To Serve And Protect

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Philosophy -(FORUM CLOSED)-' started by Barnstable, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    2 in the previous hour. One was an actual suicide (father shot himself in front of family) and the other was a threat (teenage girl threatened to jump off roof). He should've known not to go, considering his mental state. Like you said, he's a 10 year vet. Should've known better.
    revgen likes this.
  2. thkthebest

    thkthebest Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    So, during a cannabis raid, these cops destroyed property, destroyed video evidence, (punched?) joked about kicking a disabled woman, and actually tried the edibles themselves.

    They thought that they were no longer being filmed, but they missed the hidden cameras designed to catch thieves who would destroy the evidence in this manner.

    Chillbongo and revgen like this.
  3. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    This officer here is representing every good cop out there. I'm glad an officer had the courage to call out the bad cops out there getting exposed, and still acknowledging most cops are out there risking there life with good intentions and doing good for there community:

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  4. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I don't agree with Cenk's conclusion that so many cops are bad, but it's undoubtedly true that the system is set up to punish good cops that report the bad ones

  5. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    I definitely agree with you there. In a perfect world, that mentality would be ideal, because they back each other up... no matter what! You know you can trust this man with your life and he can trust you too. But then we have the bad cops and the good ones are afraid to say anything because if they do, they can no longer be trusted and that's a bad thing in their profession.
  6. thkthebest

    thkthebest Administrator Staff Member

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  7. davriver209

    davriver209 - Rookie -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Seems really young for a retired cop... I don't doubt there is corrupt cops, just like there is corruption in all levels of gov't. Doesn't mean we all are. And it's really easy to jump on this social matter since its the hot topic right now.
    thkthebest likes this.
  8. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Hillarious!! :rofl:

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  9. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    ^^^ Who was that? Barney Fife. GET BACK HERE! But not before I put the one bullet I have in my pocket in my gun.
    Barnstable likes this.
  10. Chillbongo

    Chillbongo - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So how long until robocop becomes a reality?

    I'm being serious. It's not that far into the future. If more and more of this cop crap keeps happening, people will advocate for it.

    Personally I think the human element is very necessary in law enforcement. It just sucks that so many of them use their power for bad.
  11. lakerswiz

    lakerswiz Guest

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  12. Chillbongo

    Chillbongo - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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  13. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    But race has nothing to do with it...

  14. Doc Brown

    Doc Brown - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 4, 2014
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    Looks like an over-zealous cop and a civilian resisting arrest to me.

    And stuff like this gets thrown around Twitter as if it's funny.

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  15. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I watched the entire video yesterday. I couldn't tell what race the first person he pulled over was, but he was really nice and let them off with a warning. This lady was irritated and mouthing off (calling him a p>>>> is never a good idea). Did she have to put out her cigarette? no. Would I if a cop asked me to? Better believe it. Would my kids? Better believe it. So, while he wasn't completely without fault (he should have told her why she was under arrest), she escalated it, IMO, by calling him names (10 to 15 times) and not doing what he said. Also, can't see if she kicked him, but the black police officer who approached near the end of the video said she could see the foot print on his pants. Lastly, he planned to let her off with a warning too, as he showed her after she mouthed off. If he hated her because of her race, he would've written a ticket, which he was completely justified in doing.

    I've heard a lot of people on social media say this proves they (the police) killed her. Huh? This cop wouldn't even have access to her in her cell. She posted a video on FB saying she was suicidal (based on reports I've heard, but have not seen), and checked the box for "depressed" when getting booked. Coroner said she had lacerations on her arms, consistent with someone trying to hurt themselves, that had scarred over and were 2 - 4 weeks old. The coroner said their was no struggle (I'm assuming no skin under nails, no bruising, etc). Despite that, I don't think some people will be convinced and will continue to say she was murdered.

    Did she commit suicide? I have zero proof. I can speculate and based on the video (if true), the answer she provided, and the scabs.

    On another note, I find it fascinating, interesting, intriguing and amazing how divided people are on subjects like this. It's like 2 people looking at the same movie and getting a totally different reaction and outcome. Life events truly impact our views of the world, and I don't say that in a good or bad way, just fascinating to me.

    And lastly, an Asian man was found dead in his cell today in Houston. I guarantee this will be a non-story tomorrow. Doesn't fit the narrative the media is forcing down our throats. Couldn't he have been killed by the officers at the jail? Doesn't his life matter? (those questions are rhetorical and not directed at your Barns, but used to point at the disparity in what the media reports and ignores).
  16. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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  17. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Resisting arrest for what? What did she do that should have gotten her arrested? Not putting out her cigarette? Since when is saying no I won't put out my cigarette an arrestable offence?

