Get To Know CaCHooka Man

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by John3:16, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Thanks to Pound 4 Pound for last weeks round of this off-season thread. He picked CaCHooka Man.

    Same ground rules: Ask questions to get to know the member. Not limited to the Lakers, basketball, or sports, but those are to be included. If you ask something he deems too personal for whatever reason, he can simply choose not to answer.

    I'm starting it off with the same generic questions I asked the others.

    Have you ever fired a Gun
    Been Married.
    Fell in love.
    Swam in an ocean.
    Gone on blind date.
    Skipped school.
    Watched someone give birth.
    Been to Canada.
    Been to Hawaii.
    Been to Alaska.
    Been to Europe.
    Been to Las Vegas.
    Been to Washington D.C.
    Been to Nashville.
    Visited Florida.
    Visited Mexico.
    Seen the Grand Canyon in person
    Flown in a HELICOPTER.
    Been on a cruise.
    Served on a jury.
    Been in a movie.
    Been to Los Angeles.
    Been to New York City.
    Played in a band.
    Sang karaoke.
    Made prank phone calls?
    Laughed so much you cried.
    Caught a snowflake on your tongue.
    Have children
    Have a pet.
    Been sledding on big hill.
    Been downhill skiing.
    Been water skiing.
    Rode on a motorcycle.
    Rode a motorcycle.
    Jumped out of a plane.
    Been to a drive-in movie.
    Rode an elephant.
    Been on TV.
    Been in newspaper.
    Stayed in Hospital.
    Donated blood.
    Gotten a piercing.
    Gotten a tattoo.
    Driven a stick shift vehicle.
    Driven over 100 mph.
    Been scuba diving.
    Lived on your own.
    Rode in the back of police car.
    Got a speeding ticket.

    Best movie you saw this year (so far)
    Last book you read:
    What was the last practical joke you played?
    Favorite Laker moment?
    NBA player you hate:
    Nba player you think is overrated:
    Nba player that youi think is underrated:
    Nba player that you love:
    Nba player you secretly love:
    Favorite Nba player of all time:
    Nba G.O.A.T is:

    I'll be back to ask more questions.

    Everyone else, please feel free to fire away.
  2. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I'll also add this to help you guys get to know @CaCHooKa Man --- Check out his youtube videos. Just search his name on youtube. Amazing stuff!!!
    Barnstable and sirronstuff like this.
  3. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Seen a ghost? Believe in Ghosts?

    Seen a UFO? Believe in UFOs?

    Believe in Astrology?

    Believe in Psychic powers?

    If no to all above, what would be the thing you believe in that some might think is crazy?
  4. alam1108

    alam1108 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Drink of choice?

    What got you into making Laker highlight videos?

    How frustrating is to deal with copyright issues?
  5. gcclaker

    gcclaker Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Wherever I am at the moment...
    10 For The Chookmeister....

    - when and how did you becme a Laker fan?
    - what is your NBA level of interest if the Lakers aren't doing well or not in the playoffs?
    - you're trapped in a corner with an aggressive double, no timeouts and have to pass for the potential open game winner. Rank them. Walton, George and Artest?
    - your All Laker Bench Cheerleader Starting Five by position.
    - if Mike Breshnahan asked you to critique his work and be honest, what do you say?
    - how often do you back up your files?
    - how long does it take for you to make a highlight reel typically?
    - the Top 5 Laker Files you value the most and will make sure it stays in your storage...that you always have copies somewhere?
    - would you convert a 4:3 image to 16:9 or leave it as an original?
    - do you consider yourself your own biggest critic about your pieces?
  6. CaCHooKa Man

    CaCHooKa Man Administrator: Media Staff Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    Los Angeles

    Have you ever fired a Gun

    No, I haven't but my friend recently purchased a DDM4V7 and an AK-47 which he invited me to go shoot at a gun range in the near future. Looking forward to it.

    Been Married.

    Fell in love.
    Only fake high school love many moons ago. CaCHooKasanova.

    Swam in an ocean.
    I have a fear of the deep ocean so I've never gone deeper than [​IMG]

    Gone on blind date.

    Skipped school.
    I never skipped school until I started college. The first time I did it was to attend a free taping of the Ellen show. It was at the park right next to where I used to go to high school and Kanye West was performing at a free outdoor concert. Kanye's my favorite artist of all time so of course I was going to ditch any responsibilities to see him in person for free. I'll never forget it since it was a couple days before Mother's Day so Kanye brought his mom on stage to perform Hey Mama. I think it was the last time that happened before she died a year later.

    Watched someone give birth.
    I used to watch a lot of "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" on TLC

    Been to Canada.
    A long time ago. I've only been to Vancouver, BC so not the real Canada.

