Star Wars Thread (a Galaxy Far Far Away) Obi-Wan Movie In The Works! (36)

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by DarthRekal, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I would actually argue one every two years. But that's not why this movie is bombing. If The Last Jedi was liked by the fanbase the way The Force Awakens was, it would have still hit 170 million. I personally know about a dozen people who didn't see Solo specifically because of TLJ. Heck, I actually WANT to see Solo, but I won't because Lucasfilm keeps trying to pretend it's a vocal minority. But people are starting to come around a bit. Even John Campea who is an enormous Lucasfilm shill (needs to make sure he continues to get invited to premieres) did a video yesterday where he lays out why Kathleen Kennedy needs to step down.
    JohnnyComeLately2k6 likes this.
  2. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I’d be fine with one every 2 years, SW has always done great with buildup and anticipation for each movie. What I should have said was MAXIMUM 1 movie per year.

    The solo stuff I still disagree to an extent. I’ve seen multiple videos on why this isn’t popular and a major point is it is the first SW film that has no bearing on the rest of the saga. Rogue One was about the Death Star, it fits right between 3 and 4, it had Vader. This is a true stand alone, it’s a collection of events we’ve heard about but not many asked to ever see. I still say if this were the Obi-Wan movie it would have done much better, but Solo, it’s a hard sell, especially when you see those trailers and commercials and go “who is that? that’s not Han Solo.”. This is the best argument I’ve seen from your side of the fence though, not shouted angrily, but stated plainly and concisely. Made me go “huh, oh ok”, in a few places. I don’t have an issue with politics in SW, but it finally hit me that yes, having some of today’s modern issues upfront in SW might turn some people off. The originals had politics and a message, but it’s a timeless one of good vs evil and the heroes journey, very little real world issues or modern jokes/terminology. I still don’t like that “I have a message, from his mother” line in TLJ. Anyway, I still don’t really agree with your side of the fandom, but this video is worth watching for those that want to understand it better. I am in favor or Kennedy being replaced, seems too directionless, the saga films should have had an outline from the start, directors need to stop being hired and then having their movies taken over 3/4 of the way through, it’s a bad look. I’ve heard multiple times Iger is a big problem too, deciding which movies are next and get announced on a whim, SW needs a Feige in charge with some real direction and organization, a plan.

    Oh and he does cuss a lot in the video, so I guess nsfw unless on headphones.

  3. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Box office doesn't bother me in the slightest. Ill be in line for Solo 2.
    sirronstuff likes this.
  4. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I saw this video too. He did a good job articulating our side which is weird because, as he kind of alluded to, he wasn't always on our side in the beginning. His point about SW always feeling like it was set somewhere else, but now it feels like it's in our world was spot on.
  5. GlickenGoshDebate Tactics

    GlickenGoshDebate Tactics Guest

    Jun 19, 2017
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    It would had been fine if there was more quality control.

    Also i hate idea of the animated series heroes fighting that stupid First Order. Make KOTOR canon again and set it in that era please.
  6. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    You know what I’ve heard thrown around a dozen times, and what Disney could do to win back some fans, is make a Luke Skywalker movie set between ROTJ and TFA. Cast Sebastian Stan (who has already said he WANTS to do it), have Luke searching for the old Jedi artifacts, on an adventure showing off some kick-a** Jedi powers, stronger than we’ve ever seen him or possibly any Jedi before. Then when people go to watch TLJ, they’ve seen master Luke, and old broken Luke doesn’t sting as much. Problem not solved, but blow maybe lessened. That’s what irks me about Solo, it’s a waste of a film that could have gone to so many more interesting characters and time periods. Give me a young Sidious and Darth Plagueis movie, give me Obi-Wan, give me a Vader hunting down Jedi movie (not comics) while we still have the voice of Vader alive, give me an Ahsoka movie. I don’t need to see Han Solo meet Chewbacca and do the Kessel run, I just don’t. I get that it’s fun, enjoyable, but nobody was clamoring for it.
    alam1108 and therealdeal like this.
  7. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I still am having trouble understanding this mentality of a wasted film when you've not seen it? It's a good movie and I shared your opinion before it came out. It was good enough to change my mind completely. I dont see how a good movie is a waste.
  8. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    It’s a waste to me, because I have no desire to see it. When a Star Wars movie comes out, as a hardcore fan, there has never been a time in my life when I didn’t NEED to see that damn movie immediately. I don’t need to see Solo, and that saddens me. I can only repeat my take so many times, but it’s boring, it’s the “safe play”. Disney tried to cash in on the known name and character and do some major fan service, and by SW standards it failed. It’s a waste because we only get one film per year, and now because of Solo I have to wait until 2020 to possibly see something outside the saga films that will interest me.