    Much less than fascinating, I find it greatly disheartening. I honestly don't feel like we are living in the same planet. This s*** is very clear to me and I honestly don't understand how anyone can see this video along with the other bagillian videos out there and still deny any part of this is not racial.

    I'm not arguing the cops killed her. I don't know what happened to her in jail. But I do know it's complete bull s*** that anyone could make excuses for why she brought this on herself. There was no reason to arrest her in the first place. The cop turned it into a confrontation as soon as she wasn't bowing down to him, but the whole time she was in her car, she wasn't raising her voice, threatening him, or attacking him in any way. He asked why she was upset, and she told him. Why are we supposed to act like cowering peasants when in an officer's presence?

    The media has nothing to do with this other than capitalizing (for ratings) on exposing a truth black people have been screeming to our dying breath for as long as can be remembered. But make no mistake, it was happening to blacks way before the media decided they could make ratings off of talking about it, and it will continue as long as non blacks keep rationalizing these killings, beatings and abuse.
  18. bonk

    bonk - Rookie -

    Jun 24, 2015
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    I'm not a huge fan of militarized government (police etc.) but statistically there is little evidence to suggest that there is systemic racism at play in our local police forces. Individual racism maybe but there are too many places (Chicago, Detroit Kansas City, Milwaukee) where police forces are led by people of color that statistically arrest much higher % of people of color.

    I find it curious that when you look at the political groups supporting this narrative that they overlay very closely with the ones that want to eliminate or severely curtain the private citizen's access to fire arms. In that argument they assert that the Police are the ones trained and legally appointed to protect us from one another. In this argument they assert essentially the opposite. They seem to want a "Federal" solution which again is more about a Socialist answer vs a local authority solution.

    This is becoming a "mob rules" society. Initial and uniformed reaction to these events that move at the speed of the internet become the "reality" no matter what evidence to the contrary is found through thoughtful investigation. Travon, Ferguson and others all ended significantly different than the first 48 hours of the knee jerk. Not being of the "now" generation I can wait out the investigations.

    On a side note, the scuttlebutt locally (I live in the DC area) is that there is serious trouble in the case against the officers in the case by the DA. Anything other than a jail sentence will be met with riots again. I have friends of friends that lost everything they had in the last riots. One thing I do understand is our civil servants are supposed to do protect both life and property and they were ordered to stand down that night. So Black folk lost their livelihood, their cars, their jobs. The civil rights vultures prop up the families of the "victims" with donations, clothes, attorneys and spots on live TV etc. while the truly innocent shop owners and car owners lost their shops, inventory and means to even go to the store for food. Interesting that the vultures don't help the truly innocent black folk working their butts off. A lot of the same happened to hard working Black folk in Ferguson as well. That is the story that needs at least a thread as big as this one.

    Sorry for the rant but if people are really interested in helping minorities they would advocate for less "help" for minorities in the current reactive way that it is happening.

    I'm as Black as anyone could be. Been on the street and I've been harassed by cops lots. I've also been guilty as hell just about every time if I'm being truthful. I've also been lucky as hell to escape those areas I roamed in my younger days. Most of the people I knew growing up are dead. Not by cops but by drugs and gang stuff. While I may agree that there is a level of harassment I don't agree that it's a effect without a cause let's put it that way.
  19. Doc Brown

    Doc Brown - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 4, 2014
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    1.) Once she was told to get out of the car, she was legally obligated to get out of the car at that point.

    2.) The violation she was being charged for, the officer does have the right to arrest her, although it rarely occurs.

    3.) The cigarette does play a part if the officer feels like she might be a threat to hurt him or use the cigarette to interfere with the stop.
  20. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Good article on the disparity of race in police shootings:

    Nobel Prize-winning novelist Toni Morrison says she wants to see an officer shoot an unarmed white teenager in the back before agreeing that the “conversation about race” is over, but she almost certainly already has received her wish.

    An analysis released last week shows that more white people died at the hands of law enforcement than those of any other race in the last two years, even as the Justice Department, social-justice groups and media coverage focus on black victims of police force.

    “People keep saying, ‘We need to have a conversation about race,’” Ms. Morrison told the (U.K.) Telegraph in an April 19 interview.