    Been to Hawaii.

    Been to Alaska.
    Too cold. I like watching Alaska: The Last Frontier though. AKA the reality show about Jewell's family. I also like Alaskan Bush People and Deadliest Catch. I'm all about dat Discovery Channel.

    Been to Europe.
    Someday. I used to work with people in Europe though.

    Been to Las Vegas.
    I went quite a few times between the ages of 21 and 25. After spending $1,000 on one night at a club on Memorial Day Weekend, I haven't been back. I did have my first strip club experience and lapdance in Vegas, however.

    Been to Washington D.C.

    Been to Nashville.
    I'm not sure how I would fare in the south

    Visited Florida.
    Went to Sea World and Disney World as a kid

    Visited Mexico.
    Nope. Love Mexican food though.

    Seen the Grand Canyon in person
    Yeah. My parents took me and my sister on vacations a lot when we were young and we went to Sedona and the Grand Canyon. I'd like to go again now that I'm older since it's somewhat hazy.

    Flown in a HELICOPTER.
    I'm the best pilot in GTA V

    Been on a cruise.
    I'd like to in the future for the abundance of booze

    Served on a jury.
    Nope. I've only had a jury summons twice since turning 18 and both times I didn't even get called in front of a judge. The first time I went I was in the same room as the janitor from Scrubs though.

    Been in a movie.
    I like to think my life is a movie

    Been to Los Angeles.
    Lived there my whole life

    Been to New York City.

    Yup. It was a couple years before 9/11 and I got to go to the top of one of the WTC towers. That's really the only thing I remember about that trip other than it being a trashy city. That was in the 90s though. It's probably still trashy since my friends that have been there recently or currently live there tell me it is.

    Played in a band.
    I'm kind of a retired rapper. Not even joking. I've produced and rapped on songs with my friend. It started as a drunk dial voicemail joke to a girl but we made a few songs. He still makes me freestyle sometimes when we're drunk cause I'm a decent rapper though.

    Sang karaoke.
    I'm Filipino and a lot of my friends are Korean. I'm sure you could put two and two together. I live in a world where Magic Mic is not a movie with male strippers.

    Made prank phone calls?
    Me and my friends used to use soundboards in high school to prank call each other and record them on tape. We all knew it was coming and it was still funny. The high school I went to used to give a directory of all students' home numbers so parents could coordinate carpools and stuff like that. Two of my friends prank called these two guys in the class above us and pretended to be them and one of the parents called the school and snitched on them.

    Laughed so much you cried.
    Kobe's last game. I couldn't believe what he did and it was more joy than sadness.

    Caught a snowflake on your tongue.
    Only dirty Lake Tahoe snow

    Have children

    Have a pet.
    Two dogs

    Been sledding on big hill.
    I've been on a tiny hill. Not much opportunity to do so living in Los Angeles.

    Been downhill skiing.

    I haven't been skiing but I snowboarded down a mountain in Tahoe. It was my first time ever snowboarding and my friends made me go on one of the intermediate courses. After I almost wiped out half of the people on the ski lift with me when I got off, I proceeded to slide down the mountain on my butt in my waterproof pants while people were flying by me doing tricks and stuff. I then took the snowboard off my boots and walked.

    Been water skiing.

    Rode on a motorcycle.
    Nope. I'm terrified of them. I don't think I could handle any more power under my crotch than I already have.

    Jumped out of a plane.
    Nope. My cousin is a Major in the Air Force that served in Germany, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan and I've been to a skydiving place in Perris, CA where he did a couple of jumps.

    Been to a drive-in movie.
    Nope. Interestingly enough, I had a conversation about that with a Lyft driver a couple weeks ago. He was an older African American gentleman and convinced me and my friend that it was a fantastic place to take a lady friend for a night of enjoyment.

    Rode an elephant.
    I played Far Cry 4 once

    Been on TV.
    Once. It was during the taping of the Ellen show that I mentioned earlier. I'm in the first few seconds of the show where Ellen is riding in on a tiny car and high fiving people in the crowd.

    Been in newspaper.
    The city my high school was in published the name of every student that graduated at their respective high schools in the city that year so that's the only time I was in the newspaper. I was in my college newspaper too for some paper that I wrote. I don't actually remember what it was about though.

    Stayed in Hospital.
    Thankfully not

    Donated blood.

    My high school was associated with a hospital next door so we would have a couple blood drives a year. I used to sign up to donate blood first thing in the morning right after homeroom so I could spend the entire day eating snacks in our gym "recovering" and skipping all classes for the day.

    Gotten a piercing.
    Prince Albert. Just kidding. Nope I don't have any.

