuz).

    Magic had a plan. The plan was a decent one. Get Lebron. Let him grow with the kids. Add another free agent to that core in 2019. Then compete. Magic's biggest mistake was getting in deep with Rich Paul and having the AD situation blow up like it did. Magic abandoned the plan after 3 months and an injury.
  15. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    .... then he went full r***** and gift-wrapped our best big man in Zubac to a team we're trying to catch to make the playoffs. West tore him a new butthole with that one.
  16. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
    "Somewhere ...... out there" .... cue that Song .....

    GlickenGoshDebateTactics is laughing his *** off.
    alam1108 likes this.
  17. Khmrp

    Khmrp - Lakers Legend -

    Jun 10, 2016
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    and now Maginka is looking to add a Center lol....this s*** is so comical
    tada, Cookie and sirronstuff like this.
  18. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    well, technically, mitch and jim created max slots while we still had kobe. we just struck out a couple times and then they mozdeng panicked. that rightfully cost them their jobs.

    but my argument has always been that the opportunities they created were like buying lotto tickets. that's not a real plan. so when magic and rob rolled up with the same plan, i wasn't happy. we got lebron, so i tried to ignore the rest of the offseason (and all the moves prior). but with the landscape looking as it does today, my initial misgivings look prescient.

    we got the big fish...right as he became smaller. and now we're doubling down. meanwhile, the options for which we decided to forego building a roster have generally indicated that they'd prefer to play elsewhere--some directly (durant, klay), some indirectly (kawhi).

    but again, i'm willing to wait until july passes to judge magic/rob. but make no mistake: the bar is another superstar in his prime. short of that, i want immediate regime change. if they succeed, i will bow to their foresight, wisdom, execution. it's almost that simple.

    the panic on the forums is because the last time some of us doubted their foresight, wisdom, and execution it was about the paul george pursuit. and we were right to doubt.
  19. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Abeer, that's you tho.

    Others here from the jump had some weird ill-will towards Magic. Forget that Rob is the lawyer that probably does all the cap pulling...Magic is the one some of these fans are going after, right when he was hired. As much as I've attacked Mitch/Jim, I have that regime plenty of time. And that's the irony of all this...I was y'all towards Jimmy/Mitch, what some of you guys are to our current FO. Only difference, I gave it time.

    Hey but to each their own. However if I'm optimistic about where our FO could take us and some of y'all come after me being too positive...well guess what, I'm coming right back at ya. If you can't handle it, don't dish it. /PSA

    As for what the FO's done:

    Lou for Hart - our bench needs scoring, but Hart's defensive potential is also important. Although he coulda been a valuable trade asset, Lou's contract next summer takes away from a max slot. Lou wanted to go to a playoff team in Houston and still ends up in LA so it's feel good and that's why imo it's a good trade.

    DLo/Moz for Bron/Kuz - shoulda held onto BLo to make this an even better trade, but that's how the trade will look in the future and as much potential as DLo has, this an easy trade to favor. Also we sent DLo to a great market and he even admits it's the best thing to have happened for him in his career. Magic was right about leadership while he was out here, but again another feel good element in handling these trades cause it gave dude that spark to change his ways.

    JC/Nance for close to 2nd max while making room for Jules caphold - while we sent Nance back home, JC is probably the only guy that we dealt away to a non-preferential location. It's a business and you feel bad for the kid, but it is what it is and that should have shown Mintz we were willing to bring his guys into the fold to pair with Bron. This trade is still incomplete till we see what max guy comes on board, but this trade was meant to be Bron + 2ndMax w/a slight haircut + Jules. We let Jules go and as much as y'all want to paint it as a f*** up, I think Rob/Magic did it to give Jules the ability to get what he wanted. We didn't have to that. I'm looking at this move as paying it forward. Let's see if it benefits us...but Boston's treatment of IT/Dubs treatment of McCaw vs how we treated Jules. Let's see how players and agents view it moving forward.

    MUD squad/Smashmob - doesn't look great right now, but it did at times early on highlighted by Lance air guitaring on the dubs on Christmas. Folks will want shooting, but there was limited options on 1yr stop gaps. Magic wanted a tough team and that is why he admonished Luke so early in the season, cause defensively we were hemorrhaging points. So in that regard, the vet mentorship towards our youngns also seems to be something that goes under the radar cause Zo's been next to elite on the defensive end, while BI has helped shut down other offensive threats in recent games. Kuz also seems to have taken more value in defense and this just brought more if the dog out if Hart. At the very least, we got Lance & Zo swervn.

    Svi/future 2nd for Bullock - too early to tell, but with Svi on limited minutes, we weren't outshooting anybody anyways.

    Zu/Beas for Mus - this one seems to be getting all the buzz. Beas for Mus woulda worked salary wise by itself, so we moved off Zu for a roster spot. Also trading with the cLips is rare, so there's that angle to this. Maybe, just maybe we actively kept Zu in LA for a reason. But why trade Zu and then try to get another center on the buyout market? Maybe cause if we go get a center, Zu doesn't get as many minutes as he woulda in a RFA contract year. Again another trade I would grade as incomplete till we see who gets picked up with that extra roster spot.

    Bottomline: injuries
    I posted a sobering stat where LA just hadn't had much run with each other. Again, stopgaps, a young coach, 8 player roster overhaul and not beating teams you should beat have led to this current mess. But our FO didn't just come into this with a clean slate and a proven roster either. Keep mind of that.

    The FO has done some things that are unnerving to some of you...heck including me (see Blo, TB and Zu)...but the ire behind some of y'all is bizarrely fascinating. I can't take those critiques seriously cause they already had their minds up from the jump. And if they got a problem with my defense for the FO then come at me with real talk. Invest a discussion on a discussion board. You want to chastise my rosy outlook and my hashtags and my defense for the FO...yet catch feelings when I come back with it. Bizarre. I welcome a back and forth and if you dish and have a problem receiving then STFU if you can't come strong enough.

    Btw, I respond in length and riff with some of yall cause I respect our discussions and the members here. Gotta a problem with me, PM me. /PSA#2

  20. Khmrp

    Khmrp - Lakers Legend -

    Jun 10, 2016
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    haha, the Dlo comment was more shades than compliment to Magic for trading him

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