Finally..... Manny And Floyd May 2nd .......?

Discussion in 'Other Sports Discussion' started by LTLakerFan, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    If Floyd doesn't weasel out of it yet again at the last moment. Looks like Manny has agreed to all the terms. I'd sure love it if Manny won the fight decisively or by a KO, but Floyd is a bit** to hit.

    Promoter says Manny Pacquiao has agreed to terms for a Mayweather fight

    By Kevin Iole1 hour agoBoxing

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    Promoter Bob Arum (L) said Manny Pacquiao (R) had agreed to terms for a May 2 fight with Floyd Mayweather, but Mayweather hasn't agreed yet. (Photo by Chris Hyde/Getty Images)
    LAS VEGAS -- Promoter Bob Arum told Yahoo Sports on Tuesday that Manny Pacquiao has agreed to terms for a May 2 bout with Floyd Mayweather, and that the only thing in the way of the long-awaited fight occurring is Mayweather's approval.

    Arum said Mayweather's representatives have also agreed to the deal but have not been able to get Mayweather's agreement. However, there is no verification from anyone representing Mayweather whether Arum's side is accurate.

    On Friday, the Los Angeles Times reported that progress was being made on making the match a reality. Multiple sources told Yahoo Sports over the weekend that a deal for the two superstars to fight at the MGM Grand Garden was imminent.

    The sources told Yahoo Sports that not only have the sides agreed for the fight to be May 2 at the MGM, but also on a 60/40 purse split that would favor Mayweather. Mayweather could make in the range of $120 million. An MGM spokesman told Yahoo Sports that there was no deal for the fight to be held at the Grand Garden as far as he is aware.

    In order to pay the astronomical salaries the fighters will command, ticket prices will be scaled at an all-time high. The top ticket at the MGM Grand Garden is expected to go for $5,000 so that the arena can be scaled to produce a $40 million live gate.

    he spoke to Brad Cooney of and told Cooney that Pacquiao had agreed to terms.

    In a conversation later Tuesday with Yahoo Sports, Arum was asked if he were trying to force Mayweather's hand by speaking publicly after he was so tight-lipped and adamantly refusing to comment over the weekend.

    "I'm not trying to force anybody's hand, I'm just saying, 'Hey, we've agreed to everything, period,' " Arum told Yahoo Sports. "The people we have talked to on Mayweather's side have agreed to everything. Now we need Mayweather to step up and say, 'Yeah, I'm on board. I agree.'

    "I'm not going to put a deadline on there. I'm just going to hope that everybody does the right thing and we get this concluded. It would be really sad if we went through this stuff again like we did before."

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    Bob Arum (L) and Floyd Mayweather Jr. had an acrimonious split in 2006 after working together for 10 years (File …

    Arum said he and Pacquiao were "ignorant about the drug-testing stuff," when Mayweather first made the request for testing in the 2009 negotiations. He said Pacquiao has educated himself on it and has no problem to being tested and readily agreed to testing as part of his deal in getting the Mayweather fight.

    He declined to talk specifics on Tuesday about purses, venue and the like, but said his only goal was to get a deal consummated. Pacquiao is flying to the U.S. on Wednesday and has meetings with Arum and then is doing publicity for a movie.

    Arum said he hopes to avoid getting close to a deal, getting hopes up and then having it dashed.

    If that's his position, it doesn't make sense to talk publicly about private negotiations, but that's always been Arum's style.

    "The point is that I don't want what happened the other times to happen again," Arum said. "I want this fight to actually happen. I want everybody to make a lot of money on the fight. I want the public to be satisfied. And I think it will be a terrific event. That's what I want, and I've done everything in my power to make that happen.

    "I think Manny has been very reasonable and demonstrated that he wants the fight to happen. Now, we're waiting on Floyd. That's not to say that Floyd has been obstinate, that Floyd won't do it, but we're waiting on him."

    Top Rank is also working on a middleweight title fight between Alvarez, the Golden Boy star from Mexico, and WBC champion Miguel Cotto. Promoter Oscar De La Hoya of Golden Boy is on record saying he wants Alvarez to fight on May 2, and Arum has agreed that it made sense to have Alvarez fighting on a Mexican holiday.

    But Arum said that if fighting on May 2 meant that much to Mayweather, he would look to make the Cotto-Alvarez fight for some other date. That fight still isn't finalized, though, and it's no guarantee that it will be.
  2. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Now that they're both past their prime this should be a great fight...