    Gotten a tattoo.

    Not yet. I want one but I just don't know what it'll be.

    Driven a stick shift vehicle.
    I'm thinking of getting a stick shift in my next car. I'm not sure how practical that would be living in Los Angeles though.

    Driven over 100 mph.

    I've gone 110 in the carpool lane. That's the fastest I've gone since my car speedometer has an electronic limiter and automatically slows down once you hit that speed. It was terrifying though. Makes me wonder how they do it on the regular on the Autobahn.

    Been scuba diving.
    As I said, I hate the deep sea. Despite that, I love watching shows and documentaries about the ocean.

    See above

    Rode in the back of police car.
    I'm sure I've had the potential of it happening once or twice before but me and my friends have talked our way out of any real trouble

    Got a speeding ticket.
    Nope. Only ticket I've ever gotten was from an LAX traffic cop. I was picking up some friends and he told me to move my car so I moved it. Apparently it wasn't far enough and he pedaled his little bike over to me and parked the front tire right in front of me. He then proceeded to give me a ticket.

    Best movie you saw this year (so far)
    I've only seen one movie in theaters this year so I guess it would win by default. It was Captain America: Civil War.

    Last book you read:
    Probably Forrest Gump 15 years ago

    What was the last practical joke you played?
    I don't remember the last one I did in real life but I like to troll my friends in ARK: Survival Evolved. Our tribe is the Alpha in our server so we really have nothing to do other than upkeep of our base so I get bored from time to time. The last thing I did was fill our entire base with wooden spikes so when my friends would log on they would run into the spikes everywhere they turned. #nerd

    Favorite Laker moment?
    Game 7 of the 2010 Finals

    NBA player you hate:
    Kevin Durant since I've been blocked by him on Twitter for like 4 or 5 years

    player you think is overrated:

    Draymond Green

    player that you think is underrated:

    Paul George

    player that you love:

    D'Angelo Russell

    player you secretly love:

    Dame D.O.L.L.A

    Favorite NBA player of all time:


    G.O.A.T is:

  7. CaCHooKa Man

    CaCHooKa Man Administrator: Media Staff Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    Los Angeles

    Seen a ghost? Believe in Ghosts?
    Kind of. When my grandfather died a long time ago, my whole family went to the Philippines to bury him and I stayed home alone since I had to go to school. One night I was sitting at my computer and I started to smell something cooking in the kitchen. I know for a fact it wasn't me since I was there by myself. It smelled like the favorite thing that my grandfather used to cooked for me. It didn't freak me out or anything. I mean it probably should've but it didn't.

    Seen a UFO? Believe in UFOs?
    When I was little, I remember looking up at the sky above my house and seeing three aircraft that I've never seen before. I couldn't hear anything and they looked kind of weird. I don't believe in UFOs though.

    Believe in Astrology?
    I don't necessarily believe in it but I think the values and ideas they represent have some merit. I have a very rudimentary understanding of Astrology though. I will say that Zodiac Signs are surprisingly accurate, at least in my personal experience.

    Believe in Psychic powers?
    I watch too many shows on Discovery Channel, History, National Geographic, etc. that I'm not sure what to believe about it. In general, I think it's BS though.
    gcclaker and Barnstable like this.
  8. CaCHooKa Man

    CaCHooKa Man Administrator: Media Staff Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    Los Angeles

    Drink of choice?
    Right now it's either a Tito's and soda or Makers Mark and soda

    What got you into making Laker highlight videos?
    LD2K's mixes that he used to post on ClubLakers. I remember sending him a PM before asking how he recorded his stuff and it just took off from there. I also remember that I was asked to post highlights on (not LakersNation) and I never followed through with it. I probably would've ended up getting media credentials since they were formerly And now LD2K works for 2K Sports and I release unpaid videos on YouTube lol. I think I was one of the first people to start doing team specific highlights instead of cinematic videos. Now everyone on YouTube is doing it. It's pretty cool that my channel is the first to pop up when you search for "Lakers highlights" though. Also, Ximo Pierto is my mortal enemy.

    How frustrating is to deal with copyright issues?
    The first couple of years it was horrible. I think I'm on my 8th YouTube account already. In recent years, the NBA has become the most lenient out of all the major sports though. I've had the same account for 4 years now without any issues. There's still the occasional time where my Team Highlights videos will get blocked worldwide but they no longer count as major copyright strikes against my account like they used to. I do wish I could make ad revenue from them though but that's pushing my luck. I stopped using my non-personal Twitter account a year or so ago since I received a cease & desist e-mail from Time Warner but I haven't received anything since.
  9. CaCHooKa Man

    CaCHooKa Man Administrator: Media Staff Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    - when and how did you become a Laker fan?
    I wasn't a fan until Kobe got drafted. I was 9 years old at the time and my dad used to watch Lakers games all the time.

