LABron James Discussion: The Big 4 0!

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by therealdeal, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. ZenMaster

    ZenMaster - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    f*** LeBron.

    This is the only supporting case he deserves:

  2. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I think it's fairly easy to see what's happening over there if we're all objective about everything:

    1) LeBron's cast is underperforming. They're underperforming with him on the floor and they're certainly underperforming with him off the floor. You can blame him if you want (doesn't make a lot of sense, but there's a bias there), but in reality this is not very different than the teams Kobe dragged to the playoffs after our 2010 championships. It's made up of players that don't know what to do, aren't being trusted, don't trust themselves, and look to LeBron for everything. There's no ownership, there's no fire, there's no will to take on a bigger role when the time calls for it.

    2) They're outclassed. The Cavs know they're not as good a team and their spirit is pretty broken. They have low confidence in themselves, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    3) LeBron is trying to do it all himself and in doing so is not empowering others to succeed. Again, this is very reminiscent of the 2011, 2012, 2013 Lakers that Kobe played with. They all deferred to him all the time and Kobe, feeling that deference, took everything they gave him and determined he had to do it himself. LeBron is in the same exact boat right now. The team around him might be better if he empowered them to play better. That's absolutely true. However, is it on him to babysit these guys and massage their egos? Or should some of them simply step up to the moment? Remember how we all felt watching Pau flounder in 2011 and 2012? It was ugly. That's Love. The rest of the players are lost in the spotlight and don't know what to do. Yes, LeBron can try harder to build them up, but that leads me to my 4th point.

    4) Everyone knows this is the end. They can sense it coming and I think you'll see it from LeBron soon too. He'll give it the same sort of gusto in the first quarter and when it's clear it won't matter, he'll collect his triple double and head home trying not to get hurt. This is a doomed marriage, a doomed team, and they all sense that. With all of that looming over them, the players are wondering, "if he's leaving, why am I busting my *** for him?" which is a fair thought.

    All in all, I think you can place the blame where you want and clearly most people want to place it with LeBron. That's fine, but I think that's really oversimplifying it.
  3. EddieEddie

    EddieEddie - Rookie -

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Lebron is not without fault on some level but if I had to place blame for the Cavs' struggles thus far in this series, he'd be fairly low on my list. He deserves more credit for what has gone right versus blame for what has gone wrong. Honestly, for me, the C Bags are just way better than I gave them credit for without Kyrie. I had Rozier on my fantasy basketball teams so I knew he was solid but didn't think he'd do so well to largely make up for that loss and I actually thought they'd lose in the 1st round to the Bucks.

    This is just a ridiculously convoluted situation and frankly if I had to blame Lebron for anything, it's not anything he does on the court, but really more so the way he holds the franchise hostage with his noncommittal status yet always pressuring them to make moves as if he IS staying.
    Lakeshow85, TIME and jbiggs like this.
  4. SamsonMiodek

    SamsonMiodek - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Those are all valid points, but kind of beside the point I was making/suggesting. Of course Bron is not the main reason for his team's struggles. Where did I ever suggest such a thing?

    What I was wondering about is the question if he really does make his teammates better? It is being brought up as one of the main reasons why we should get him this off-season. What evidence is there that players are having their best seasons playing alongside him? I was just using this season and two players we all know very well as an example.

    By the way - there is no such thing as an objective opinion, especially concerning sports. Just because I have doubts on issues you don't, doesn't make my opinion worse or biased. I respect your opinions and clearly you have very strong ones. I also enjoy a good discussion even though I don't have as much time as I would like to have them in here. Maybe we can carry this discussion on without calling each other out on the "quality" of opinions.
    tada, Lakeshow85, Barnstable and 3 others like this.
  5. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    I’m just enjoying his Majesty losing. It’s pretty much as simple as that.

    He’s lying in the bed he made, and I don’t think he likes it. Anyone thinking of signing him needs to go into the relationship with open eyes, because it is what it is. He’s not going to change.
  6. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    No need to get sensitive about it. The remark was as much pointed at me as anyone else in this thread. I've obviously been the biggest champion of bringing LeBron here and I've made concessions constantly about my stance. I've admitted he is a douche. I've admitted there's an age risk. I've admitted it's tough to see potentially letting go of young kids to make room (Randle). In that post I admitted that he hasn't made his teammates as good in this series as he could have. I conceded some of your point so I did address making his teammates better. If you want to blame the poor play of Lebron's teammates mostly on him not making them better, that's fine. Will you agree then that Kobe also didn't make his teammates better in the same situation?

