To Serve And Protect

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Philosophy -(FORUM CLOSED)-' started by Barnstable, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Punk-101

    Punk-101 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The bottom line is finding a way to prevent people that shouldn't have kids from having kids, or at least more than they can financially and emotionally provide for.
    Barnstable and John3:16 like this.
  2. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    During one of his speeches after the shootings here in Dallas, Chief Brown mentioned that the country has built a system that puts the pressures of providing services for the mentally ill, the addicted, the uneducated, the broken family, and the like on law enforcement. The police officers have to deal with them when there are out of jail and then they warehouse and we get em. My detention center is full of kids in need of serious mental health, substance abuse, or other treatment, and there is no where for them to go. And the few places that they can go to a imply dopes em up for a few months and sends em right back out their to start the cycle over. Then it's back to violence, drugs, being trafficked, or abusing again. thank God we have a legit Sex Offender program. Unless a parent has real resources the kid don't have a chance

    Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
    John3:16 and Punk-101 like this.
  3. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    idiots:giggle: I love the speeding guy being tased, the problem is education and discipline, if people don't have it since childhood, these police encounters will always happen.
  4. davriver209

    davriver209 - Rookie -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    I feel this is the problem with Policing in general... We exist to enforce the law, and to take action against those that break it. But, since I've dealt with tons of stuff here in Stockton, I can say, we take on the roll of much more than police. We have to keep parents' kids in line because the parents can't. We have to be experts with the mental health patients since we deal with them because of the inadequate resources for these people. We have to baby sit adults because they get into an argument and can't control themselves and be reasonable....

    There's something wrong when a mental health facility calls us (the police) and expects us to remove a patient because of the way they're acting.. and then basically hand over liability to us because they don't want to deal with them anymore... That's inexcusable, I've actually had to tell them to do their job and stop tossing patients at us...
    Barnstable and Kingsama like this.
  5. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Lost in thought...
    Amen a thousand times over. We have basically relegated the care of orphans, the poor addicted, and the mentally ill to law enforcement and jails. They bounce in and out of juvy til they are old enough to start being warehoused in adult systems and can used to generate who knows how much $$$$ for the companies who run jails.
    Barnstable and John3:16 like this.
  6. Punk-101

    Punk-101 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    1. Our brains control who we are, what we think, what we feel, and what we do.
    2. Our brains are shaped by what we have been exposed to in our environments (our family relationships being by far the most influential environments), both good and bad.
    3. Our brains are absorbing EXPONENTIALLY more evironmental influence and are EXPONENTIALLY more maleable to change from conception to age 5 than at any other time in our lives.
    4. Funds, resources, policy, and education making sure families, mothers and their children have appropriate environments from conception to age 5 are DISGRACEFULLY disproportionate to funds spent on trying to help these people thereafter.
    Savory Griddles and Barnstable like this.
  7. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Sorry. This is pretty despicable too. The officer shot the at the dog, he started to run away and then the cop shot and killed it when it had it's back turned. The dog was a 13 year old rescue dog. He wasn't mean or anything. It died in it's owners arms. They didn't apologize and they still have no idea why the cops were even at their house at that hour. I hate to say it, but if a cop did that to my dog, he wouldn't have long to live.
    Socrates and John3:16 like this.
  8. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    This is f***ing ridiculous

  9. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I'm not going to lie. I have zero sympathy for that chick. She wants to fight crossing that line? Do it in court. I actually thought the cop showed a lot of restraint for letting her sit there and play this stupid game for that long. Then she starts saying she's afraid for her safety before anything even happens to her. Of course the cop is going to start to freak out because he knows what the climate is in this country. That girl created that situation. Just do what a normal person does when they get a ticket. Stay in your car and fight it in court. F--- her for making a situation out of nothing. And who cares if she's a professional clinician? Does that entitle her to special treatment? Videos like this are what is causing cops to get killed. He did his job and he was very patient and then she starts throwing out accusations like she's "afraid for her safetey" when all the dude is doing is standing there?
  10. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Dude. She crossed a double line..... He could have given her a ticket and they both would have been on their way.