    - what is your NBA level of interest if the Lakers aren't doing well or not in the playoffs?

    I generally don't care about any other team besides the Lakers. I don't really enjoy watching other teams play. After the Lakers play their last game, I'm done watching basketball until they play again. I'll watch a few minutes of the playoffs here and there but I usually don't care enough to be invested in any of it.

    - you're trapped in a corner with an aggressive double, no timeouts and have to pass for the potential open game winner. Rank them. Walton, George and Artest?

    1. Artest - He'll either brick it horribly or swish it and be the happiest crazy man alive
    2. Walton - You're mind's not on the game, it's gotta be a woman
    3. George - Gump

    - your All Laker Bench Cheerleader Starting Five by position.

    PG: Chris Duhon
    SG: Sasha Vujacic
    SF: Adam Morrison
    PF: Ronny Turiaf
    C: Robert Sacre

    - if Mike Breshnahan asked you to critique his work and be honest, what do you say?

    You know little to nothing about basketball and your cynicism is blatantly obvious. You try to push your agendas, no matter how outlandish they are, and I can't take anything you say seriously. I would rather TWC have kept Coach Miller's goofy a** than have you be the lead in-studio "analyst."

    - how often do you back up your files?

    During the season, I keep all my clips on the internal hard drive of my computer. After the season is over, I move them to an external hard drive. From 06-10 I would burn them to DVDs and I have probably hundreds lying around. A decade of highlights takes up quite a bit of data.

    - how long does it take for you to make a highlight reel typically?
    I usually do my highlights while the game is going on. I try to get them done within 10 minutes of the game ending. I do the editing during commercial breaks, after quarters and during halftime. It's been pretty brutal the last few years since we've been so horrible. It's like I watch every game 3 times so I see us suck 3 times as much.

    - the Top 5 Laker Files you value the most and will make sure it stays in your storage...that you always have copies somewhere?

    I really only have one and it's Kobe's 81 point game. I have the original recording from the day it happened, the replay of it in better quality when they replay it and the highlights I made of every shot Kobe made. I even did a speech about the DVD I have for my Speech class in college. We had to do a speech about something that was important to us and I chose the DVD of the game. Kobe's final game might be on the list too now though.

    - would you convert a 4:3 image to 16:9 or leave it as an original?

    I like to keep videos in as close to the original format as possible

    - do you consider yourself your own biggest critic about your pieces?

    I hate when I miss something or make a mistake in a video. It's especially bad since anonymous people on YouTube aren't afraid to call you out for it.
  10. alam1108

    alam1108 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Laker Land
    Not so much a question but I remember a couple years ago your videos had abbreviated titles(team highlights were TH). It created a fun little game in the comment section.

    Do you watch any other sports?

    Dodgers or Angels?

    Best place for Filipino food in LA.

    Play any sports?
  11. gcclaker

    gcclaker Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Wherever I am at the moment...
    CaChooka's Ten [Thursday Edition]

    - do you own a vcr videocassette player or know someone who does?
    - if you have watched 4K res, will 8K make that much of a difference?
    - what type of big screen do you have?
    - Whiny Ainge contacts you about your video editing skills and offers you do it for his C*****s. Very high relocation. Yay or nay?
    - edit footage of a Kanye West tour or the annual SI’s Swimsuit documentary? Both all access and equal pay. You can only choose one.
    - edit footage for a crime investigation or a nature show?
    - work on editing a film for Spike Lee or Clint Eastwood?
    - rate your rapping skills.
    - for the un-enlightened, what is the difference between hip hop and rap?
    - do you develop preconceived notions beforehand of how your highlight reels will form depending on the opponent?

    Bonus Q?:
    - would you go in a shark cage and assist filming Great Whites? You'll be paid well btw..
  12. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    trodgers likes this.
  13. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    What is a typical day for you?

    As Kanye's #1 fan, where do you rank him as a producer? As a rapper? Why do you think his albums have fell off after MBDTF? On a scale of 1 - 10, how much do you think I hate him? (Just kidding on the last question.... sort of)

    They make a movie about your life. Who stars in it?

    Who are the 3 most beautiful women alive?

    Would you take $10 million and have 10 years taken off your life?
  14. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    If you had to eat one insect for your only food the rest of your life, what insect would you prefer it be?
  15. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Professor of Humanities
    Happy to get to know the man behind the awesome nickname.
    Battle Tested20, TIME and sirronstuff like this.
  16. alam1108

    alam1108 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Laker Land

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