Hi all! Just wanted to make you guys aware of an issue with the banner. It actually doesn't bug me, but figured the staff would like to know. I'm sure you guys have bigger fish to fry at the moment. I am using Google Chrome and running a resolution of 1440x900. The image banner is cut off when the internet zoom is set to 100%, or the full page.
Oh that makes sense, I was wondering what people were talking about that there was someone in the upper right corner. Looks great!
So I'm logging in and getting redirected to porn sites. Oh wait, I was trying to login to my previous home page.
Also, I imagine you all will be adding people other than Kobe to the top right corner eventually, yes?
The people change based on the color theme you use. If you scroll to the bottom where it says "Sunday Whites," you can click it and it will bring up other color schemes. The players change based on the scheme!