    That spot occupied by Solo could have been taken by a movie more people actually wanted or would have been excited about. Nobody really asked for Solo, nobody saw it announced and was surprised and geeked out. The general reaction was like, oh, ok, cool I guess. It was an attempt to make a safe movie, and IMO sell more toys, it’s incredibly transparent. I’m tired of the safe cash grabs, let’s go somewhere entirely new already, and if we aren’t doing that, let’s at least pick a character that can be played better than it ever has been before and doesn’t have the ridiculous task of living up to Harrison Ford. That’s what I mean by a waste, it’s how I feel, I know we don’t share that opinion and that’s fine.

    I’ll honest, I had so little desire to see Solo that I read the synopsis of the movie, I read the spoilers, I watched the spoiler reviews, I watched the big scene everyone is taking about at the end on reddit. It’s cool, but it doesn’t impress me, it doesn’t make me wish I’d gone to see it. And after reading that it was only thrown in AFTER Howard came on board (same as the kick-a** Vader scene in R1 was only thrown in during re-shoots), I’m even more blown away and annoyed at how directionless Disney is with all this. You didn’t KNOW going in that that was how you were gonna end that moment? You didn’t plan something that big and seemingly connected to a possible sequel out beforehand? To the point that you had a LIST of characters that hooded figure could have been andonly towards the end you said let’s use that one? How does this happen at a company that’s supposed to be keeping this thing all one big story, all new stuff is canon, how do they not know stories planned out beforehand and where they are going to go to such a large degree? It’s baffling.

    That’s how I’m feeling right now when I say this is a waste. They’re throwing s*** at the wall, man. Yeah it’s great if it lands. Yeah, it’s great if the movie is fun. But this is Star Wars, these are event movies, they need to feel like it, and there needs to be better oversight here. Lucas made the movies he wanted regardless of fan comments. Lucas told the story he was going to tell, he changed very little aside from probably Jar Jar. Disney can’t be making every movie based on fan reaction to the movie before it, and they can’t keep putting out safe cash grabs, because people are going to stop going, they’ll save their money for Marvel movies instead. Star Wars is special, and it’s not being treated as such right now, and it’s going to lose that magic. I watched a video earlier where the guy said, stop teasing me with awesome moments and cameos to end your movies to get me excited to pay for the next one like this is a Marvel movie. Don’t show me Vader tearing stuff up for a minute, give me a Vader movie. Don’t show me
    Maul talking through hologram for a minute, give me a Maul movie
    . I agree with this, stop teasing the cool stuff, give us the cool stuff, give us the awesome stuff. Stop putting some of the best stories in novels, put them in animated movies like DC does, put them out as Netflix style movies, as theater movies, give us the goods, not Solo meeting Chewbacca and doing the Kessel Run, things I have already known about since I was a small child. That’s what I mean by a waste. I’m tired of the safe stuff. Lucas may have made some meh movies with the prequels, but he went wayyyy out there with the world, and the battles, and lightsaber fights, and all the new characters, he sure as hell didn’t play it safe, for good or bad. I’d rather watch Revenge of the Sith any day over ever seeing Solo for those reasons, that’s an event movie, that movie was epic for me when I saw it at midnight in ‘05. Anyway I’m rambling, but again, we don’t need to agree real, I’m passionate about SW, you’re passionate about SW, we just don’t see eye to eye on this particular issue. I think my issue is a lot more reasonable and easily correctable than a lot of other people’s issues with SW right now though.
    Savory Griddles and alam1108 like this.
  9. GlickenGoshDebate Tactics

    GlickenGoshDebate Tactics Guest

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Enough with characters whose fate we know already. Please. Rogue One was ok but stop with that already for a while.
  10. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    My point was, if you still want to play it “safe” and use these characters, at least use some more interesting ones. Show us a story with established characters that we don’t know anything about, don’t just put to film what we have known happened for decades. I don’t disagree with you though, give us entirely new characters and time periods, absolutely no direct connections to Skywalkers, Solos, Organas, etc.
  11. alam1108

    alam1108 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Laker Land
  12. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I agree with some of this, but not all of it. The event aspect just wasn't going to happen. Once Disney bought Lucas out, they were making one movie a year and after The Force Awakens everyone was pretty damn excited about that. Now that reality sets in and we realize not every Star Wars movie is going to feel like A New Hope, it's a bad thing? This was bound to happen. As long as the movies are high quality, why be upset about it? As far as I'm concerned Disney is 4/4 with their movies. In fact, Solo is the future of Star Wars: movies that aren't epic, they're the smaller stories people have been asking for forever.

    The other point about giving different things is just something Disney is damned if they do, damned if they dont. You want weirder, other fans want "classic", no one ends up happy. After TLJ they tried to give fans something lighter and more fun and they honestly did just that, but we Star Wars fans are impossible to please. We're getting more Star Wars content than ever, but it's not the classic stuff and also new properties we deserve but cant reflect modern values. It's just an impossible situation.

