Judging The New Front Office After Their First Wave Of Moves!

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by KB24, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. KB24

    KB24 Administrator Staff Member

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    Oh well...pretty mad, so I want to voice my displeasure in a new thread so that it doesn't go down unnoticed....

    The Lakers killed their entire momentum...everything that worked out so well for them ever since the all-star break went down the drain with the trading of Russell and Mozgov for Lopez and Kumaz or whatever the dude is called.

    It seems like we went back a few years with this single move. The front office did exactly the opposite of what they were preaching in the months before. Patience, stick to the youth and not mortgage the future for shortterm glory. And then they come up with the most insane idiotic asinine trade that I could have imagined.

    Maybe they knew something we didn't know...oh well I get it. But if that is the case, why the F would you drive down Russell's market and KILL any value he has before trading him for pennys on the dollar. Has any #2 pick ever been treated worse than Russell was? Constantly questioning him even though overall he was our most productive guy. I mean the guy is 21 and averaged 15,4,5 or something.

    Like even if you think he absolutely SUCKS, why would you bad mouth him and let it be known that you question his leadership, professionalism, accepting criticism etc...it just doesn't make any sense and for that...I don't even need to know what was going on behind the scenes. A new trigger-happy front office is being taken advantage of...

    They fired like 10 people to beef up the analytics and make the Lakers modern again. They Have you heared of any signings? Oh ya, me neither. They made this decision without any "fresh input"...Oh ya, there was a signing. Kardashians booty guru is now our fitness coach.

    why the eff would you do this THIS summer? Not even taking a look at the Ball Russell backcourt that seemed to be such a perfect fit where both can make plays, shoot , rebound etc...why not at the effin deadline? Why not even see them play for like a week? It would have only lowered the burden on the Mozgov contract next year...Kuzma certainly wasn't the reason.

    Everytime we came with a "plan"...it failed like to epic proportions...the 2007 plan....crashed and burned and turned into a Kobe trade demand...the 2012 plan...the 2014 plan...lets stay under the cap and go for a homerun superstar to jumpstart the rebuild instead of the draft way...then you stike out 3 consecutive years...collect assets in the mean time by learning from your mistakes...and then you trade away the far and away BEST young player on the team AFTER killing his value? WTF

    And all this for what? Going back to the 2014 plan to strike not one...but 2 home runs? Seriously? Are we seriously cleaning up the roster for a 35 year old LeBron James to come save this franchise? A starting 5 with 3 SFs as their three best players...? Like did the Lakers learn anything?

    EVEN if they strike gold...there was no reason to do it THIS off-season. Not now, not in this market. You could have more easily traded the 2 years of Mozgov next year. Also with Russell the Lakers would have played a better season next year which would have solidified their upswing for potential FAs...now we are just back to garbage...and then we might sign a washed up James tp a huge contract...just waiting 3 years for his contract to run out and go collect assets for the next rebuild?

    LIKE REALLY? Its amazing to me that they were able to kill all the momentum. Kill Russells trade value and then trade him, the best player on the team, for peanuts in the hope to sign LeBron. In the mean time...we have Ball and three fringe NBA talents to "develop"...like we are the NBA Development League.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
    OmarE, alam1108, scnottaken and 5 others like this.
  2. Toklat

    Toklat - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Front office made us much stronger this week and sent a powerful message. Hard working serious players. Lakers are about winning not goofing off. So far I am 100% behind Magic and Rob. Great draft as well. No panic in the George situation. Winning time is back.
    TIME, OmarE, Battle Tested20 and 7 others like this.
  3. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Agreed. In fairness, Magic/Rob are cleaning up what happened before February 2017. They can not be blamed for 1) the public criticism of Russell, and 2) signing of MozDeng.
  4. ZenMaster

    ZenMaster - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Couldn't agree more.

