Looks like we have a sponsor now. Ecommerce site, Wish. Could be worse. Pretty cool that Harley Davidson sponsored the Bucks or Disney World for the Magic.
Just did some quick research on Wish, apparently they're an up and coming "Ali Baba" type of eCommerce online store. There is definitely some money involved with these type of companies. https://www.forbes.com/sites/parmyolson/2017/09/20/wish-8-billion-funding-amazon/#4c38439161e1
Honestly I don't mind it at all. And for 12-14 million you can expect a LOT more ads where that came from. If I were an NBA team, I'd already be fielding offers.
I have heard that actually most jerseys available for purchase will NOT have the patch. Only jerseys sold at the stadium will have the sponsor patch. I think I read that on a Reddit comment though so take it with a grain of salt.
I honestly don't care about the sponsor. Soccer jersey's have had giant logo's across the chest for the longest time, and people still buy them in droves.