    She was not a threat to him or anyone else in any way, so why would he need to put his hands on her, and arrest her for resisting arrest?

    "You're afraid of cops, so let me attack you, even though you're not really doing anything other than annoying me"

    This is an example of why she should have been scared. The cop just escalated that situation into something it didn't have to be. He is the one trained in deeskilation and propper use of force, not her, so this is on him. She didn't do anything to deserve that treatment, and it's not ok.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
  11. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    ^^^ I think they were both wrong. All she had to do was comply and take the ticket like thousands of people across the US do every day. I mentioned previously that I got a speeding ticket once that I was absolutely not guilty of. I still said yes sir and no sir and took my ticket and had my day in court. That's all she had to do. Non-story. But she was afraid, and no one but her can decide if she was scared. So, he should have acted accordingly. Instead of her calling 911, he should have. "Ma'am, you sound scared and I'm going to call my supervisor for you. Please sit in your car until he arrives." Simple ticket. Non-story.

    But neither did that. And it's disappointing.
    Barnstable likes this.
  12. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I agree.

    I think she could have done exactly as you said, but only she knows how scared she was. It's like when a person is terrified of Pit Bulls. A person that has never been affected by, or afraid of Pits might feel the other person is being unreasonably afraid, but you haven't had their experiances, and it's not your call how affraid they SHOULD reasonably be.

    In the end, this is on the cop. He is the one that has had training to supposedly deal with this kind of thing without escalating the situation. He is the one to turn the encounter physical. He is the one that could have just given her a ticket and they both be on their way.
  13. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    My problem is what is she doing out of her car? Day one of traffic school: If a cop pulls you over DON'T GET OUT OF YOUR CAR unless asked. And she was afraid? The cop let her get out of the car dial 911 and talk on the phone for a couple minutes before SHE started saying she was afraid when all the cop was doing was standing there letting her have her little moment. She had zero reason to get out of the car. I probably would have reacted too if I'm just trying to give a ticket, the person gets out of the car and then starts accusing me of being threatening. The cop was probably terrified he was going to get in trouble no matter what because it was a black woman accusing a white male.

    She caused that entire problem by thinking she was special and getting out of her car when you are not supposed to do it. If she thinks she's supposed to do that, maybe she should go back to traffic school and spend less time becoming a "professional" granted that somehow makes her special. This situation is entirely on her. She intentionally got that cop to "attack" her (and I'm using attack very loosely). She's going to get a man fired because SHE didn't follow protocol. There is ZERO chance of cop/minority relations being fixed if you have j******es like this woman stepping out of the car, acting like she's above getting a ticket and then, because she doesn't like the fact that she's getting one, she calls 911 in order to make a spectacle to where the charges will be undoubtedly dropped. And the blow hard from young turks should get kicked in the nuts for taking something this woman did wrong and turning it on the cop who was terrified he was going to be branded a racist for the rest of his life because some b**** didn't want a traffic ticket.

    I think there are a lot of bad cops out there. I posted a video of a j****** shooting a dog that was running away from him. But this is on that girl. If that girl was some white trailer trash woman, would this video be released? Would anyone have taken her side?
  14. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    Wow... I'm pretty stunned anyone could come to any of those conclusions

    Here is the video from the beginning:

    See this is the problem. This is where we are with this s***. The police no longer need a justification of upholding the law, protecting people, or ensuring safety.... now the litmus test is only did the person a police officer acted against do anything to annoy them? Did they talk back to the police? Were they substantially respectful to the officer? If the answer is no to any of those questions, the police officer no longer needs to be acting as a peace keeper, they are then authorized to use any means they wish to punish those that are being disrespectful. That's bull s***. That's what you're saying by saying he should grab and arrest her for getting out of the car and calling 911.