    Also, the better question is how could he make our team better and the answers there are plentiful. He brings championship pedigree and expectations, he would bring passing to an offense that thrives on it, he brings versatility on both ends, and he brings useful mentorship for our young players. Specifically he would work great with Lonzo and George. Lonzo is a low volume player that makes winning plays, but more importantly smart plays. Those two on the floor together would immediately put other teams at a disadvantage. George works as a wonderful asset next to LeBron. He'd be a great spacer for when LeBron wants to drive and kick and George would be able to take over when LeBron needs a time out. Ingram is a slightly worse fit, but still a great one. Ingram is more of a scorer, but turned himself into a good shooter as well. In fact, assuming Lonzo comes around more consistently the lineup of Lonzo, George, Ingram, and LeBron is basically 100% interchangeable, intelligent, defensively solid, with all four being able to pass well. Randle is maybe the only guy that isn't a great fit because he can't shoot and he needs the ball a little bit more to be effective. With LeBron he'd likely turn more into a simple rebounder which would limit his effectiveness. But it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make as we would improve in almost every other way.

    I'm not calling you biased as an insult, we all have our biases. I'm biased in favor of this move. @sirronstuff is super biased, but he knows it and embraces it. If you truly were asking with no slant whatsoever whether or not LeBron is making these players better, I apologize but I'm pretty sure we both know the score here.
  7. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory


    Just messing. I saw I was tagged, so of course I had to read it to verify how I was creatively being insulted LOL
    jbiggs, tada, John3:16 and 3 others like this.

    SFGOLDRUSHER - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 25, 2014
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    San Diego
    Don't worry Sirron I skimmed through this last page too lol.

    I think we've turned every stone.. I'm exhausted lol. Game 3 tonight. Lue said high key it wasn't a do or die while really low key he's saying it is a do or die lolz.
    sirronstuff likes this.
  9. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    You're a better man than me then...I gotta admit, the stuff they say about you behind your back, has totally skewed my perception of you.

    Most interesting thing about this guy...
    ... Is that he doesn't know about that knife!

  10. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
  11. Lakeshow85

    Lakeshow85 - Rookie -

    Apr 20, 2016
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    San Diego, CA
    Uhh yup
    sirronstuff likes this.
  12. SamsonMiodek

    SamsonMiodek - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I'm not being sensitive about it lol. I'm just asking you to try not callling the anti-Bron team biased, haters, less objective etc. as part of your argumentation. Of course we are all biased, but if your goal is not to present your opinion as more objective, why bring up my bias at all? It seems to me that you and @vasashi are usiung these kind of comments by far more often than us "haters". Also - no need to apologize, I am sure you don't mean it as an insult, I would just enjoy our back and forth a lot more without such additions ;).

    By the way, I personally (and I'm pretty sure most remaining people in this camp as well) am mostly having fun laughing at LeBron and pointing out all his more or less real flaws. We will all root for that flopping bastard once he's a Laker, doesn't mean we have to admire and praise him while he's still on the Cavs.

    Back on topic - you are right about championship pedigree, but his mentorship and vesatility on the defensive side of the floor are huge questionmarks IMO. He stopped playing defense for the most part and we should rather expect it to become even worse in the future. As for his mentorship - that's actually the area I was hinting at initially. What evidence is there that other players improve thanks to his mentorship? Again - what players had the seasons of their life or have significantly improved playing alongside him. Just to make it clear - I'm not saying there are no such examples, but I just don't know any. For a player with his reputation (and you yourself bring it up - he is supposed to make others better), there should be lots of such examples.

    As for Kobe - this is the last time I'm addressing him in this thread or discussion in general. To be honest it sickens me that my all-time favorite player and Laker is being used constantly as a comparable to build up LeBron and I refuse to take part in it. You are surely aware that this aspect was one of if not the main criticism towards his game, while it is also being one of the main alleged "strengths" of LeBron. Why bring up Kobe in this context? But to answer your question - yes I believe Kobe did make his teammates better through most of his career, even though his last years were painful to watch in general and in this aspect expecially. Odom, Ariza and probably also Pau immediately come to mind as players who benefited greatly from playing with Kobe. I'm sure we could dig up more, but again - he should not be dragged into this discussion IMO.
  13. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    “Kobe made me better”

    -Smush (Probably)
    Lakeshow85 and Big Mamma Jamma like this.
  14. ZenMaster

    ZenMaster - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I am biased. Proudly.
  15. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Wtf? I'm just sitting here minding my own business trying to make things right with the Dame of Doom (btw, to answer your question, if Bron comes here on a 4year deal, he needs to win 2 titles minimum, all while the cbags win none for this joint venture to be deemed a success #18vs17...and for that other thing, yes I think you're right...I do tend to call others haters instead of loving them cause I probably don't love myself...That talk with you was very therapeutic, but I still got alot of work to do...On myself!

