Oh, that was a great interview. Interesting uh... color combination there, but Vando is eloquent, his insight is always very good. They need to interview him more often.
A lot to unpack with the things Vando was saying. I really like what he touched on about screens. If you want your offense to work set effective screens, instead of soft screening. Everyone that has played knows the difference between having your teeth rattled vs just stepping past some chump. Those pounding screens add up over time.
i wouldn't even say it needs to be that fierce. in fact, a screen can work without contact, tbh. you just have to make sure that your body is in the way of the defender taking the most advantageous angle. now, if you have a committed, smart defender, then yes, there will be collisions... anyway, i agree--setting proper screens is really important, and it's one of my general gripes about nba players. it was actually one of my very few gripes about AD--i felt like his life would have been easier if he set better screens more consistently.
Seems to me a lot of our screens, even from Jemison who's getting a lot of props for his, there's not enough impediment to the defender (set close enough or with marginal contact) before our screener rolls and looks for the pass or lob.
Yeah I see the same Not sure if it's deliberately being done ala ghost screens Anyway back to Vando two thoughts he's ceiling is a lot higher if he becomes a DFS like corner 3 point shooter. Is he in a minute restrictions or is JJ purposely doing out 20 minutes across the board to multiple bench guys. Certainly feels like he hasn't shortened the bench even with the injuries. It allows guy like Vando to go all out: more intensity with fewer minutes
Vando subs in and I learn a lot about the mind of the elite basketball intelligence by not watching the ball but just watching how he reads and reacts to every moment on the court. As anyone who's played knows, playing defense like that is a test of physical endurance, concentration, and strength, and you can't overthink what's going on, but be intuitive about where you need to be with regard to where the ball is, who has it, who's switching, where they are on the 24, etc. I'm just blown away by his intelligence. I think the great defensive players usually are really smart people in general, with some exceptions. Dwight? Lookin' at you, man.
Athleticism is the great leveller right? It’s no coincidence that Dwight fell off due to his back. He was still effective because Dwight has good defensive intelligence, but he wasn’t the destroyer of worlds he was before that injury. Pre injury Dwight had athleticism comparable to LeBron.
You don't want contact on every screen but some need to be jarring. It really opens things up. Just as often, the screen is set a bit off and it is up to the ball handler to use it but you go back and watch the great screeners you will see what I mean.
you're preaching to the choir here. steven adams has almost zero basketball skill and i'd take him on my team any day.
I always use Bill Walton for an example, lots of skill but devastating screens as well. Big Steven fan as well, good example.
Had a poor game by his standards tonight. It’s a fine line between major impact and not quite pulling it off. And tonight it just didn’t go his way, but you can’t control the outcome only the effort! Keep fighting hard Vando!
Still love Vando. Seems to be our best rebounder out there when he’s on the floor, besides lebron. Looks like DFS was favored tonight and Gabe’s hot shooting, but Vando keep doing what you’re doing! This summer, work on that corner 3 Vando!
Most teams don't have a player who plays nearly as hard or with as much energy as Vando. Knicks start 3 of them. They don't flinch from our agent of chaos, they see it every day in the mirror and in practice. But yes, he was off. -11 +/- . The Minny win was the only other time he's had a double digit negative +/- and we still won.
I noticed a few times both Hart and OG were just as active as he was. Even with all that said, he was getting to balls just couldn’t secure them. it’s a fine line but he is a keeper!