some days your ideas just suck I call this one Old Man Bonga says get off my lawn seemed to fit in the testing thread lol
Potential Randle Replacements :Randallconfused: :Headbang: The only other one of a player that is gone right now is this one: :JuliusPumped 1: Others might be phased out and replaced, but we'll see if we make any other roster moves too. I may not "like" Lebron, but at least he's gifable. Some players are just not very photogenic and have the personality of cardboard in pictures. Open for suggestions, and sometimes @Barnstable makes great suggestions for tweaks. It's early in the offseason still, but we'll be ready!!!! Woot Woot. We're going to have a winning record this year folks. A real good reason to tune in for every game.
Ballpark sirron .... from simpler motion gifs to the more complex ones .... what's the rough amount of time it takes you now to create these? From quickest to longest? If it's not all that hard any more maybe you could give back a little of your salary to help Barns keep this place going? Like KD.
LOL @salary I do this because I love ya'all no homo Shortest simple ones can take 20 minutes, and I've spent several hours on one before. I can sometimes look up and find a few hours have passed if I get in a zone. Most expressions/emotions we have as fans are pretty much covered right now, so it's more a matter of updating older animations with new people, or using inspiration from new photos/players to create new ones. I'd kind of hate to add up all of the hours spent over the last 4 years on this, but it has been fun. Today I had the game running on one monitor, and was working away on another one mostly during commercial breaks. Gots to get ready for the new year!
I always f*** with ya my dude (and vice ain't innocent in all of this), but game recognize game and you the real MVP for these! Great work, sir! Btw, you're still a b****.
and then all the Laker Babies were gone....... Rob and Magic have given the franchise a Total Makeover in less than 2 years. Nothing short of amazing.