Scott telling Jeremy not to foul until 10 seconds left is a really interesting dilemma on a personal level for Lin... On one hand, it's obviously...
Scott said in the Post-Presser that he told Jeremy not to foul until 10 seconds left - which is why Lin wasn't fouling and why Scott wasn't saying...
[MEDIA] :rolleyes:
Lin should be playing 30-34 minutes a game regardless if he starts or comes off the bench. JC should be playing instead of Price. Playing Price...
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :cry: :fubar:
I rag on Boozer all the time because he's horrible on defense and I don't like his midrange game - but the guy is a positive teammate and a Vet....
Using stats in this way overlooks too many factors. The real issue here, isn't about "who should shoot the ball in crunch time? Kobe or the rest...
The Lakers are far away from contending. At best (if some sort of miracles happen - 3 to 5 years at the earliest). Randle is obviously the main...
It's definitely not cool for random people to just touch you whenever they want, even if it's kind of a joke - but life is too short to get all...
Thinking about it purely with regards to the world of basketball, I want Nash to come back to the Lakers in a coaching position. This would be the...
The whole "it's not creepy to make sexual comments to a woman," thing is obviously just BS that mainly young guys (Teens to mid-20s) believe...
^ Those who swear they ain't ever coming back home return for good more often than not imo. I'm part of that group too. Also Lebron... lol. 0 -...
TERRIBLE LAKERS PLAY 2: [IMG] Lin pushes up the court. Thomas is waiting for him. Lin and Wes recognize that there's a mismatch (on paper... lol)...
I'll post continuous breakdowns and analysis of the Lakers/Basketball here (Mostly offense), when I have the time. Overview: There has been very...
The height of Linsanity was probably this game.
Love that Kobe talked to Lin about letting him run the offense, but I gotta see it first to believe it, because in the heat of the battle (last...
Lin would do well leading a 2nd Unit that contained Ed Davis, but then the 1st team's entire play-making would revolve around Kobe drives and...
I agree that Ronnie looked really bad... because offensively, that is who he is... Price is just a poor offensive player. He's shot 38% from the...
Lin gets a D for the season opener. Very disappointed in his first showing as a Laker. Needed to be much more aggressive. Played out of control...