Kobe Bryant Discussion: Mamba Out!

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by DjBelvedere, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    What if there's something seriously wrong with Kobe. #justsayin
  2. VinMillerHearn24

    VinMillerHearn24 - Rookie -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So my buddy was watching the game last night and he said that Kobe drew up the SLOB play to D'Lo at the end of the game. Any truth to that??
  3. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Probably. If a play was actually "drawn up" then it wasn't Byron.
    thkthebest and Barnstable like this.
  4. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    What are you kidding me?

    The Kobe from last night was PRECISELY the person he HASN'T been all year. He played only 25 minutes and took only 13 shots. He let the kids play their game and was content to do very little from the floor outside of a couple "Kobe" moments and then cheered rowdily from the bench while the young guys showed their clout on the court.

    Are you seriously going to come in here with some sort of "told you" attitude and tell us we switched things up so quickly like fickle fans? If Kobe played like this from day one nobody would have anything bad to say about him. This is what we expected from him and it's precisely the opposite of what we were arguing the last couple of days. He's not taking a ton of bad shots and playing 35 minutes game and saying "oh well it's a beautiful ride watching me suck now in my 20th season trying to shoot 1000 shots and airballing half of them". No. He's mentoring the younger players while being a good teammate on the floor. Polar opposite of how he was playing for 15-16 games this year.
  5. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    No, not a "told you" but some posters may benefit from having a level head. He was struggling and trying to adjust the entire season and some (I won't mention any usernames) were quick to dismiss him. Look back some pages, and you will realize that many comments were personal attacks, specifically aimed towards his personality. As I've been saying all along, he doesn't deserve to be criticized to that level.

    The mood swing does surprise me though. Some posters at one point completely lost faith in Kobe. Some didn't. And they know who they are. That much is quite apparent.
  6. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    This post makes me genuinely angry, in a season where B0ron and Kobe have made me angry enough for a lifetime of NBA watching. QUICK to dismiss him? Still playing like an idiot over a month into the season and screaming for him to adjust is QUICK? Some posters completely lost faith in Kobe? What is he a religious figure? He was playing like a moron, I didn't lose faith in him, I wanted him to stop. And lose faith in what, that he could become the Kobe we know and love again? He can't, that Kobe is gone, he couldn't even finish the game last night because he got stiff, he's old.

    He had maybe 3 or 4 good games the first month and a bit of the season, and we were quick to dismiss him, and now he has 1 and a half good games in a row and you're quick to what, celebrate that he's "back" for good or something? He has 1 1/2 games where he looks good, finally shoots 50% and you're coming in here with this "I told you so" stuff? Really? Please. Right now he's saying (and doing at least for half a game) the stuff WE have been wanting. So we should be the ones patting ourselves on the backs, he's saying he's going to change in the ways WE wanted, not rewarding your faith that he was going to shoot out of this and be the same old Kobe.

    And you want to name names, go ahead, we know who we are, don't be a coward about it if you want to pat yourself on the back for some blind Kobe support that's had an imaginary pay off for you, might as well go all the way with it. Posts like yours make Kobe finally doing some of the things we have been screaming for taste sour when we should be allowed to feel some relief. If only you could get some internet points or something for being able to say "I golf you so", right? Oh well, here's a cookie, it's chocolate chunk.

    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
  7. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    @Weezy Thanks for the cookie. I do take credit for mentioning that his shot was starting to look better a few games ago.

    Look, I'm not here to argue or add fuel to a heated debate. I'm not a freakin troll man. I come here to have a good time talking Lakers. And the stuff posted before was just depressing and I felt it was disrespectful to a legend. I apologize if it made you angry but I just want the excessive ranting to stop. That's all I'm saying.

