eventually it will affect sales You have the all time leading scorer on your team, won a chip just a few years ago, still have some stars, but if it doesn't equal winning, ticket sales and merch sales will go down. Hopefully we don't get to that point, but maybe it's actually what we need to have happen.
That’s where you wrong my friend . Our merch sales and ticket prices will NEVER go down . We are not the sac kings or the clippers . There is sooo much tradition and history with the Lakers that Jeanie will never ever has to lift a finger !
Based upon the other teams on that list, you may very well be right. We're dealing with the 2nd largest city in the US, but the best basketball team history wise in combo with population. In addition to that the worldwide popularity. We'd have to suck for a long time to not be in the top 10 on merch sales. "But you gotta have goals!" --Jeanie (Probably)
I think that "too big to fall" perspective is what has killed many big brands. The world is changing dramatically in the past 20 years, the new generations are completely different from my one or older ones. That changes the whole dynamics of business, marketing and popularity. Yes, the Lakers are miles way the biggest brand in the NBA right now but I'm not sure if they'll be in 10/20 years if they suck for too long
Lakers are the biggest brand in sports not just NBA! We lead Yankees and the Cowgirls by a mile it’s not even close . I know as fans we want titles but FO couldn’t care less, the cash machine Lakers keeps making that green
Yes but the new generations are not so much into sports as the previous ones. They also look for the next shiny thing and there's less fandom. They also have access to much more entertainment than before. Those are all risks that may lead to the Lakers losing that power and market dominance within the next couple decades Btw, in terms of valuation the Lakers are 10th in sports. In terms of following they are 12th, behind 11 soccer teams