    Upholding the law would have been to give her a ticket. Calling 911 isn't hurting him or anyone else. She wants to complain, complain. You don't put your hands on someone and arrest someone for complaining, and the reason Black Lives Matter exists is because they don't do this s*** to white people that aren't 100% compliant.

    Give me a f***ing break. So her being afraid and calling 911 and getting out of the car is out of line, but him being afraid and grabbing her, twisting her arm, slamming her against the car and arresting her is justified?

    Her fear is without merit, but the cops fear (Which he never claimed, and there is no evidence of) is justified right?

    She made him attack her? By getting out of her car and calling 911, he had no other choice than to attack her physically and arrest her? Really? He couldn't have just continued to give her the ticket he said he stopped her for? Or maybe waited for another cop to arrive as was probably on the way anyway?

    No, each person is, or should be expected to be, in control of themselves and she was not presenting a threat. No one made the cop attack her. That's ridiculous.

    First you're saying she's stupid and in the wrong for being scared and acting out, but at the same time the cop is totally justified in being scared and acting out?

    You totally made that up in your own mind to justify what he did. At no time did he or anyone say he was terrified, or even thinking about being branded a racist. There is NO evidence of that. And at the same time, you're saying the woman that DID actually say that she is scared of him has no justification, even though the cop did exactly what she said she was afraid he would do.

    This doesn't happen to white women all the time. Find me the videos. I'll wait. There are video after video of white people doing the dumbest most disrespectful s*** ever to the police, and they don't get this treatment for things as minor as getting out of the car and calling 911.
  15. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Dude. She got out of the car. You are not supposed to do that. He let her sit and play on her phone for over 3 minutes. 3 minutes! She's complaining about being afraid while he patiently waited for 3 minutes for her to have her moment. What was he doing? Was he mouthing the words, "I'm going to rape you" while she was on the phone? I have watched enough Cops (the TV show) to see officers get really pissed when someone gets out of the car. So much so they tell them to remain in the vehicle and will draw their guns...on white people, black people...any sort of people.

    And stop with the attack stuff. He tried to put the cuffs on and then she started pulling away which is when he had to try to restrain her. You can't fight a cop when they are cuffing you. That is called resisting arrest. He didn't strike her. He didn't bash her against the car. I mean, this is attacking now? That's disrespectful to those who have been brutally beaten by cops.

    She behaved in the worst possible way a person could for being pulled over for a ticket. Sorry. When you have been pulled over you do what the cop asks. The fact that he had the patience to let her talk on the phone and accuse him of being threatening for over 3 minutes to someone when all he was trying to do is give her a traffic violation ticket shows pretty good restraint. She broke the law. If she stayed in her car, gave him her license and registration, NONE of this happens. She chose not to and decided to start throwing accusations back at him and making it an ordeal. So now every time a cop pulls someone over they have to wait for the person to dial 911, complain and get more cops out there? Every traffic ticket is going to end up like a massive crime? Seriously?

    Look. I realize there are problems with police and minorities, but you are accusing me of "guessing" that the cop was afraid. You're guessing as well that if she was white this wouldn't have resulted in the same outcome. I think if she was white and started the same crap, a similar, if not identical result would have happened. She did everything they tell you NOT to do when being pulled over by a cop. Got out of the car, talked back to the cop, accused the cop of being threatening, sitting there and ignoring the cop for over 3 minutes while she talked on the phone. If one of my white friends told me they did all this to a cop when getting pulled over, then what happened to this woman is EXACTLY what I think would have happened. Race wouldn't even enter my mind. If I behaved this way at a traffic stop, I would expect to have this happen to me. No question. But I would never act the way she did because I know THIS is what would happen.
  16. davriver209

    davriver209 - Rookie -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Barnstable you will see once you start your training, the cop, even tho he has all his training, is still human... As a human being, you are subject to errors, you have to make judgments and so on so forth. At what time does he start doing his job? Does he allow this subject to "run" this traffic stop? This lady is not trained, she is not a cop, and I guarantee you she doesn't truly know that her "rights" she think she has, are non-existent. As minor as the crime is, you still committed one... a traffic infraction. Which is subject to investigation by the officer. If you fail to comply with lawful orders, you are impeding the investigation, for which you can be arrested....