    And with that, on to this new biased hater. Mr. Miodek, what's your deal bruh? ;)

    How is it Bron's fault that in a 30 point route of the cbags last night, him and Love combined for just 2 less minutes played compared to the dudes they traded for at the deadline that would "help" him. Hood was a healthy DNP. But let me guess, since Bron is the real coach of that team, it really is his fault. In fact, Lebron the GM blew that trade too and shoulda talked to Lebron the coach about how much time he would be playing those guys before he pulled the trigger.

    Still goes without saying, that any way you look at it tho, you can't make your mates better if you can't play with them.

    Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe.... {gasps for air}......Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe


    Uh, Cookie, can you please pencil me in for another session at your earliest convenience?

    Btw, if dude is going to shoot/pass like this next year, then don't want him!

    Cookie, jbiggs and SamsonMiodek like this.
  16. SamsonMiodek

    SamsonMiodek - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Just trying top make our discussion more civil :Blink:

    Lol Vash, that was a good one. Love talking to you guys even if we disagree and I am not able to give all your essays the attention they deserve.

    I sincerely hope we can soon celebrate Bron's departure to somewhere nice, like the Clippers, and go back to making fun of him the way it should be done - as a cohesive unit:Noddingyes:
  17. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I am calling us all biased. Again, it's not an insult, it's just the truth. The vast majority of the posters in here are absolutely haters. :D Are you claiming you aren't? I'm a hater for plenty of things. Shoot I used to be a LeBron hater. I just don't think most of the arguments against him this time around really hold much merit. He's earned my respect the last couple seasons. It's okay to be a hater by the way, again these words aren't meant to be insulting. I respect hate. It's what fandom is about. However, I'll rebut arguments that I don't think make much sense.
    I understand, but I actually disagree that "we will all root for that flopping bastard". :D there's been people in here saying they absolutely will not root for him and some said they may stop being Laker fans.
    Defense will be opportunistic, no question. He's entered that phase of his career, but just look at some of the plays he's made in the playoffs this year. Even if he lets a few baskets go during the season, the good outweighs the bad at a crazy rate. Then in the playoffs when it counts, he can turn it up when he needs to.

    I'd say he gave Delonte West, Anderson Varejao, and various other hanger-ons careers in the league. Zydrunas Ilguaskas was able to go the Finals because of LeBron (the only time Ilguaskas reached the playoffs before LeBron was back in 97). Kyrie Irving's first season with LeBron, his numbers took a slight step backward, but he enjoyed far more success than he ever had. The next season, Kyrie posted his best career numbers ever next to LeBron James. Wade and Bosh don't win those two titles without LeBron. These players in the playoffs right now have absolutely no hope of the ECF without LeBron. Hell this team would struggle to make the playoffs at all even in the East.

    The argument he doesn't make teammates better can perhaps only be told through stats that just don't tell a full picture. Sure, Wade's numbers and Kyrie's numbers and Bosh's and Love's numbers all step back a little bit with LeBron on the team, but isn't the ultimate goal to win? Doesn't adding LeBron make that possible when before it wasn't? What was Love doing before LeBron? Posting massive numbers with little success. What was Kyrie doing? Bosh? These guys all needed LeBron to get there so doesn't he by fault make them better? By the definition of better (wins)?

    This is another mischaracterization of what I'm doing. I'm not dragging Kobe down in any stretch of the imagination. That's deflecting away from my point and just isn't true of the argument. The point is (and it's the counter to your point about LeBron and his cast now): these players are ultimately responsible for what they bring. Kobe took that sorry team to the playoffs and they failed him once they got there. Is that on Kobe? Maybe a little bit, but really it's on his cast. They should bring more to the table. That is the same situation as is happening with LeBron right now and it's proven in the last game they just played.

