Only watched bits & pieces of it on my phone (I'll watch all of it later). I'm just going to put my NBA conspiracy theory hat on here for a sec... I find the timing of this guest appearance rather odd. I mean... a day after SAS says Jeannie's cleaning house and named Jim & Mitch (but oddly, not Byron)? and possibly bringing in Phil... Gee... I wonder who told SAS that.
Glad to hear he likes our young players, "ClarksTon and our second round pick" Russell. But, I'm cheering him on for again calling for Jim Buss to step aside and for Jeannie to go after Jerry West to be team consultant.
Fire Jim. Bring in Jerry West and promote Ryan West to Jim's position to run as a father/son team; talent evaluators and pitch-men. Keep Mitch as the salary cap/trade guy.
I wondered aloud if Magic was feeding Smith information in the other thread on this. Still leaning that way...
That's what I'm thinking. Magic's not really the biggest Jim Buss fan around (basketball decisions wise). Just an example: As for Mitch... I still don't know where that's coming from. Why? He's like the silver lining in that otherwise messy front office?
I pretty much think the same thing and said so earlier. Stephen A Smith isn't the greatest source in the world, but that's an awfully bold claim to throw out there without some kind of solid source behind it. AS @gill said, Magic appearing on the show so soon after that is suspicious to me. Magic has never hid his dislike of Jim. This could very well be Jeanie using Magic to test the waters for public support on pushing out her brother. Yeah, that's a lot of speculation and throwing crap at the wall. But with the circus that is our front office right now I don't think it can be ruled out completely.
It's not out of the question. We know what her agenda and it's been obvious for awhile. Bring Phil back by any means necessary. I think she'll do whatever it takes to make that happen if we continue to struggle.
I don't doubt there's some fire to all this smoke at all. Jeanie is a likely candidate for that. I just don't understand why she'd clean house. I like Ryan West, but do we all think he's ready to be a GM right now? Mitch is highly respected in the industry. Seems like a strange move unless she has a replacement in mind. I brought up the idea of the assistant GM in OKC that Kevin Durant likes? Maybe there's a play there to be made. There is definitely something going on here behind the scenes, but I don't know what it is. There's got to be some reason all this smoke is starting to billow.
He said, "I like Clarkston, Randle he's good, our second round pick, he's getting to learn how to play in the NBA" Hard to tell how exactly he meant it, but gramatically it's almost like he was calling Randle our second round pick. I'm not gonna give him the benefit of the doubt just for the lulz. He mispronounced Clarkson's name, incorrectly called Russell by Randle's name, incorrectly called Russell a second round pick, and failed to mention Randle at all (because when he said the name Randle, he meant our second overall pick).
One thing Magic is right about....the roster is completely imbalanced. He's right about Randle/Nance/Bass...they really are similar players. And of course, getting Lou while already having Nick Young and not to mention Clarkson AND Russell? That move still doesn't make sense. BUT....Magic left out one very important detail as to why we suck....BYRON SCOTT. And I was BEGGING for Stephen A Smith to ask Magic what he thinks of Scott!!! Or better yet, what he thought of Don Maclean's criticism!!! I am totally on board with Jerry West returning though....make it happen
You're kidding, he screwed up Clarkson's name and Russell's 2nd pick in the draft to 2nd round???? Screw this guy who he is now and the s*** that keeps flying out of his pie hole. Plus no TV to half the Dodgers' fan base for Vin freaking Scully's final 3 years. He was downplaying the screwing of the fans in this regard near the end of last season. And nothing has changed. But to not even get 2 major players in the Lakers' future names and facts straight like that is disgusting.