Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by John3:16, Aug 7, 2016.

  1. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    When do the Lakers make the playoffs again?

    Next year. We'll surprise people by being in contention for the 8 spot this year, but fall just short unless there is an interesting trade we can't pass up. I don't see that happening, so I think next year.

    Who is the coach when we win a title again?

    I was thinking about this yesterday actually. Is Luke our version of Scott Brooks that brings us back to respectability, but not over the top? I think it's too soon to say really.

    Timeout, 3 seconds on the clock, down 1 point, game 7 of NBA Finals. Who do you give the ball to?

    Kobe all day every day. Current squad? Not sure yet. I think we'll know after this year, but so far I'm leaning toward Russell and Clarkson over the other options due to their ability to create, hit from anywhere, use both hands, etc.

    On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you miss Chicano?
    (typing that, I started laughing at that time you sent him a video via PM and he got mad and posted it so everyone could laugh at him).

    Chicano was so freaking awesome, and predictable. I liked when I acted like I was Mrs Norris and sent a picture of that online newspaper I ordered about going to jail for repeatedly striking a teenager in the reproductive region for catcalling my daughter lol. I knew exactly what he would do with it, and to watch it unfold was glorious lol. I miss the guy as he's one of those people that makes forums fun and unique. His goal of most posts was a little misguided that quantity over quality was good, and his quoting of posts that you hadn't even gotten to yet was a little bewildering - like you thought you missed something, but he was pretty cool. Juancano forever lol. And Kurtano. I read part of that thread recently on the way back machine, and I still laugh at that fake account when I was pretending to be gay and hitting on Chicano. He was a good sport, but dang he set himself up for grief so willingly. No way I'm posting the old skittle video though lol. I looked up his account at LN awhile back, but appeared he no longer posted there. I'd welcome him back in a heartbeat. I'm sure he's grown out of some of the stuff that drove mods crazy.


    chicanofinal.JPG kurtano.JPG

    Did you plan sports growing up?

    A little baseball, but for some reason by Junior High it fell by the wayside. I always loved running for some reason, and when I got into high school rediscovered that and loved it. Half way decent, but injured too much.

    Is there anywhere to live better than Texas?

    Lots of good things about TX, but since I've only lived here and SoCal, I'd say there are advantages to both. I'm going to stay awhile in Atlanta coming up, and because of my custody situation, actually open to relocating to a more scenic area. I love the greenery of CA, so something like Arkansas or TN sounds great in theory, but it's starting life over. That might be what the doctor ordered, and might not.

    BUT, if sh*t goes down in this country, you'll want to be in TX where everyone owns guns and will protect themselves from government overthrow. There's a crazy on every corner itching to use their gun(s) I'm betting. Women here love to go to the shooting range on dates, and have concealed weapon licenses all day long. Cracks me up.

    Favorite motto or quote?

    You are a sum total today of what has gone into your mind and body. You change who you are, you change who you want to become by changing what goes into your mind and your body. --Zig Ziglar.

    I'm sure I have others, but that one came to mind quickly.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
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  2. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Some great words of wisdom. Thanks for sharing very personal examples of your life. Now if I could figure out how to change the font color.
    trodgers and sirronstuff like this.
  3. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    Bro, this picture brings back great memories. Who was the kid with the cheeks? I remember someone saying they wanted to pinch them. LOL He was another great guy from CL. Think he went off to USC for architecture.

    sirronstuff likes this.
  4. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Juanyo was his username, and it's how we came up with Juancano/Juancanyo

    I changed the color to be slightly different than the question. Maybe I just need to let that alone. On the darker themes it looks fine, but my guess is you are using Sunday whites.
    John3:16 likes this.
  5. raviator

    raviator - Rookie -

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Very real, very raw. I respect that you're able to admit your faults and what not. I wholeheartedly agree with what you said. Anyway, questions:

    When did you become a Lakers fan? And how?
    Favorite championship year?
    Which Laker championship squad was the best or your favorite?

    Favorite music/band/song?
    Favorite movie?
    Favorite actor/actress?
    sirronstuff likes this.
  6. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Very real, very raw. I respect that you're able to admit your faults and what not. I wholeheartedly agree with what you said. Anyway, questions:

    When did you become a Lakers fan? And how?
    I'm sure my Dad probably watched games when I was growing up, so I was a fan of the Showtime Lakers. A LOT of fun to watch. When I had kids, I decided I would only follow one sport a year because it's too easy to get sucked into something for every season of the year and not be available. Also a big Dodger fan and stat geek growing up (Steve Garvey was my guy), but when baseball messed up to season stats in a row with the strike and cancelled the world series, Laker basketball snuck in and I've never gone back. That was when I started becoming a huge fan.

    Favorite championship year?
    I think the year we beat Portland in the WCF. Crazy that we found a way to win it all. I barely remember the Riley years really, but I did enjoy the 3peat team quite a bit. I loved our big guys schooling Dwight Howard and exposing his weaknesses. I didn't see that coming in Orlando. Game 7 against Boston.... Getting out of the West with Sacramento....darn great memories. It has been a blessed era to be a fan.

