Ox1947 can be heard on the Lakers Fast Break, the best Lakers podcast out there available now on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and audio podcast...
Thanks so much @OX1947 fo stopping by talking THT, the Lakers in the preseason, Jon Gruden, Dodgers, and more and lakersball fans can check it out...
Lol These are some great lists so far lakersball.com. You guys and gals rock! I am going to read them off next week with @OX1947 so keep them coming!
lol great list lol
Recently I recorded podcasts with the lakerholics and lakersball.com own @OX1947 on his choices for the Top 10 All-Time Lakers (you can catch the...
Thanks so much, @svtzr in advance for checking out our show. Just finished my latest conversation with @OX1947 and look for that on the Lakers...
For all the audio podcast listeners, part one of my conversation with @OX1947 on Western Conference threats and Anthony Davis is live right now on...
Thanks again to @OX1947 for stopping by once again. The show is now available on our Lakers Fast Break Facebook and YouTube channels and will be...
The video is up now on Facebook and YouTube on the Lakers Fast Break channel and will be heard as two audio episodes in the coming weeks on the...
I would love to have on @abeer3 @svtzr or anyone else in the lakersball.com community. I have reached out to @OX1947 and am looking to do...
Thanks so much, @Barnstable @karacha @Cookie @KareemtheGreat33 for the kind words and for listening to the program. I am looking forward to...
Thanks so much @OX1947 for being on the program. Everyone can catch it in a video form on Lakers Fast Break on Facebook, and later...
Ready now for Joe and will have things going live on Lakers Fast Break on Facebook and out tomorrow on the Lakers Fast Break channel wherever you...
I am originally from So Cal so yes, I am familiar with the great city of Temecula. Unfortunately, I am in the hot desert known as Vegas lol.
Thanks so much, Barnstable. Looking forward to hearing from this awesome Lakers community.
Hello Lakers Ball Community, This is Gerald Glassford, host of the Lakers Fast Break podcast, one of Feedspot's Lakers podcasts to follow for...