    Now I would've waited for my supervisor personally because the headache of use of force is just not worth it, but we're all wired differently. I have a mass amount of patience and others don't, its just life buddy, we're not all the same. This cop wasn't wrong for what he did because he was legally justified in doing so. Civilians look at it and go omg police brutality. I assure you, it is not. The officer was very professional throughout the encounter, he even allowed her to get on the phone, which by the way, is not a right you have at that moment. You are not allowed to make any phone call, yet we do because of stuff like this... It's an event which could've been handled differently, but was handled within the law and probably within policy. This guy who was just trying to do his job is now going to be crucified for doing his job, seriously, thats all he was doing.

    Whether you think you're innocent or not has no merit at that time, that's why you have your day in court... I'm trying to understand how this situation was blown so out of proportion? I thought maybe he even body slammed her but not even that, he grabbed her arm and tried to cuff her and that's when she began resisting... There isn't going to be any formal charges brought against this cop he did not commit any crime, he was just doing his job. His dept. might have to pay in civil court, but this is America, you can sue anyone for anything now. But the charge of Resisting Arrest will stick to this lady...
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  17. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    This is exactly what I am saying.

    Barnes, I get there are racist cops out there and it IS a problem, but this...this is not one of those problems. Blowing something like this up to this point is not helping matters. The cop acted well within his rights. The girl did just about everything she could do wrong for a full 3 minutes and wasn't even touched. Finally she gets cuffed and even while resisting arrest, the cop still manages not to actually become violent. If we start pointing out things like this and saying the cop "attacked" a woman, people aren't going to watch the video. When you watch the video it looked more like an awkward dance of the cop trying to get a hold of the girls other arm. At that point, she was resisting arrest and he could have probably been justified in taking her to the ground. He used about as little "force" as he possibly could while trying to cuff her.

    We are all on edge. I get it. But c'mon. Just try to picture for a moment that the girl was white. Would you be upset about it, or would you be thinking that girl was being an idiot. Just take the ticket and move on.
  18. davriver209

    davriver209 - Rookie -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Forget race, you pretty much hit it on the head in your earlier post... She thought she was above a ticket and that cop wasn't having it. Sorry lady, Im sure instead of just a simple traffic ticket she now has a criminal charge added to that citation sadly....
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  19. Punk-101

    Punk-101 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I wish we knew what he said to her so aggressively because it probably helps his case. She gets out of her car and heads towards the officer (wtf are you thinking) then suddenly stops, freezes, and heads back to her car, almost a gets in but doesn't. I'm guessing the aggressive language was; "get back in your car or I'm placing you under arrest." That makes perfect sense to me, no? She never does and instead argues about the traffic violation I'm guessing for a few seconds, then reaches in her car for her phone (double wtf. Lucky not to have been shot or tased). I wish we could hear the cop while she's on the phone. Was he really silent or did the audio not pick up him trying to tell her to hang up etc? Regardless, she wasn't complying to his original order to get back in the car (I'm speculating of course but I think it's totally likely) and was very patient until finally following through with his threat. Could he have deescalated her without grabbing her? Ideally, Of course. But he I'm sure was a little on edge after she broke every traffic stop 101 rule. Were his actions unjust? I don't think so.
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  20. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Oh. I know. I was just bringing up race because that's why this video got attention. I think we can all be honest enough to admit that if that girl was white, no one sees this video. But she did think she was above the law. If I get pulled over, my first reaction is to be on my absolute best behavior. "Yes, sir. I was going a little over the speed limit. I'm really sorry. Those damn beans at lunch are going nuclear though." I ain't getting out of the car and proceeding to put the cop on hold while I call someone to accuse the cop.

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