    I agree their story boarding needs work though. They need a creative head that's less about spectacle and more about Star Wars lore.
    Weezy likes this.
  13. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I definitely agree with the story direction needs to be better thought out. I'm not going to bring up this point to tear down Last Jedi, but it is an inconsistency. JJ had an idea for Luke and him being on that island that was home to an old Jedi Temple. Luke was wearing Jedi robes. Yet in Rian's version Luke supposedly had cut himself off from the Force and wanted nothing to do with the arrogant Jedi. I'm not bringing up that point to take a shot at TLJ. It's really more of a continuity error. It's just a good example of how each movie is just sort of doing what they want and not flowing into a bigger narrative. Marvel has done 19 movies and the biggest continuity error that people point out is the timeline inconsistency with Spiderman Homecoming...which wasn't even fully produced by Marvel. JJ had outlines for Episode 8 and 9 that Rian tore up. A trilogy should have an established outline before the camera rolls on the first film. Yes, changes can be made here and there, but everyone really needs to be on the same page as it pertains to the destination. Colin Trevorrow thought he'd have Luke and Leia (which was obviously out of their control) alive and well in Episode 9. Rian had other thoughts. How is it not established already when main characters will die?

    As for making all the fans happy, I remember after the Force Awakens there were a lot of people that were upset with the similarities with A New Hope (and there were quite a few), but for the most part, people forgave them. The Last Jedi set out to be as subversive as possible. It's one thing to do a few things that may or may not make the fans happy, but it was at every turn. And I don't want to get into another TLJ conversation, but I think anyone can agree (whether you liked it or not) he subverted expectations every chance he got. When you do that, you have to expect that a lot of people will be ticked. You're right that all the fans won't be happy, but at some point you have to ask yourself, is this maybe too far? There is so much I disliked about TLJ, but if just 1 or 2 things wouldn't have been done, I probably walk out disappointed, but ready to see the next films.
    alam1108 likes this.
  14. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    he makes some good points. The whole robot uprising was pretty r*******, but I still enjoyed the movie. I find I rarely agree with movie reviews anyways.
  15. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I don't think it's necessarily a continuity error. What other clothes does Luke have? :D Also, one of the points of Luke in that movie is he's trying to run from being a Jedi, but that sort of defines the Jedi in this series. It's supposed to be a little ironic that he hid that way and is acting that way while also trying to avoid Jedi values. I understand the point though.

    Again, I feel like The Last Jedi is a movie that fits better into a trilogy narrative because the shock of the changes made wears off. I completely understand that the subversive nature of the movie is going to be divisive. I thought that the very first second I saw it, but I still loved the movie.

    I totally understand and agree that things should be more planned out though. It worked for the original trilogy, but they had a different set up then and frankly different expectations. In this day and age, with what Marvel is producing like you said, it's more important to have everything lined up or at least loosely outlined so that things flow easier. Going forward, I'm 100% sure that'll be a focus for them.

    I also think they're going to shy away from the saga series for at least a 5 year gap after Episode 9. They're going to rebuild the saga into an event series, but still provide Star Wars content in the meantime. I think that was always the plan. Movies like Solo are the future of Star Wars content and I think that's fine as long as they're quality movies.
  16. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    He's wearing that black and brown thing the rest of the movie. You never see him in his robes again (other than flashbacks and when he decides at the end of the movie to come back). It's pretty obvious JJ put him in the Jedi robes with his outline in mind.

    The saga series is probably going to be more than a 5 year gap. They have a lot of movies set up right now. Ruin Johnson's trilogy, Kenobi, Bobba Fett, the GoT writers "series" of movies (which I have to believe would be at least a trilogy). The Saga movies might be at least 10 years away after 9.
  17. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Yeah I just threw 5 years out there. I wouldn't be surprised by 10 either.
  18. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I’m not sure the Rian Johnson trilogy is happening after the Solo box office numbers. Rian Johnson is hated by a lot of Star Wars fandom right now, you know this, you called him “Ruin”. It would be financially irresponsible to give him an entire trilogy when fans are boycotting movies he’s NOT directing. I have no issue with him getting his own movies, the prospect has me super excited for the freshness he could bring to the franchise. But a lot of people don’t want it, I could seriously see them canceling it. It’s one thing to have him do a Saga film, have the strength of established characters selling the movie, but now you take his hated name and put it with entirely new stuff, you might have a gigantic flop on your hands. Which is a shame, because he was talking about his stuff being about entirely new characters and places we’ve never seen before, all new new new, and if we lose that what do we get, we’lll more of the same old same old. Boba Fett, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Young Leia, IG-88, Ice Cream Maker Guy, etc. The fandom is so toxic right now, I honestly don’t see how they can let Johnson do his movies. Even if JJ comes in and undoes everything he did in TLJ in 9, makes. ROTJ clone, wins back all the fans, to then bring Johnson back after that seems even more dangerous.
  19. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    From your lips, err, keyboard to God's ears. ;)
  20. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Given the number of projects they've announced, I'm guessing they pay Rian to write and create the path for the trilogy, then they have someone else come in and direct. Probably give Rian an EP credit and writing credit. Bring him back when people realize TLJ was great.

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