I reckon it's painful as hell... You're immobilized in the water until something bigger comes along and makes you as food. Humboldt Squids...fast, can go forwards and backwards. Red Devils... They hunt in droves...come out of nowhere, look harmless then boom! Known to attack divers ripping off their oxygen masks so they'd be an easy mark.
Anything but snakes for me. I can deal with insects, rodents, spiders and all the sea "stuff". My cousin married a guy from Australia. She once stood for a few hours on a garden table because there was a little croc by the swimming pool
Florida cockroaches... Hate these things. I don't know how they compare to their New York counterparts but: Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is a reason why for a while and maybe they still are one of the deadliest things on the planet. Not to many people live to share stories who have seriously be stun by Box Jellyfish
There was a guy (from discovery chanel, animl planet or something like that) who put a piece of that thing on his leg... for a sec. I remember him screaming from pain and having to deal with some health issues thre the whole episode. He said, he would NEVER do it again.
More critters that Australia's Department of Tourism will probably never put on their guides: The Australian paralysis tick...before and after it dined on someone or something. An itty bitty jellyfish? Sure is...but this is an Irukandji species possessing venom 100 times more potent than a cobra's. Blue Ringed Octopus... No anti-venom available.
Why someone would do that to themselves is beyond me... The Cone Snail...a drop of its venom can kill twenty human adults. How anyone came up with that stat I don't know but I sure as hell don't want to be a part of that case study. No anti-venom developed... The Deathstalker Scorpion... If the name alone doesn't convince anyone, well... Puffer Fish... Goofy looking to someone until you get nailed by its venom spines then guess who's laughing?
I have seen the blue ringed octopus and the cone snail on TV shows before. All I can say is, noooooooo! Seriously though, if I went to Australia I could never get in the water, couldn't do it. And I'd be watching the ground as I walked for deadly spiders, small or giant.
They should have but it is already going by the name of Deep Blue. Silly...sounds like a cosmetic you sell to the ladies. This is for you Kenzo... A constrictor lifting a poor wallaby out of the water. The other is the Taipan...large, fast and dangerous. Oh yeah each are despicable Aussie natives like Matthew Dellavedova.
^ that gave me goose bumps. If i saw a huge constrictor like that, i would probably die from heart attack. No snake on planet earth should be that big and that strong, PERIOD.
Expanded view: check out how it stretches across the rock formation. It is an Olive python. It is not a Photoshop but a pic taken by a hiker in Queensland. I know this cat who digs reptiles. He has an iguana, a few snakes and the coup de grace...an alligator. Meself? I like felines...and canines.
Why was the one guy on top of and not inside of the shark cage? Why was he reaching to touch the enormous shark close to its mouth? Why?
Not a "Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!" subject but I find it pretty cool... The bird does a "gtfo" beat-down. Yep, this is in Australia [again]...
Saw in the news last night that locally there has been an increase in attacks by these animals. Not the one I'd expect to be aggressive either. Every time I see a picture of these I think of the late Steve Irwin.