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2020 Democratic Primary

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Philosophy -(FORUM CLOSED)-' started by Helljumper, Feb 13, 2020.

  1. revgen

    revgen - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 6, 2014
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  2. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Hillary's identity politics coalition has reared its ugly head again.

    You combine the African American political machinery in the South with Bloomberg's data mining machine, the major cable news networks universally shading Bernie as an unelectable radical and this was an inevitable result.

    Even Liz did her part as a spoiler.

    Biden reminds me of a Weekend at Bernie's sequel where the DNC is propping up his corpse and he should smoothly secure the nomination.

    He might even beat Trump if the stock market doesn't bounce back by November.
  3. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    Congrats on 4 more years Trump supporters
  4. Bryant

    Bryant - Lakers 6th Man -

    May 20, 2015
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    What's the political machinery in the South and Bloomberg's data mining machine Meat? I tend to think it's simpler to see why Biden won.

    The South was going to favor Biden, they are Republican states, so it's no surprise that the Democrats there are going to be more moderate. I'm not sure there's a political machinery there?

    I've seen some view points from African American voters who say that they are looking at electability first and although they think some of Bernie's policies will help them, blacks have historically been at the back of line for these programs and there was a lack of specific policies directed towards the African American community. Combined with other factors such as Biden being Obama's VP and Bernie's atheism (many African Americans are socially conservative/religious), you can see why they favor Biden.

    You could also say that Bloomberg is suppressing Biden's vote and I think Warren and Bloomberg would cancel each other out (if they dropped out). The impact of Warren's voting block is also difficult to ascertain as there are establishment (women, college educated) voters in her cohort. She did support Hillary over Bernie in 2016 after all.
  5. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    The young black voters and celebrities seem to like Bernie, however the older voters who were the force behind Obama and Hillary, enjoy their enormous political clout and don't want it threatened by a newer movement. It's no accident that Jim Clyburn spoke and the entire South followed suit in terms of the Democrats. The force of that "machine" (you can call it what you want, but it tends to vote in a monolithic block) combined with both Pete and Amy throwing their support behind Biden, along with the national cable media narrative that Bernie was not electable and going to destroy down ballot candidates... PLUS Liz insisting on splitting the liberal votes in spite of having no chance of winning was just too much for Bernie to overcome.

    I'd get it if Biden was a dynamic campaigner that was electrifying people before the media flipped the narrative. But he didn't even set foot in Massachusetts and he still won. It's clear the man has lost more than a step, and it's going to be sad watching him muddle through the rest of the campaign even if the media manages to prop him up as a return to safety and sanity.

    It's a shame because I think Bernie would have really helped the average citizen... but the rich gotta rich... and it's a story as old as time.
  6. Bryant

    Bryant - Lakers 6th Man -

    May 20, 2015
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    Thanks for clarifying. Relying on the younger voters always seems to be very difficult, I don't think they showed up significantly more than in 2016.

    I'm sure there'll be someone like Bernie that comes up in the pipeline, but it's going to be hard to replicate his authenticity and long track record. I think it'd be prudent for a similar candidate in the future to build rapport with the Democratic leadership.
    Sentient Meat likes this.
  7. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Why do you guys seem to think that because media companies are attacking Bernie, it must be because they are corrupt? Isn't it plausible that they just don't like the guy from a policy perspective? You do realize that not everyone has to like Bernie, right? When these media companies attacked Trump, you sure weren't defending him. Yet, Bernie gets attacked (because they don't agree with his socialist-like policies) and suddenly, we have to feel bad for Bernie? Biden always had a chance on Super Tuesday. He fell off because of poor debate performances. His last debate was quite good and with Pete+Amy+Beto+many black representatives supporting him, he received a surge in support. Yes, he won many states despite not visiting them. And? These states DISLIKE Bernie and would not vote for him in the general election. His cream of the crop is very liberal states such as California and New York. Those are also two states Biden won't do as well at. Biden won Minnesota because Amy is from Minnesota. Bernie's largest support group comes from the Millenials (also the most entitled group in America). Many of those living in the South are not city people and cities have the largest Millenial population. I'd wager there were some who voted for Biden despite planning on voting for Trump just because they dislike Bernie. The stock market went up because Biden has a lead on Bernie. That tells you just how much faith people have in Bernie for the economy. There is no political machine. This guy is just babbling nonsense.
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  8. Bryant