    For the first time in the series, the Cavs brought defensive intensity. For the first time in the series, George Hill started the game aggressively. For the first time in the series, JR Smith hit a three pointer (he hit three of them actually). The Cavs had 42 points off the bench for the first time. The previous two games combined they had 56 points off the bench. The other players came to play and lo and behold, the Cavs won the game. LeBron's usage% was also the lowest out of all three games so I think it's pretty clear that his teammates need to be doing more on the court. The problem is in the two games before those same players were either unwilling or unable to perform. Is that LeBron's responsibility?
    SamsonMiodek, jbiggs and Kenzo like this.
  18. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    We’re cool Vas. Just a difference of opinion. I don’t mind being called a hater. In fact I take great pride in it. For me that’s what sports are about. As long as I can keep my fan card, we are fine. :Laugh:
    tada, Lakeshow85, sirronstuff and 2 others like this.
  19. SamsonMiodek

    SamsonMiodek - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Wouldn't have guessed that, but thanks for the clarification, I gues I'll have to live with the occasional label here and there, you Bron fanboy ;).

    And you really believe they will? Most of our posters and probably all the most active Bron haters in here stuck to this team through the worst times in Lakers history. We were able to cheer for some of the worst teams in the NBA and some time ago also for the likes of Malone, Payton and even Howard. I can't fathom anybody actually stopping being Laker fans because of Bron. Can't be sure, but my impression is these comments are either half-joking or just emotional in the middle of the debate king of comments.

    You are mentioning mainly success in terms of how far the team went. Sure he helped there a lot, no denying it. But that was not my question - I am wondering if Bron really makes his teammates better as players? Are they playing better alongside him, or becoming better ballers as a result of being his teammates? I'm not sure the examples you mentioned prove they do.

    Yes it is the ultimate goal to win and this is probably where we actually really totally disagree. I believe signing Bron to the max for 4, or even 3 seasons, would be a mistake. I expect him to regress significantly in that time span and frankly not be anywhere near a max type player in 3 years or even 1 year for that matter. Will he be good enough to get us a championship next year? I doubt that very much, simply because you need time to gel and there are some serious contenders in the NBA right now. The year after that? I don't know, but wouldn't bet my money on it.

    This all may very well sound ludicrous to you, but it's not the result of my "hate" only. Do you know how many players have played more minutes in the NBA than him? If my math is right, it's 10 (PO minutes included).He already played more minutes than the likes of Reggie Miller, Olajuwon, Shaq, Pippen, MJ, Ewing, Barkley, Nash and many others. If he plays approx. 3,000 minutes next season, that would place him at No. 4 at the all-time leaders list, only behind Kobe, Malone and Jabbar. He may be unique in various kinds of ways, and he certainly has taken care of himself to have a long career, but this is the all-time NBA list. ALL guys in front of him were all-time greats and also unique athletes and professionals. Looking at how they fared with so many minutes played, I just can't see him being elite for much longer. And as great as his occasional highlight plays on defense are, he did get much, much worse on that end of the floor - which is usually the first sign of a player regressing.

    Yes, IMO it is. He is supposed to be the leader and not be affraid to be an a**hole and call out his teammates if they're not performing well enough. Being a leader doesn't equal being the best buddy of everybody, which seems to be the trend right now in the NBA (that's not directed at Bron specifically, all today's stars sem to be that way).
    therealdeal and Lakeshow85 like this.
  20. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    fanboy is a stretch. :D
    We'll see, but being one the few guys fighting for this all season long I've seen some crazy takes. :D
    No I understand that isn't just hate. I appreciate a well thought out argument like this. The vast majority of anti-LeBron posts in here though are sirron's gifs, random twitter posts, and memes. :D

    We're definitely going to have to agree to disagree on much of this. I believe I provided enough evidence that LeBron improves the players he plays with and the teams he plays on. We'll just have to pass along on that front.

    As for breaking down that quickly, I just don't see it. Only a year from now? That's a pessimistic view even given his minutes. I do agree that it's likely he has a sharp decline some time during this contract, but I think it's more likely coming the 3rd or 4th year at which point he'd already have provided what I'm expecting: pushing us over the top in terms of competition right away. To me, there's so much positive about bringing LeBron not just on the court but even more in terms of legitimizing our franchise again that it outweighs potential concerns on the back end of the deal. Part of what that means is getting LeBron means we're 100% assured to get Paul George and puts us in play for getting Kawhi and other such stars. Players want to compete and there's no better gatekeeper individually in the NBA than LeBron.

    I'm not sure there's evidence he hasn't done that and I think it's really letting those players off the hook by not holding them responsible. In the end, as the leader of the ship LeBron deserves some criticism, but he has given a Herculean effort to get this team here so giving him blame when they suck doesn't sit right with me.

    I'm done with this by the way. :D I don't have the time or energy to keep this going.

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