Yeah do whatever it takes to lock him up. Maybe he knows GM is down the road after Mitch retires. He's been schooled by both Jerry and Mitch and grew up in the Lakers organization. Congratulations Ryan!!
Wonder what the scope of the job description includes? Anyone with educated guess or inside knowledge? If you do have inside knowledge then we expect a LOT out of you this season.
We need a "Do it" most definitely. But meh "Ryan" doesn't work. This was always intended to be one syllable ....the name of who was supposed to "do it" . I would more vote for "Do it West" (?) Feels kinda good... telling Jerry West's kid what he should do to make Lakers better. Yeah we may be "armchair" but we're "elite" He needs to listen.....
Cannot overstate how solid of a move this is. Not only is Ryan a young front office talent, but he's someone who grew up around the Lakers and truly understands and appreciates the responsibility and tradition that comes along with the purple and gold. For those who didn't check this out a year or 2 ago, bleacher report did a nice little piece on him awhile back. Here's the link (apologies if it has already been posted):
No apologies needed because that is a great read on Ryan. Good to look at it again. He is our GM of the future and perfect for it. And like his dad, like Mitch, seems like a great guy. I'm sure he's sharp as a tack because of being around his dad with ALL of this growing up, and if you ever heard Jerry West interviewed you know how sharp that guy is.