    Anyway, I think Kobe sitting out the 4th quarter in closing minutes, deferring to a rookie was HUGE. That has never happened before and worth celebrating in my humble opinion. It could change the outlook of our team moving forward.
    Barnstable and trodgers like this.
  8. LaVarBallsDad

    LaVarBallsDad - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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  9. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
  10. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Precisely why Kobe deserves that $25 million contract.
    sirronstuff and trodgers like this.
  11. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    It's hard to have a good time discussing the Lakers when we suck and Kobe is playing like he doesn't give a crap, I think that's what you're not getting. This is a message board, people come here to discuss all things Lakers, good AND bad, and to vent. I don't like being told I have to only discuss happy things or only praise Kobe or I'm being disrespectful, get real. Im glad you think Kobe has now fixed everything after 1 1/2 games, and I like the things he's saying, but I actually need to see it happen, and for much longer, to believe it. He's said weeks ago this season is about developing the youth already, but then he proceeded to go out and shoot like 12 threes in one half. Fool me once...
    Cookie likes this.
  12. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Oh lord, you just don't stop. He deserves $25 mil because he makes opposing teams money? Alright, I'm done, I see I've gotten into an argument with a fan who will defend kobe on all points, always. Never called you a troll, but you're certainly exhibiting some of the behavior, that much is quite apparent.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
  13. CaCHooKa Man

    CaCHooKa Man Administrator: Media Staff Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    Last year was the only time in Kobe's career that the Lakers weren't top 3 in the league in road attendance. We were 11th last year which is the worst since 15th in 1995. Surprisingly we were still 3rd in 2014 when Kobe only played 6 games.
    sirronstuff and LaVarBallsDad like this.
  14. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    @Weezy Fair enough. But if he starts chucking again, and if I see people ranting excessively (in my view) I'll be back here defending him again. There must be space on this board for people like me that prefer to discuss the good and not too much bad.
    DjBelvedere likes this.
  15. SamsonMiodek

    SamsonMiodek - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    If I may chime in with my humble 2 cents. There always has been place for both sides in this community, it's one of the many reasons why it is so great. We usually have very mature doiscussions, without people calling other people names or being aggressive, and we actualyu seem not to have any trolls on this page, I didn't think that would be possible these days. I guess both sides won't change their minds and there is no need to act all upset and call each other out, ESPECIALLY when we can enjoy a rare moment of relatively good play of both the Lakers and Kobe.
    ElginTheGreat, Weezy and tada like this.
  16. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Now I really feel like you're messing with me. You come here and tell people they need to stop being negative and only praise Kobe, yet you come back with there MUST be a space here for the people that prefer the positive. Well if there MUST be a space here for those that prefer the positive, logically there MUST be a space also for those that want to vent the negative above all else. You can't tell people to stop being negative while in the same breath telling them they must let you be positive, there MUST be a space for both, can you not see that? If you want to be "positive" (or as I see it, defend Kobe whatever the hell stupid things he does) that's fine, but then you can't go around telling me not to be how I want to be, doesn't work that way. Alright, alright, I'm really done now, couldn't let that go without pointing out the holes in it though.
    lakersyunowin likes this.
  17. Lakers2015

    Lakers2015 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Think everyone needs to relax a bit. We all have the right to express our own opinions. I've been called a blind Kobe fan which is think is absurd considering I've criticized him as well. I haven't loved his shot selection this season. I wish he'd stay at that mid range and low post area so he doesn't have to take as many dribbles to get into his move and a shot. I wish he'd pass the ball to these young kids and let them make the game easier. So I agree with all that criticism.

    What I don't agree with is this notion he doesn't care. To me when you keep working and trying to come back and not retiring when he had the perfect out in 2012 after the Achilles injury. Part of me wanted him too because I didn't wanna see him go out like this because I knew deep down he wouldn't have been able to take back seat. Do I wish he would? Damn straight because he'd still be able to be a highly effective player.

    I'm not a blind Kobe homer. Is he my favorite player? Yeah he is, but I'm a Lakers fan first and I always will be. Tomorrow at the game I won't even be wearing a Kobe jersey (Wearing a Russell) which probably 90 percent of the fans there will be because I think it's important to show people that it's not all about Kobe. There is a future. There is more to this franchise. As great as he is nobody is bigger than the franchise. Still I'll always have the outmost respect for him.