    Well it should still be pretty good. I expect Floyd to win, but I'll pay to watch it.
  3. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    CEO - Big Baller Brand
    Believe it when I see it.
  4. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    I'll be pulling for Pac, but have doubts he can pull it off

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. pound4pound

    pound4pound - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    until i see them both in the ring.....
  6. gcclaker

    gcclaker Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Wherever I am at the moment...
    Same here... Mayweather is a good defensive fighter [i.e. run, run, run]. He'll be on Dancing With The Stars after his career is done.
  7. pound4pound

    pound4pound - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Maidana who's not known for having any handspeed was able to touch him...i give Manny a decent chance
  8. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Man how long has it been for a BIG fight? 5 years late or not. The thought that it is finally going to happen is starting to take effect [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] Do it Manny!!!
  9. Kenzo

    Kenzo - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    4 years too late. I'll still watch it, hope Floyd will get knocked the eff out.
  10. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Mayweather's latest reported reason for delay of signing the contract ......He doesn't like Arum because he (Arum) is saying not nice things about why he (Mayweather) is not signing the contract. Give me an effing break and sign the gaddamned contract, Floyd!! [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Manny Pacquiao said he's awaiting Floyd Mayweather's signature

    By Kevin Iole8 hours agoBoxing

    Manny Pacquiao said Friday during an appearance on Huffington Post Live that all that stands between the long-awaited super fight with Floyd Mayweather Jr. is Mayweather's signature on a contract.

    Pacquiao confirmed he'd agreed to all terms and said it was his understanding that Mayweather's representatives had also. Pacquiao's comments on a potential Mayweather fight begin 10:43 into the video.

    "My promoter and his promoters, there's negotiations already and there is an understanding," Pacquiao said. "I heard there's an understanding already. We're just waiting for the signed contract from them."

    Pacquiao said he's asked everywhere he goes about the fight, which has been talked about since 2009 when they were regarded as Nos. 1 and 2 in the world.

    The fight has a great appeal because of the boxer-versus-puncher aspect. Mayweather is the cocky, outspoken and unbeaten defensive wizard who has extraordinary boxer skills, while Pacquiao is the poor kid whose exceptional punching power helped him to become one of the most recognizable sports figures in the world.

    A bout between them would generate hundreds of millions of dollars and could pay Mayweather as much as $120 million.

    As Yahoo Sports previously reported, there is an agreement for the fight to be held at the MGM Grand Garden in Las Vegas on May 2. A source told Yahoo Sports that ticket prices for the event would begin at $1,000 and go up to $5,000 in order to scale for a $40 million live gate.

    Pacquiao was asked about a recent comment by Mayweather that Pacquiao is desperate for the fight because he needs money. Pacquiao noted that he just finished a bout in November with Chris Algieri in which he made more than $20 million.

    He said he wants to fight Mayweather but that he won't feel unfulfilled if his career ends without the bout occurring.

    "If you ask me if the fight happens, no problem," Pacquiao said. "If that fight will not happen, it will never impact my career because what I've done in boxing, I'm already satisfied. I broke the record in boxing [by winning world titles in] eight divisions. I'm a coach in the Philippines of a basketball team. I'm a playing-coach. I'm a congressman.

    "What my concern is, is to make the fight happen for the fans. Everywhere I go, even in Thailand, every place, the fans are asking, 'When will this fight happen? When will this fight happen?' That question is not for me. It's for Mayweather. Millions of people are asking that question everywhere I go. It's kind of bothering me, that question. It's time to make the fight happen. The fans deserve it."

    A source told Yahoo Sports that a stumbling block is Mayweather's anger regarding public comments made by Pacquiao promoter Bob Arum. Arum promoted Mayweather out of the 1996 Olympics, but the pair had a contentious split in 2006.

    Arum has been speaking publicly about the fight, and in recent days, his tone has turned harsher. He told that Mayweather "is running like a thief," and added, "When push comes to shove, he backs down."

    Columnist David Mayo, who has covered Mayweather since he was a child in Grand Rapids, Mich., also reported that Mayweather is unhappy with Arum's public comments. A source told Mayo that Arum's comments could be what prevents the fight.

    The best way to get the fight not done is for Arum to feel in charge. He did it with drug testing, he did it with trying to put the fight in Cowboy Stadium, he did it with the financial split. Arum talking is the best way to not get it made.

    Even if both fighters agree, there are many stumbling blocks that have to be overcome, though the fight is probably closer to happening than it has been at any point since talks in late 2009 for a March 2010 match fizzled at the last moment.