    Bryant - Lakers 6th Man -

    May 20, 2015
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    One thing that I saw that was interesting was someone saying that Bernie benefited hugely from how hated Hilary was in 2016. There's not that benefit anymore in 2020.

    Meanwhile, the moderates have put their backing towards Biden with Bloomberg dropping out. $500+ million that could've went to better causes, wasted.
    sirronstuff likes this.
  9. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Nonsense like your claim that I'm an Arab? That I'm a Pelicans fan?

    You are part of the financial system... you like things they way they are and that is your right. It makes sense that you passionately fight to keep the status quo because it's your livelihood.

    I prefer a system where so much wealth isn't concentrated in a few hands.

    The growth in income inequality is an undisputed fact.

    I have no problem when you say you like making money and that is your main priority. I have a problem when someone pisses on me and tells me it's raining
  10. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    CNN has been painting Bernie as an extreme candidate who isn't electable. Their pundits could barely contain their glee at the results and they acted shocked even though they helped manufacture the narrative of a down ballot disaster.

    Sure Hillary was hated... but Biden is barely coherent.

    He won because the most impressionable voters who can be swayed by something as basic as a television commercial were told that Biden is the safe choice. How else do you explain the fact that he won in Massachusetts without stepping foot there? It's not like he has any strong platform... all they say about him is that he's decent... but google plagiarism video... google the Anita Hill hearings if you want to see how decent this guy is.

    I hate him less than Hillary or Trump... but that's about the best I can say about him.
  11. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Because he is an extreme candidate. I'm not sure you understand what extreme means. Bernie is TOO left for our country and that kind of individual simply wouldn't beat Trump because what you are doing is ALIENATING all the Republican or Independent voters. People who dislike Trump and are Republicans will never vote for Bernie. I've never seen or heard about a Trump supporter switching to Bernie. What I have heard are people who dislike Trump's tone but simply voted for him because they disliked Hillary. These people would vote for Biden over Hillary. If you are thinking about voting for Trump, you most likely would never vote for Bernie. It seems to me that you think people wanting someone other than Bernie to win must be plotting against him. You're right! People don't like Bernie because they believe Bernie will cripple the economy and turn America into a country that they do not want to be a part of. The Democratic party does not subscribe to Bernie's policies because they are not ideal policies that would get passed. Bernie's followers are trying to change the Democratic party into being as left as possible. The Democratic party does not want to be that left. AOC/Ilhan/Rashida does not represent the Democratic party.


    Here's a perfect example. No one likes them.
  12. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    When our country was formed I'm sure many people didn't like those who were rabble rousing and advocating for change.

    All things being equal, people like things to stay the same. Change is difficult and hard... especially at any large scale.

    People would rather live at a level of tolerable abuse... than risk their sense of well being for something better.

    Medicare4All is good for everyone except the medical, pharma, and insurance industries.

    There is enormous money at stake and of course that means forces against that change.

    If Biden wins there would be a certain stability because he'll keep things the same without the same unpredictability as Trump.

    But it is tragic that we will settle for a senile man who will play the puppet of big business when we could have the first true positive change since FDR or LBJ.
  13. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Yeah it’s a very valid point. Bernie really underperformed in some rural/white states yesterday that he had done better with in 2016. I think part of the reason being is that those states might lean more conservative and mainly wanted to vote against Hillary.

