Saw a really great horror movie called Last Shift. One of the best horror movies I've seen in some time in fact. Not a ton of story line progression through the movie, it was more about just progressively creepier and creepier things happening leading to the end of the story. And in the end, it all comes together. Loved it. The main character is also pretty good as well. Solid B+
There were... The manipulation of Wong at the football game. Who McRaney was and his involvement. How Robbie was subconsciously coerced.
I don't know if posted already but, a Forrest Gump remake is on the horizon. What? Who is starring as Forrest? Jonah Hill. What the what?
The Mad Max character came off as subdued to me. Theron as Furiosa had more presence. Never got into this one. Bored me to be honest. Nice looking blu ray transfer though. C-.
Saw The Martian yesterday and it was good but thought it was going to be better. It was also funnier than I expected it to be. Definitely one of the better movies Ridley Scott had made recently. The movie kind of had a Cast Away feel to it. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes science and or a movie about survival. You pretty much know whats going to happen your just along for the ride to see how it would be possible. I guess the reason why I thought it was going to be a little better was because I thought it would have more of an emotional side to it. Getting left behind, having to survive against unimaginable odds... The movie had glimpses of this emotional, sad side of things, but instead uses comedic scenes here and there to fill the void. 7.7/10
Saw Martian last night. Really liked it, thought Damon was really good in it. Pretty strong supporting cast, too. But if you read the book first, you'll be a little disappointed. Agreed, it's one of Scott's better efforts as of late.
I saw Everest this weekend. Based on a true story. The visuals were great, but the moved failed to really show the pain each hiker went thru, IMO. It seemed as if they were going across the street and up a small mountain, which I know is far from the truth. I wanted to see the pain and struggle. I felt it jumped from a leisure stroll to OMG I can't breathe. And then it was over. Worth checking out on DVD or Netflix, but skip the theater.
The Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse is really funny. Similar to Super Bad. Not for young kids. I give it 3 outta 4 stars. I laughed throughout the flick, as did everyone else in the theater.
For anyone who wants to watch a revenge/murder type movie.. 'Blue Ruin' is pretty decent and can be seen on Netflix streaming. Link to trailer:
Spectre - good but not great, very forgettable. I love the franchise, but I have to say I was more impressed with the latest Mission Impossible installment than this Bond flick. None of the action sequences were memorable. It served as a good bookend and likely final film featuring Craig, managing to tie all of his films together. If I had to rank them, I'd say: Casino Royal, Skyfall, Spectre, a blank screen, QoS.
I found Spectre to be too bland. I was expecting some shocking moments like in Casino Royale or Skyfall considering the last 3 films was building up to this... but nope. Just straight up Bond vs. another seemingly generic villain. Christoph Waltz is all kinds of awesome though. This movie could have used more of him.
He's really a great villain in everything but Green Hornet...Yuck! I almost felt like he was underutilized in this, but I don't think they had anything else he could've done and if he was in it much more it would've lost the behind-the-shadows luster.
The Secret in their Eyes. I give it a strong 2 1/2 out of 4 stars. I think watching the original ruined it a bit for me. I hate to be one of those people, but the original was so much better. Definitely worth checking out and if you don't know the story, I think you'll enjoy it even more. The cast was great. Really strong performances by everyone.
So I waited to watch this while at my parents' cabin last weekend. I really liked this movie. It wasn't so much scary as it was...well, creepy. Excellent acting from the creepy guy, Joseph. I wonder if he was going to murder him the night he escaped the cabin, or was his plan to let him go and correspond with him to draw it out longer, cat and mouse like?