    The biggest issue is the network split. Mayweather is on an exclusive contract with Showtime and Pacquiao is with HBO. CBS Corp. chairman Leslie Moonves has been the driving force in the talks and executives from both Showtime and HBO met this week in New York to try to work out the issues.

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    It would be cause for celebration among many boxing fans if Manny Pacquiao (center) and Floyd Mayweather finally …
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2015
  11. Kenzo

    Kenzo - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Lol. Won't be surprised a bit if Floyd chickens out again.
    John3:16 and sirronstuff like this.
  12. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    OK so 4 or 5 years too late. I don't care. I'm becoming more and more excited. Floyd 4-5 years past his most brilliant prime vs Manny 4-5 years past his most brilliant prime. They're both feeling the slight or I don't know.....maybe way more than slight diminishment of their reflexes and quickness. Floyd not quite as brilliant as a defensive, agile fighter any more and Manny not quite as brilliant of an offensive, bombs from any angle, agile fighter any more.

    Who has lost more from their main strengths? Maybe they've equally lost? Maybe the 4-5 years actually changes the matchup now? What do you think? Does Manny have a better shot now vs 4-5 years ago ..... to drop this smug sucker or at least be the aggressor and outscore him on the cards with quality and numbers of punches landed? Or does Floyd still retain enough to run, stay away from, score points with more punches landed and win against Manny even now?
  13. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Max Kellerman doesn't know much, but he knows boxing.

    He called this already: Mayweather used this rumor to secure a fight with someone else on Cinco De Mayo. The fight may still happen, but not until after Mayweather gets another easy fight and makes a lot more money.

    The fact that Manny is willing to take 40% though... This fight is coming much closer to fruition.
  14. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    If that's true as Max says it bites the proverbial BIG one.
  15. gcclaker

    gcclaker Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Wherever I am at the moment...
    ...on a side note, there's a book out by Mayweather's ex-confidante who spills the beans about him. The out of control spending, him being duped of $15 mil, the IRS problems and all sorts of tawdry incidents. He'll be broke in a couple of years and will beg Pacquiao for a fight. By then, who knows? The latter could be the Philippine president and won't have time for it.
  16. pound4pound

    pound4pound - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    he'll be in his 40s getting beat up by blue chip prospects on ESPN Friday Night Fights
  17. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Well 2 days ago it was being headlined on Yahoo that the fight had been made. I didn't have a chance to read it. Then yesterday this below saying not so or not yet from tool Mayweather. Maybe he's pissed the announcement wasn't coming from his camp. Don't know who reported it yesterday. So sick of his act.

    Mayweather dampens hopes for Pacquiao fight
    January 31, 2015 10:30 P

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    Floyd Mayweather, shown September 13, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada, has dampened talk of a possible mega-fight agreement with Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao (AFP

    Las Vegas (AFP) - Unbeaten fighter Floyd Mayweather dampened talk of a possible mega-fight agreement with Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao, a day after the Asian star's promoter said a deal was near.

    Mayweather posted a message on his Shots account that said in part "While they continue to lie about making the fight... I'm just going to continue to travel and explore the world on my private jet. #FightNotMadeYet #Jamaica."

    Pacquiao promoter Bob Arum told the New York Post on Friday that he was optimistic a Pacquiao-Mayweather deal for a May 2 fight in Las Vegas would be completed in the next couple of days, with only a few final details to be settled between rival telecasters HBO and Showtime, the rights holders for Pacquiao and Mayweather respectively.

    Mayweather, who turns 38 on February 24, left England's Amir Khan hanging for months until announcing on his birthday last year that he would fight Argentina's Marcos Maidana instead.

    Mayweather wound up beating the South American twice in 2014, but has yet to test himself against Pacquiao or Khan.

    Filipino southpaw Pacquiao is 57-5 with two drawn and 38 knockouts while Mayweather is 47-0 with 26 knockouts. Fans have sought a showdown between the two for five years, thus far in vain.
  18. Kenzo

    Kenzo - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    How can anyone be a Floyd fan is beyond me. Eff him and his private jet. I hope he lost some $$$ (again) on his Super Bowl bet :devil:
  19. TylerCaviar

    TylerCaviar - Rookie -

    Oct 23, 2014
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    This fight should have happened in 2009. This has been mayweather's biggest duck...but a career of that makes you the TBE.
  20. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Too bad fighters like Leonard, Hearns, Duran, Benitez, Chavez and all those guys who never ducked anyone couldn't have gotten a crack at him. The S.O.B. still hasn't signed for the fight. Don't think anyone is calling him TBE though.

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