    I thought and still do the contract extension was a huge mistake. In sports you don't pay for what someone did previously it's about what they can give you now and going forward. Especially after what was clearly a career altering injury that Kobe had suffered. I understand paying homage to the guy, but there are much better ways to do it.

    As for the season itself I'm as frustrated as anyone. I hate how Byron refuses to bench Kobe until he did it himself. It sends a bad message that you can keep chucking away without any fear of being pulled. I hate seeing D'Angelo and Jordan having to just sit and watch because it's all about the Kobe show when he can't create and dominant on isolations anymore. This team could've been very solid this season. Kobe's inability to adjust, take a step back, let the young guys run the show and Byron not stepping in and preventing that from happening doomed us. As much as I love Kobe it's definitely time to move on. Even if he wanted to keep playing I wouldn't want the Lakers to re-sign him. If I was a blind homer I'd want that, but I know his run his over. He can't or won't accept a lesser role and we can't continue to have these young guys being relegated to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th options.

    The future is bright and I'm looking forward to it. It's a shame because I absolutely agree with what Plashke said the other day the Lakers could've paid homage to Kobe and still developed the young kids. Kobe and Byron didn't want that. Clearly. Look at the Spurs. We could've been like them. As good? Of course not, but Duncan isn't refusing to give in to Father Time and realize he's not the man anymore and he allows guys like LeMarcus, Kawai, and Tony to carry the load and he is still able to keep playing at a high level because of that.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
    Barnstable, tada and LaVarBallsDad like this.
  18. lakersyunowin

    lakersyunowin - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I like balanced discussions. Without it, this board would be nothing but a circlejerk where everyone is saying the same thing and re-stating the same opinion. But having balanced discourse requires rational discussion, with open ears and open minds. You can't have a good conversation if you're not willing to bend or at least consider what others are saying.

    There are people in this world who are like this:

    We should strive to make it more like this:

    @tada You're welcome to state your opinion that people have been too hard on Kobe. Nobody is going at you for that, man. This isn't about positive or negative discussion. It's that you could have said what you wanted to without throwing shade at people in the process. At least admit that much and we can move on. "Told you so"'s and calling into question other people's fanhoods do not make for good discussion.

    Lastly, I'll just say this in general (not aimed at anyone here specifically) to address the elephant in the room of Kobe fans vs. Lakers fans:
    1) If someone only wants to talk about one thing all the time, it's only natural for others to assume that person has a personal bias towards that topic. These biases, perceived or otherwise, are also roadblocks to balanced discussion
    2) Being critical of Kobe does not make someone a "hater," so long as the criticism isn't wildly unreasonable and Kobe is not the obvious sole target for criticism 24/7
    3) Being a Lakers fan and a Kobe fan are not mutually exclusive
  19. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Well that is an interesting point. But I think the key word I've been using is "excessive" I've never once said that this year's Kobe is playing good. He's a below average NBA player when he's shooting 30%. So I don't think I was being excessively positive. In fact I find that to be quite objective. The positive part of my posts were that I thought his bad shooting was partially due his legs and partially due to a slump. And people shot down that notion, which I understand.

    The negative comments, in particular the comments stating that he doesn't care anymore, were excessive. Those posts, to me at least, were no longer talking about his performance on the floor but directed at his character and personality.
  20. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Well that is fine, this is a well stated, calmly presented argument. We can agree to disagree on many of these points and that is ok. If you only argued like this I wouldn't have had an issue. It's when you start calling whole groups of people haters and then saying "I told you so" to whole groups of people, especially when you really had nothing to say that about, that I have an issue. Others here are right, things did get personal, but I felt I couldn't argue against personal shots taken without getting a bit off topic and personal. That's how it started, but it seems to have ended much better, so that's that, no harm done for me.
    lakerjones, lakersyunowin and tada like this.

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