Now that's a sick trailer. I know a guy who got to see an advanced screening and he told me it was awesome. He also told me they go farther than you think they will. Whatever that means.
He works in the studios so he gets to see some stuff early. His job sucks mostly, but there's some perks to it.
Am I the only one who felt underwhelmed by the Cap Civil War trailer? I love the Civil War storyline in the comics; it is a modern classic but I feel we've have been so overwhelmed by superhero films that this one just seems like another film. Sure, I still enjoy them to some extent, but it surely isn't the spectacle the original Spider-Man (2002, 2004) or even as late as the original Avengers (2012) movie. Honestly, when I saw the trailer I just said "Iron Man sure is taking a beating" and "hey Black Panther looks cool."
Not familiar with the Civil War story since I don't read comics much if at all but man, this looks serious! Cap'n taking the gloves off for this one.
I'm sure there'll be a future for most of these characters. I'm just not sure the Avengers can easily recover from beating on each other.
Just watched the first episode of Jessica Jones. It's intriguing and well produced, but as someone who knows nothing about this character and hasn't seen a single trailer for the show, I'm pretty confused right now.
The story unravels pretty well. You'll pick things up. They went with a psycho thriller meets noir vibe and it works really well.