Dude love your defense and your energy but you got to take open layups. JJ had to switch to Godwin to crack that Denver zone
If this guy could knock down wide open threes and attack the basket somewhat decently, he'd be one of the best 3/D players in the league. Sometimes he is unplayable. Rui and DFS are way ahead of him in the hierarchy because he can't play any offense!
Dennis Rodman was one of the most effective defenders of all time and was just as bad offensively. Actually, he was a much worse three point shooter- Vando can hit one once in awhile.
I feel like he's still workign hsi way back...I do like him in the backup center spot for now though...much rather we play him than anybody else we got at that spot. He did a great job of disrupting Jokic in that first quarter.
i think utah had decided that he was a backup center in their system, and i wonder if jj thinks of him like that a bit.
Man I hated that bastard back then tough SOB. Bird was built different but Coop did as good a job as any.
The matter is that Jokic when he snags the board can bring up the ball as pretty as he please as the opponent covering him has ran back to the key on the other end. Not used to a defender in his mug shadowing him 94 feet end to end.
Yes he did but 21 did a couple of forearm shivers to his midsection in 1987 trying to prevent him from setting screens.
Must have been something Reddick saw. No doubt, Ham would never have thought about that. Lakers did a fantastic job denying Jokic the ball and preventing him from getting easy looks. It's a bit ridiculous that the Lakers have managed to shut down KAT and Jokic with basically no good defensive center. With AD, they couldn't really do that. Ham was just really that awful...
Jokic consistently beating AD down the floor was a big problem. Kind of swept under the rug because AD is such a good defensive player otherwise but that really hurt the Lakers the last two years.
it was my one big gripe with AD. he was slow to change ends most of the time, and it cost the team. that said, you can't have AD hounding jokic full court like vando did; it doesn't make sense. again, jj just looked for whatever small advantage he had and tried to do something with it. jokic, opposite of AD and despite his appearance, really makes an effort to change ends quickly so he can get to his spots on offense and defense. you can use your speed to muck that up a bit. again, though, i'm worried the first time someone tries to get in his way the next time we play them, the ref will blow the whistle.