    What does it matter if Magic and Rob cleaned house? To continue the metaphor, they used fire hose to do so, instead of carefully clean individual pieces, keeping their value.
    jbiggs likes this.
  5. Kenzo

    Kenzo - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Not impressed so far. I'll give them some time (even though i have my doubts in Magic mostly) ;).
  6. wcsoldier81

    wcsoldier81 - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Way too early to judge/criticize ...
  7. Alcindor

    Alcindor - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Totally behind Magic and Rob. More so than the attitude issues (I couldn't stand DLo) he's a one-sided scorer and at potential best a 6th man on a good team. Sure he might get minutes and points in Brooklyn with no one else there, and after he's eventually traded again he's gonna complain everywhere he goes about a bigger role while talking himself up. With Ball's signing and our intention the keep Ingram, PG would be coming over here to play mostly.....wing. Where does DLo fit in those plans? It makes him expendable. Now we'd better get PG.

    There was not another realistic way to dump Moz or Deng without giving up something significant. But I think some of us are overvaluing DLo or more likely, undervaluing the dumping of Moz's deal and how difficult it is to do that. And how beneficial to us. I think Magic and Rob looked ahead and saw DLo was not going to be a big part of this team and with Ball was likely going to complain about his role. Remember his recent retweet where someone tweeted that we didn't need Ball here at all with DLo on the team (think he'd learned his social media lesson)? Dude's ego is off the charts.

    Moz or Deng HAD to get dumped. Magic and Rob's plan includes signing another star with PG and that takes cap space we weren't anywhere near. Dumping one of Moz/Deng was not going to get done without losing Russell or Ingram. Not with Randle or Clarkson as some suggested, pipe. No one but Brooklyn was going to get saddled with that contract for 3 years because they know they have no hope for 3 years.

    We found the expiring we needed to get it done and a willing partner in a trade. I was happy when heard about it. I called 2 of my pals, huge LAL fans and they were very happy about the deal too. Was surprised to see all the criticism here. We can come out of this with the youth we have now Ball, Ingram, Randle, Clarkson, Zubac, Nance, Brook Lopez to play some good middle for us for this year at least (also a trade asset if need) some good young cheap role players in Ennis, Robinson add to the crew the new picks: Kuzma, Hart and Bryant and then the possibility of 2 FA superstars.

    As we get closer to next summer it will be easier for PG to scare of would-be-suitors. There is no doubt that a lot of Magic and Rob's plan hinges on PG coming or making a deal for him. But it isn't everything. We can still clear space for 2 stars while our youth grow over this and next year. Maybe even stretch Deng next summer if needed for even more room.

    Or we could have stayed on the path that Kupchak and Jim set for us which was another 5 years of total misery and failure. I'll take Magic and Rob's plan, I haven't heard anything on here that sounds better to me.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
    TIME, alam1108, SeasonVet24 and 6 others like this.

    SFGOLDRUSHER - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 25, 2014
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    Very well said my dude! Go Lake show! Bring on expiring contracts, we need a first or two for next year ;)
    SeasonVet24 likes this.
  9. PosterFormerlyKnownAs_MC

    PosterFormerlyKnownAs_MC - Rookie -

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    Not sure winning games late in the season while teams are either resting guys for the playoffs or are playing more developmental guys because they aren't in the playoffs (ala Lakers themselves) ....... is "momentum" that even matters.

    I can't disagree with you more

    first of Russell was an underachieving headache...... glad that one dimensional headache is gone

    second, why would you be upset about dropping Moz's contract and picking up a better centre with an expiring one? not sure what you believe we had on this roster but we have a bunch of borderline potential....not one clear cut all-star in the making. These moves HAVE to be done.... you need room to maneuver in order to fix this hot mess the Bozo Buss son left this team in.

    Now if they really want to turn this thing around and develop an actual philosophy out there they will find a new place for Randle to play too ..... This team needs to shed themselves of guys that simply only bring something on one end of the court.....you can't have 5 guys out there that can't guard their positions........ IMO he's the last sore spot on that end of the floor that has no chance of guarding his position.

    As far as the management moves? not like they had been drafting and finding gems in FA ....... when you aren't being productive in your field it should be no surprise it's time to go..... anything with the Bozo Buss son's stink should be replaced as soon as possible so that new air and life can be breathed in and replace the staleness that was the Lakers the last 3 years or so.

    Outside of a few fans who seem to think the world of Dblows..... all the words you hear about the Lakers around is positive and the word is they are back to heading in the right direction ...... a 180 degree Uturn from the short Bozo era which no player or agent wanted to touch this team with a 10 foot pole .......
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
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  10. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    We got Ball. He wants to be here. He refused to work out for anyone else. I won't comment on the other players drafted because I don't know enough about them and at those slots, more of a crapshoot.