    “This is the conversation. I want to see a cop shoot a white unarmed teenager in the back,” said Ms. Morrison, who also has won the Pulitzer Prize for her work, which includes the bestsellers “Beloved” and “Song of Solomon.” “And I want to see a white man convicted for raping a black woman. Then when you ask me, ‘Is it over?’, I will say yes.”

    Her comments reflect a widespread view that blacks are routinely targeted by law enforcement while whites shot by police are a rarity. Outrage has surged in recent weeks over the high-profile deaths of black men at the hands of police, notably 50-year-old Walter Scott of South Carolina, who was shot in the back and killed April 4 as he tried to run away from an officer after a traffic stop.

    The officer who shot him, Michael Slager, has been charged with murder, and the Justice Department is investigating the case for civil rights violations. Department officials announced Tuesday that they have opened a federal probe into the death of Freddie Gray, 25, who died Sunday from injuries sustained while in Baltimore police custody.

    Meanwhile, the deaths of whites at the hands of law enforcement typically receive less attention, even when the case is shrouded in controversy. For example, Gilbert Collar, an 18-year-old white student at the University of South Alabama, was shot and killed while naked, unarmed and under the influence of drugs by a black police officer.

    The officer, Trevis Austin, was cleared of wrongdoing in 2013 by a Mobile County grand jury in a case that received little media coverage outside Alabama. Mr. Collar’s parents filed a federal lawsuit last year against the officer.

    As researchers are quick to point out, FBI data on police shootings by race is notoriously incomplete, which may explain why Peter Moskos, assistant professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York, decided to use figures from the website Killed by Police.

    Mr. Moskos reported that roughly 49 percent of those killed by officers from May 2013 to April 2015 were white, while 30 percent were black. He also found that 19 percent were Hispanic and 2 percent were Asian and other races.

    His results, posted last week on his blog Cop in the Hood, arrived with several caveats, notably that 25 percent of the website’s data, which is drawn largely from news reports, failed to show the race of the person killed.

    Killed by Police lists every death, justified or not, including those in which the officer had been wounded or acted in self-defense.

    “The data doesn’t indicate which shootings are justified (the vast majority) and which are cold-blooded murder (not many, but some). And maybe that would vary by race. I don’t know, but I doubt it,” Mr. Moskos said on his blog.

    Adjusted to take into account the racial breakdown of the U.S. population, he said black men are 3.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white men. But also adjusted to take into account the racial breakdown in violent crime, the data actually show that police are less likely to kill black suspects than white ones.

    “If one adjusts for the racial disparity in the homicide rate or the rate at which police are feloniously killed, whites are actually more likely to be killed by police than blacks,” said Mr. Moskos, a former Baltimore cop and author of the book “Cop in the Hood.”

    “Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks die at the hands of police,” he said. “Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.”

    Mr. Moskos listed two possible reasons for the racial disparity. The first is that police assigned to largely black neighborhoods face “more political fallout when they shoot, and thus receive better training and are less inclined to shoot.”

    The second is that police assigned to black communities with high crime rates are more accustomed to dangerous situations and thus are more likely to be able to resolve them without resort to lethal force.

    Figures on police shootings by race are thin on the ground, but Mr. Moskos’s results have some support: The investigative journalism website ProPublica came up with a similar percentage in an Oct. 10 article, reporting that 44 percent of all those killed by police were white, using FBI data from 1980 to 2012.

    The fact-checking website PolitiFact concluded in August 2014 that police kill more whites than blacks after the claim was made by conservative commentator Michael Medved. PolitiFact cited data from the Centers for Disease Control on fatal injuries by “legal intervention” from 1999 to 2011.

    “Over the span of more than a decade, 2,151 whites died by being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks. In that respect, Medved is correct,” said PolitiFact.

    But PolitiFact gave his assertion a “half true” rating because whites make up 63 percent of the population, while blacks make up just 12 percent.

    “Yes, more whites than blacks die as a result of an encounter with police, but whites also represent a much bigger chunk of the total population,” PolitiFact said in its Aug. 21 post.

    But PolitiFact did not take into account the percentage of those by race involved in violent crime or shootings of police, as Mr. Moskos did.

    Despite the recent flood of media coverage involving police shootings, Mr. Moskos advised his readers to “keep all this morbidity in perspective,” reminding them that very few people, white or black, will ever be shot or killed by police.

    “The odds that any given black man will shoot and kill a police officer in any given year is slim to none, about one in a million. The odds for any given white man? One in four million,” he said. “The odds that a black man will be shot and killed by a police officer is about 1 in 60,000. For a white man those odds are 1 in 200,000.”

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