    Hillary evoked vitriol. Biden evokes apathy. I would argue the lack of excitement around Biden will fail to fire up the Democratic base enough to beat Trump. But maybe the apathy surrounding Biden also works in his favor with conservatives not being as motivated to go out and vote against him. I guess it depends on how well Trump attacks him on the Ukraine stuff. Personally I think Trump will harp on that and inspire enough anti-Biden sentiment in his base to win big.
    Sentient Meat likes this.
  14. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The media attacking Bernie because they simply don’t like him from a policy perspective isn’t that different than corruption. It’s semantics. They dislike the threat Bernie posed to their power, so they used their undue influence and money to attack him and prop up Biden as the more electable candidate.

    You can argue that the media, owned by a few parent companies, has the right to exert their power in such a way to protect their interests and wealth. I disagree. I think that is corruption.

    Stocks for health insurance companies skyrocketed because they will have the protection under Biden to continue exploiting the American people. That’s not a sign of a legitimate economic boom or disavowal of Bernie.

    Question for you considering you are so strongly against the idea that there is any DNC corruption/media bias/rigging at play against Bernie: Trump has been planting the seeds about this for weeks. Commenting about how the DNC was going to steal this from Bernie again. Is Trump wrong? Or is he being deceitful and trying to lay the groundwork to rile up Bernie supporters into not voting blue? If the latter, would that indicate Trump might mislead his own electorate for his political gain too?
  15. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    1) This is the same media that attacked Trump and yet, you guys never once defended him, right? Yet, they turn on Bernie and what happens? Fake news was coined by Trump a few years ago. Why do you think he coined that? But your narrative is false. They can dislike Bernie without being corrupt or biased. It's a non-argument here. There are many who believe Bernie will cripple this country with his policies.

    2) What's dishonest about them disliking Bernie? They don't like his policies. How is that corruption?

    3) Share prices of many stocks all went up when Joe Biden won Super Tuesday. It has a lot to do with the fact that again, people don't trust Bernie with the economy. I'm sorry if that concept is too difficult for you to accept but I would not trust Bernie leading this country when his entire platform is based on FREE and he can't even come up with how much it would cost.

    4) I never said the media/DNC wasn't corrupt or biased. Fortunately, that doesn't mean every stance they have is as such. They can be biased/corrupt but also have legitimate reasons as to why they prefer Biden. Many Republicans would vote for Biden over Sanders. This doesn't have anything to do with Democrat vs Democrat anymore. It's about a left-wing politician vs a moderate.
  16. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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  17. revgen

    revgen - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Tell that to Bloomberg. He spent 600 million dollars and was dwarfed by a senile Biden, whose campaign could barely raise any money until very recently.
    sirronstuff likes this.
  18. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    All Bloomberg wanted to do was prevent the progressives from getting traction. Mission accomplished.

    As that article says... money doesn't guarantee you win... but it is an enormous advantage... whether you use it to run someone directly, or to sponsor a spoiler.

    We are in a new era where people will need to adapt to compete but it will be very difficult for anyone to compete against the mainstream media, at least until the boomers die off and the new paradigm completely takes over.
  19. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    May I ask how old you are?
  20. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I frequently called out the mainstream media’s overreaction to Trump.

    Again I’ve already said I don’t think this is rigged and why it makes sense for the moderates to consolidate behind Biden. But you are delusional if you think that the mainstream media’s motivation in how they craft their narrative is a benevolent concern for the good of the economy in regards to how it works for the average American. Their bottom line is the priority. That is an inherent bias which is fine, but when they clearly act on that bias to influence elections instead of being an impartial source of information, that is not democratic.

    Nothing is free. Check out Bernie’s website where he laid out how he would pay for his programs.

    Given that my guy is virtually eliminated, I’m done discussing here. It’s not productive and you constantly pepper in personal attacks and insults in your argument. You can try to dress it up as an intellectual argument, but your attacks and comments on some of the other political threads occasionally allows the darker side to reveal itself through the cracks. I think at it’s core much of your position comes from a hatred and disconnect with marginalized groups. Not productive to argue with someone who calls American women the “Jihad Squad”, puts up a straw man argument that progressive policies are just freeloading, and assumes transsexuals are rapists.

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