© Noah Graham /NBAE/Getty Images Byron Scott, Head Coach, and Steve Nash #10 of the Los Angeles Lakers speak during a game against the Denver Nuggets as the Los Angeles Lakers take on the Denver… Injured Los Angeles Lakers point guard Steve Nash is not returning phone calls from coach Byron Scott and the team could trade him, according to the Los Angeles Daily News. Nash, 40, is out for the season with nerve problems in his back. The team wants to keep Nash around as a mentor. However, Scott has not been able to keep in touch with Nash. "I would like to (hear from Nash), but I don't know," Scott said. "I gave him a call, but I haven't gotten a return call. So we'll see." However, Scott said he is "not angry at all" that Nash has not returned his call. The team is allowing Nash to have some space in letting him decide if he wants to accept a mentoring role. He is under contract this season for $9.8 million. The Lakers applied for a disabled player exception worth about $4.9 million for Nash. If the NBA approves it, it is not likely the Lakers will use it to sign a free agent or acquire a player in a trade. However, they could try to trade Nash's expiring contract. It could be difficult to move Nash's expiring contract since most teams already have salary cap space or they will in 2016. Teams typically accept expiring deals in trades to get cap relief.
it would be a dream come true if we could somehow trade him...i've had more than enough of his name in the headlines
I heard about this yesterday; maybe Nash could come out with another letter on Facebook explaining why he hasn't called Byron back...
I think letting the press know about this is not the way to win Nash over. However Mr Steve Ca$$$$$$$$$$$h's halo is slipping. I never thought I would have to make a most hated Laker list, but right now him and Dwight are starters.
I've always thought of Nash as a classy dude, so that's why I'm wondering whether there's more to the story. Mind you, even if it's just pouting because his health sucks, I can understand that - but I think it's time to move beyond that.
i'm sick and tired of hearing about steve nash. the only thing i would ever want to hear is that we've dumped him in a steal of a trade.
My opinion of Nash as a Laker drops a bit every time something about him is mentioned. I will also be glad when I don't have to hear about him anymore.
Nash got his money and now he doesn't give a rip about the Lakers. Period. Most of us gave him the benefit of the doubt based on his reputation but he has proven this over and over again with his comments and actions. If he can play golf, he can sit on the bench or sit in practice and give Lin pointers. We are paying him after all. It also makes me even more upset with how Kobe is ripped by the media. One guy gives it his all and is constantly criticized. The other comes out and says he is only sticking around for the cash, injures himself carrying a bad but is on the golf course, seems to balking at mentoring the younger players on the team, etc. (There were even some rumors that the golf may have jeopardized our shot at a disabled player exception, but I also read we are exploring trade options and haven't decided whether or not to officially filed for the exception yet.) Regardless, now it appears he can't even return the coach's phone call. I mean, what the heck is he doing that he can't call Byron back? Enough with this guy. Ship him back to Phoenix where he belongs and lets just move on.
I could be way off here, but looking at it from Nash's POV, he's probably embarrassed. Gave it his all and ultimately failed. Can't help his teammates. Coaches tend to have a "what can you do for me" attitude and since he can't help them, they don't care about him. Ownership has to be pissed at him from an on the court perspective, draft picks and money wasted.... Throw in the fact that fans are pissed. He's definitely not coming back next year. Why come around? Unless you wanna put on a good face and maybe get some experience that leads to a coaching or front office gig. I wouldn't wanna show up either.
The absolute least he could do for the money he is getting is show up for some games and return phone calls. The pass he is getting is pretty unreal to me at this point.
That all could be very true, but as a professional making millions or a janitor making minimum wage, it's common courtesy to keep in touch with your employer, especially when you are still under contract. Either he shows up and helps or stays away, either way I don't care, but at least pick up the damn phone and pick a side instead of having crap like this come out.
They were talking about this on ESPN a day or two ago. John Ireland insinuated that there's a rift between the Lakers FO and Nash. He brought up the point that while Byron and the team might want him around, maybe Nash did not feel welcome by Lakers' management. John also said that was not an excuse to NOT call back your head coach and I absolutely agree with him.
Nash is still and has always been a Phoenix Sun. It's the only explanation for the past few years. The Suns knew he was done, he knew he was done, but together they found a sucker willing to pay him in the Lakers. Not only did Nash destroy the Lakers cap space his constant injuries contributed to Dwight walking to Houston. This season Nash's contract helped prevent the Lakers from adding any significant pieces, which means it is likely that when the Suns get the Laker's pick it's going to be a very, very good one. Aside from Dragic and Bledsoe a very solid argument could be made that over the past three seasons Steve Nash has been the biggest asset the Suns have had, and he isn't technically on their team.