    Which Laker championship squad was the best or your favorite?
    The squad that went 15-1 was probably the best, but my favorite might have been the squad that beat Boston in Game 7. Just a very likeable group of guys. Great mix of vets and young guys, and it was Kobe's DNA on that one.

    Favorite music/band/song?
    Many won't have heard of this guy/Christian band, but this song has a lot of meaning to me personally. I like a lot of their songs. Big Daddy Weave.

    Favorite movie?
    I don't think I can pick one. If I had to go genre, I would probably go superhero though.

    Favorite actor/actress?
    I usually can't remember names. More of a fan of the movie than the actors/actresses. Like everyone, I probably think, "Oh, that will be a good one-they usually are in good movies." I'm that way with most musicians and movie stars, names of songs/movies. Just not so much wired to care/retain the info. Just enjoy the moment and archive it quickly I guess.
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  7. Punk-101

    Punk-101 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I'm sorry about what you've been going through, Steve. Your positivity and strength is inspiring. Hang in there buddy.
  8. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Thanks brother. Tough stretch of life for sure, but like the Lakers, better days are ahead. We've just been going through rebuilding at the same time.

    Wait a minute....... Maybe Poop = ex wife! Maybe I have been misdirecting anger at Byron?


    Nah.... He's a total poophead.
  9. Punk-101

    Punk-101 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Oh, believe me. I'm a master of understanding metaphorical imagery brought forth by one's unconscious, and many of your gifs now make sense after reading your life story. It's positive stuff though, so don't worry. :Crazyartest:
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  10. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Laker Purgatory
    oh snap....




    I was thinking of making this one next. [​IMG]

    Am I going to be ok? :Crazyartest:


    Or is this just good therapy???????? :Noddingyes::Laugh:
  11. Punk-101

    Punk-101 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Don't make me hospitalize your arse! lol
    sirronstuff likes this.
  12. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Damn, I feel like I just saved $1,000's on therapy.
  13. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    That's hilarious.
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  14. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    This really blindsided me.
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  15. Battle Tested20

    Battle Tested20 Moderator Staff Member

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    @sirronstuff I don't know what to say, but I wish I could just give you a hug. Thank you for sharing what I can only imagine is tough to bring up again. You'll do far more good by what you shared here than you can imagine.

    Keep being you man, we love you for that and the joy/laughter you give this community is unmatched. I promise you things will get better :)
  16. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Laker Purgatory

    Hug it out bro
  17. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

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    Some great stuff in this thread. Props to you for your openness.

    What's the last book you read?

    What's something/somewhere/etc. unusual that reminds you of the good times with your mom?

    What's a typical day for you like?
    gcclaker likes this.
  18. alam1108

    alam1108 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Laker Land
  19. Kirby Pls 24

    Kirby Pls 24 - Rookie -

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Thank you for answering these personal questions, man.

    I've noticed @LakerGIFs has been slowly gaining an audience... have you had any notable responses/follow from the Laker heads you tag these photos/gifs in? Any funny stories you care to share with this?

    As always, keep up the great work man. Your efforts do not go unnoticed, and I can't wait to see what you've got in store for this upcoming season.
  20. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory

    What's the last book you read?

    I've ready from the Bible most recently, but not a big reader. More audio books or sermons actually. Makes me realize I haven't been taking in much new material lately, and I suppose that has contributed to me being a bit stuck where I'm at. But dangit if I haven't conquered an impressive amount of Netflix! Need to download some new material from iTunes store and listen to some new books while working out. That's my thang, and I've gotten away from it.

    What's something/somewhere/etc. unusual that reminds you of the good times with your mom?
    One time my Mom made liver and brussel sprouts (boiled) for the same meal. As I was coming downstairs for dinner, I got dry heaves. Family thought it was hilarious, but I seriously couldn't even make it to the table. Dad thanked me over 20 years later because my Mom never made that combo again. (Which he secretly didn't like, but being a good husband didn't say so lol) So liver or talk of liver triggers thoughts of Mom and good memories. And rocking chairs make me think of my favorite Mom memory. And anything massage, natural healing, vitamins, homeopathic treatments, etc. Mom was an amazing massage therapist and passionate about what she did. Her clients relied on her to help heal their bodies, and she ministered to their spirits also. Part of the reason I never had broken bones growing up or a cavity to this day was she pumped us kids full of vitamins at a very young age. It's still amazing to me, as I was her second kid at 18. Where did she get the knowledge to be aware that on a very meager budget, that it was a priority? Very special woman.

    What's a typical day for you like?

    Lately, I've been kicking off the day with a righteous amount of vitamins and supplements as I reclaim an Adonis like physique. :p Baby steps, but taking care of health as a priority. Also right now, I'm purposely taking about a year off (relative to my normal crazy activity level) to let my mind and body recover from the last several years of overdoing everything. I felt like I was dangerously close to snapping and losing my marbles at one point because of all I was putting on myself, so I have removed all stresses or as much as possible. If anything, I'm not near as structured as I should be, and thankfully have a friend on me about that. I work about 20 hours a week currently, and the role I play can mostly be done remotely. I basically created my own job and hours that go with it, and am working with a great guy/friend who I've known for years. At one point he made me take two weeks off because he was very concerned about me.