    Moz had to go. Deng needs to go. Those 2 positions aren't up for debate.

    I wanted to keep Dangelo, but the writing was on the wall (attitude, immature, non-leader). We can say they ruined his name, but maybe they wanted to keep him and were trying to light a fire under his butt and he didn't respond how they wanted. If that's the case, did we ruin his name, or did he? I don't think for one second that anyone one on the Laker staff felt comfortable going forward with him as PG, team leader, positive locker room presence. And I wanted to keep him.
  11. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    fyi this is when dlo became expendable

  12. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Agreed. So far this is no different than what Jim and Mitch were doing.

    I'd only add that we managed to kill the value of all our young guys. No one wants Randle or Clarkson either. No way should Dunn, Lavine, Heild, etc be valued so much higher. Our issues with our young players should have been kept under wraps and Magic should have been pumping them all up instead of just singling out Ingram.
    scnottaken and abeer3 like this.
  13. gill

    gill - Rookie -

    Jun 30, 2015
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    I'm not as upset with the DLo trade. I get why people are upset. The dude had talent but what do I know? I'm just some guy behind a keyboard while Magic and Rob clearly saw something in the kid that doesn't fit the team. Plus, if I'm going by what I only knew, read somewhere they did try to unload DLo to other teams and no one else would bite.

    I applaud them for unloading the Mozgov contract and the load of young talent their bringing in, bringing an all-star center in return on an expiring K.

    I'm behind this FO and more optimistic than what we got in Jim & Mitch post Dwight Howard "era". Magic certainly has a better impression on players and Rob has connection with other agents.

    Too early to criticize for me. They're just getting started.
    SeasonVet24 and Barnstable like this.
  14. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    Minus the signing of Moz and Deng to crippling contracts.
  15. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    It's the same plan though. Ding pretty much said so.
    abeer3 likes this.
  16. Kobe Bryant 8

    Kobe Bryant 8 - Lakers Starter -

    Apr 8, 2016
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    Same plan. So Mitch and Jim had planned to offer two horrible deals, then trade assets to clean up their mistakes?

    Makes total sense. Go Ding.
    Alcindor likes this.
  17. KB24

    KB24 Administrator Staff Member

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    It seems like nobody got the memo.

    This is not about Russell...even though my message sounds like it is. This is about the frickin new plan that Magic and Pelinka have which is the same with which Mitch and Jim failed year after year....which is lets live with 1 year rentals and wait and hit two homeruns next offseason....good luck.

    We are trading away assets and salary A YEAR IN ADVANCE and in awful fashion without any urgent pressure in order to sign George and James next off-season...both SFs btw...like our current best player...(Ingram). Also James will be 35 come 2018/2019...we are trading 21 year olds to sign 35 year olds...in an era, where it is obvious that GS will kick anybody's a**...

    Amazing idea.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
  18. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    People hated Russell so they are just focusing on that and not seeing anything else.

    It is the same plan.
    scnottaken and abeer3 like this.
  19. Mitch

    Mitch - Rookie -

    Oct 9, 2015
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    If we don't get George this summer, this trade blows. If we do, we'll be a hot topic all year, will improve (a lot hopefully) and will be going into the offseason with the legitimate hope of going back to contender status with a couple of acquisitions.

    So to me it's a gamble. The odds I cant judge. But obviously the plan is not to patiently develop the youth but contend soon, which is generally fine. It just shouldnt all depend on stuff that might happen in a year. Especially do not depend on lebron coming. He could change his mind 10 times in a year.
    scnottaken and abeer3 like this.
  20. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    How many FAs did Mitch have in that walked away unimpressed with the presentation ? 16 trophies, Los Angeles, Pacific Ocean, Hollywood movies, Silicon Valley up the road and Mitch bored them to tears. Magic won't have that problem.

    And PG13 has told his team he's not staying and is signing with one team and one team only. Good luck? We don't need luck. We have his word. Every other team trusts him. Why don't you?
    therealdeal and Barnstable like this.

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