2024-25 Team Developments: Trades / Free Agents / News / Rumors / Ideas

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by TIME, May 22, 2024.

  1. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    And i think that too can be addressed for a fraction of the price -- Jevon Carter gets you there (he has a PO, stay and rot behind Pedo Giddey or bolt and try to recover some career value) . Fultz maybe... need to see how the rest of the season goes for him. Or DS Jr reunion with Luka can address that need.
    abeer3 likes this.
  2. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    those guys are all worse spot up shooters than gabe, though. there's a reason we spent the mle on him, and it wasn't just "stupid rob", imo.
  3. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    Definitely but the scenario in which he's dealt is to significantly improve the front court. Gotta give to get. There's a reason they cost what they cost vs Gabe cost what he cost. On an asset to contribution ratio based on what we have to shop (where there's real money attached) , Kleber followed by Gabe are the least valuable players. To me, a top 14 center > Gabe's contribution and you Bandaid the loss the best you can. I think that overall gain greatly outweighs what's going out.
    VincePT and abeer3 like this.
  4. sk2408

    sk2408 - Lakers 6th Man -

    Jun 26, 2022
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    I'd be trying to put Vando in a trade over Gabe tbh, but I know his contract is less appealing.
  5. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Vando is worth his weight in gold even without being able to shoot IMO. No way I trade him over Gabe.
    LakeShowAZ, SamsonMiodek and TIME like this.
  6. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    Pincus was on Irwin's pod today

    Lakers have currently $900k-ish to play with.

    -Goodwin prorated on 3/11: $408k if it's for the rest of the year. $422k this year if it's on a multi year deal. Usually these conversions are done with at least a second non/partial guarantee.

    -Jemison prorated is $364k for the rest of the year, $408k this year if it's a 2+ year deal.

    - the value of Shake's non-guarantee for trade purposes and how you can adjust that amount anywhere from $1 to the full annual value of $3m. So if you need to match to the dollar in a trade, that's valuable.

    A lot of other cap stuff, in particular about the new CBA but those were the most pressing items for us.

    Also on Irwin's pod two days ago and he reiterated it yesterday. Cam is gone the second one of the two way deadlines hit. From within the team, he's heard that Cam is first out. And that makes sense based on how far under the dog house JJ has him buried.
    abeer3, pika1708, Weezy and 4 others like this.
  7. pika1708

    pika1708 - Lakers Starter -

    Mar 5, 2020
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    I absolutely love Vando. He is an ideal regular season player and what he gives us is unique in probably the whole NBA. But there's 3 worries with him: health, being exposed against better teams/playoffs and shooting. I'm not advocating shipping him for whoever, but he's in the top3 list for guys I'm willing to trade to improve the team (that hold any value), ahead of Rui, behind Kleber and a tough call with Gabe.

    I don't think I agree with you on this one. I think Gabe's role is quite important in the team, because Luka or AR are constantly hunted on defense and he helps offset that when he's out there. I agree Goodwin can replace Gabe but then we would need another Goodwin

    I'm only trading Gabe if it's to upgrade him or in case we really get another version of him on someone cheaper, who can guard, shoot and dribble some
  8. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    So for this uber specific scenario, it boils down to: would you trade Gabe for a top 10 center? I'd do that 100/100 times and ask if it was Nico on the other line. Cause that's what Claxton is with Luka, that's the bump he gets.

    I didn't anticipate that being a hot take. Yes, we can't enter next season without a POA defender. I'm just not wanting to spend $11m on a 6'2" (that's generous) one IF we can better allocate those funds to improve the starting group. The replacement will likely be worse at something if the replacement is from the TPMLE or vet min pool... unless you steal someone left in the cold because they're not longer a $10m+ player in this CBA. We're a team that agents will find those situations more attractive with Luka on board (just see the 3pt% bump the other starters have with Luka on the floor) . OR you call up the tank teams like Portland and see what's the ask on Camara ($2.2m). If Sabonis is traded this summer and Kings don't want to pay Ellis on his next deal (only $2.3m next year) when they're rebuilding (like how Nico didn't want to pay Grimes), you look into that. With the cap squeeze, you can find situations like that. Just have to be opportunistic. Not sure either are all that realistic but that's how I'm more interested in slicing the pie.
    abeer3 likes this.

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