Yeah, I’ve heard that as the explanation, but it seems like more times than not, it turns out to be a bad, heavily contested shot. I’ll take the chance of a turnover every time with the ball handlers we have on this team, over the willy nilly off the cuff play. I have faith that either Austin, LeBron, or DLO can execute a set play and have the ability to run “option b” if the play gets mucked up by a great defense.
Am still curious as to who the pudgy guy with the gray hair is …. what his role is and where he came from …. if anyone knows?
Kerr lost but his late game clock management made a lot more sense then did JJ's against Detroits. SImilar situation where your team is trying to catch up and Kerr going for the foul early rather then letting Detroit basically eat the entire 24 was the right move. The number of possessions you can manufacturer was more important than a 1 point differences
We live and die by LeBron! He joggs the ball to the mid court Taking off precious seconds off the clock then he jacks up a circus 3 or drive it to the basket ! The results are 50/50. Some goes in some doesn’t! But I’ve seen more bricks than swish .
i liked the early season offense that featured very little lebron pounding. find it hard to believe we went away from that just for giggles. think it's part AD injury and part that the transition defense suffers when AD and lebron are constantly trying to finish in the paint and thus not getting back on d. would be curious to hear someone ask jj about those things, though. why did we stop going to AD? are we running a bit fewer sets as the season has gone on? shouldn't it be the other way?
Didn't realize he played with Shake, too Elite communication. Talking to your players about role and fit before they even play their first game That statement did a lot for Gabe's confidence and DFS is a better player
front office is definitely trying to get jj his guys, so that's good. i like that we're not going to switch up the starters right away, though i wouldn't be surprised if DFS finds his way into finishing lineups pretty quickly. in fact, i think he'll end up a staple there with rui/max playing depending upon matchups.
Why is JJ not playing Koloko or Hayes? Those guys both gave good minutes this year. Complete shift from earlier in the year when he even tried a two big lineup Particularly against the giant Cavs frontcourt
Do we even want to trade for a C? Why bother if JJ is just going to play Lebron and Rui there? Hayes is healthy, Koloko is competent, we’re facing length like Allen and Mobley and he does that? Why do coaches think they’re smarter than common sense?
Maybe they show up late and practice poorly and don’t have his trust? Does seem odd though. Be nice to know what is behind these decisions sometimes.
Hayes is healthy? Available and healthy aren't the same. He hasn't played in 5 weeks. Should his first game back be against the best team in the league with the best front court in the league? Seems like a recipe for failure. Koloko is not ready per JJ. Right or wrong, JJ doesn't think he's ready for more than 9ish minutes. He's young, raw and missed a season due to health concerns that have ended the career of a HOFer. This season, he's an afterthought. JJ wants a backup level bruiser. Hayes is a 3rd stringer on a contender or backup on a lotto team. Koloko is a 3rd string/2 way on a lotto team. On a contender, he's not even considered for a roster spot.