    I've been mixing my schedule with eating healthy most meals, some moderate working out (remedial training at its finest), a few of my favorite Netflix programs, some creative outlets (gifs), and planning at a very reasonable pace my next major career move. Might be coming quicker than I anticipated, and involves providing government products and services through a couple of Veteran owned business friends of mine. I'll be primarily responsible for building the back end on the technology side, and it can be done from anywhere when cloud based. Very blessed to have this time of recovery be possible. I'd like to move more in a direction of daily workouts, intaking positive motivational material, and developing a deeper relationship with an amazing woman I met.

    *Sirron's Juicy confession below*

    When volunteering at my home church for a large production outreach program they did, a beautiful woman came up to me and asked me if I was there to pray for her group. She was "green" team leader, and apparently church leadership had assigned people to specifically minister to the volunteers that face challenges from all areas of life when dedicating time and energy to a project like that. I wasn't there, but to volunteer, so she said, "Ok, you are on Green Team, Come with me." I could not keep my eyes off her, and thought she had the most beautiful face and eyes. Also a very curvily built woman of color. I have found myself to rarely be attracted to women of color, but she was the rare exception. I have only dated one other black woman, but it absolutely opened my mind to doing so again. Once you go black...?

    What I found over the next month of volunteering and performances was that this was a very special woman. I tried to look to see if there was a ring almost right away the first time we met, and slyly tried to ask if her "husband" also was volunteering. :) Gots to be sly. This woman is absolutely loved by all around her, and people randomly come running up to her at church to give her hugs and love on her. She has obviously invested heavily in people and has impacted the world around her in a wy that few can or do. The outside is great, but the inside exceeded it, and I have found that to be so rare a quality. I asked her out, and she hesitated, and asked me "if I was sure". Darn, I dislike insecurity in a woman, and figured it was that. She didn't think I knew her actual age though, so wasn't sure I would be interested if I knew. I'm 44 almost 45, and I thought she might have a couple of years on me, but I would have guessed max 50. She looks amazing, no joke. She wouldn't tell me, so I had to ask for hints, and it started a conversation in our little Green Team group. I asked if she could get discounts at Denny's as a joke (thinking 55), and she said she could. I was shocked. No WAY could this woman be 55. NO WAY!

    Well....took a moment to digest that. But hey, women live about 10 years longer than men right, so since she has taken great care of herself, we're all good. :) She later confesses she isn't 55, but a little older..... She just turned 61 lol, and she was bracing for me to change me mind. And I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She's about 16 years older than me, but such an amazing fit. I admit to having been torn about the age difference and struggling with it for awhile now. I've also been a little concerned about the cultural differences in our backgrounds, etc, but it has made for lively debate and fun exchange. I try to avoid politics ha! She is a very strong woman, and very matter of fact. She doesn't play games, can express herself very clearly, and seems to be my match in nearly every way. Our chemistry is off the charts in all areas like I would never have thought possible. She fairly recently was doing bootcamps, and after a layoff went for a 5 mile run out of nowhere, so not your typical woman of her age. She hangs out with younger people because she doesn't fit in with blue hairs. HA HA, I'm in love with a senior citizen!!!

    Like I said, I've been struggling with a couple facets of this whole thing, but answering some of your questions here, and thinking deeply on some things this week, it really hit me today. I want this woman in my life, and I absolutely intend to marry her. I was concerned of being in a fit place mentally/emotionally to make that call, but I'm not concerned about it any longer. I asked her to come by tonight to see me, and 4 hours passed in a blink of an eye just talking and snuggling and sharing. Dr. Punk-101 and his brilliant open ended questions helped me process final reservations I think. I let her know how I felt tonight, and she let me know she sensed my hesitance recently, but was happy to hear where I was at. Not sure how quickly this will happen, but I have every intention of marrying this beautiful woman and person that I adore and love. I have been welcomed into her large family, (which has been very meaningful) and her Mother (Who goes by Big Mama) likes me. They've been looking for the right person to come along for her, and they feel like I'm it. Great genes in the family, and her grandmother lived to be 101. Her Mom is 81 and incredibly active with no signs of slowing down. Big Mama's house is the center of activity all week long, with all kinds of family and friends coming to visit, including ex-spouses of her kids and grandkids lol. Special family, and I see her as a life partner that will also challenge me and help me be the best person I can be. I don't care if it's nuts, I'll be a super happy guy, and I'll have a hard time wiping a smile off my face. I'm actually going to have a hard time keeping up with her, and I can't wait until the day I can see her every day, and that she doesn't have to leave to go home somewhere else. I could search the earth over and not find her equal as a fit for me, so my search is over. I don't think it's an accident our paths crossed, so I won't be questioning it any longer.

    I'm going to Marry a Grandma, and you found out first! Before anyone in my family even.

    ***Insert all emoticons I've ever made here***

    Did I mention we have GIF wars by phone? :Noddingyes: She also sends me great GIF ideas on a regular basis. Yep, pretty much a keeper. :)
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016

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