Official Marvel / MCU Discussion:

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by ThizGuy83, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    That's some great news. Both Marvel and Russo bros have struggled without each other, but together they've made the biggest and most of the top MCU films. Let's collectively forget phase 4.

    Now can they land this plane without the OG cast and the fast approaching release date? We'll see. Much better option than the original hire Destin Daniel Cretton.
    ElginTheGreat likes this.
  2. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    Final trailer. We're one week out.

    f*** YES!

    Couple new spoilerific moments but by all accounts everything in all the trailers is the first 30-40 minutes.

    All I'll say is SHE'S BACK.
    ElginTheGreat likes this.
  3. SamsonMiodek

    SamsonMiodek - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Family guy
    Going to IMAX on Thursday, hope they didn't mess this up.
    ElginTheGreat, JSM and sirronstuff like this.
  4. SamsonMiodek

    SamsonMiodek - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Family guy
    This movie is probably not for everybody but I really enjoyed it. Very funny, great fighting sequences, a good marvel movie overall. I only wish the bad guy(s) were more relatable (if that makes sense) and the script had less holes.

    Overall definitely worth going to the cinema for and gave me more hope for future marvel movies.
    Weezy, JSM and ElginTheGreat like this.
  5. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I thought it was great. Few quibbles here and there but I had a blast watching it and my theater seemed to be full of fellow comic nerds which made it that much better.

    Probably a 8.5 out of 10 for me. Not perfect but definitely worth watching and a clear sign that Marvel is learning from the misfires over the last year or so and turning the ship around.

    It's amazing what happens when you make a film aimed at the core audience and celebrating the subject matter instead of trying to poke holes in it and deconstruct it (looking firmly at you Star Wars).
    Weezy, JSM and SamsonMiodek like this.
  6. SamsonMiodek

    SamsonMiodek - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Family guy
    This so, so much. This film was clearly made with hardcore Marvel fans in mind. About time...
    Weezy, JSM and ElginTheGreat like this.
  7. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    I loved it. Every second of it. Can't wait to go see it again and have been humming Like A Prayer since Friday night.

    Some general thoughts and then I'll get into spoiler'ville
    - can't believe Disney let them have that much blood and that much swearing. It was a big deal Guardians got one "f***" whereas DP&W had 117 variations of "f***" which was +27 from DP2. they blew the doors off with that one.
    - Ryan really knows how to crush it as Deadpool. I've had stock since Two Guys A Girl & A Pizza Place, but he's definitely had a bumpy path till finally getting DP and even a mixed bag in other projects after. If you want him to play a different note, you'll be letdown. It's the same note since DP1 but he's elite at it.
    - Hugh knocks it out of the park. What he did in Logan and then this, very different tone and performances, but both really have tortured/guilt behind them. Why did we waste this man's time and wait 17 years (time from X1 to Logan) and then wait another 7 after that (Logan to DP&W). f***ing tragic some of the hot trash he was given to work with.
    - If you liked 48 Hours, Planes Trains & Automobiles and either of these characters then you'll love this movie. They had amazing chemistry, their real life friendship bleeds through seamlessly.
    - I've seen some complaints about weakness of the villain Cassandra's motivations. DP and MCU both rely on the strength of the hero. Caliber of villain has never been elite outside of Thanos. They're all usually fine enough. I really liked her abilities, they were fun... her motivations were weak but it didn't take away from the film for me.
    - nearly a half a billion dollar opening weekend. They've got to put the foot on the gas, we've been sputtering around aimlessly since Endgame. Get to it and get there quick... people aren't getting any younger.

    - Happy: did not expect that. Loved the line "what's your superpower? Parallel parking? "
    - a lot of the cameos we heard about before hand. But so much was thrown at the wall with rumored appearances it was impossible to decipher what was real and what was horse s***. They were all fun and I don't know how they made it until release with as much of it under wraps as they did.

    Cavill is an awesome looking Wolverine. Such a shame he wasted his talents on DC.
    Evans revealed as Human Torch and not Cap was hilarious.
    So cool seeing Snipes again. That was the most surprising to me, after Happy, because while I saw the rumor I didn't think Ryan would want to work with him again after Blade 3's troubled production.
    Liked getting Gambit and good for Channing to finally get to do it, he'd been trying to get that going for a long long time. But personally I'd rather have had Kitsch play the part again. I really don't think Tatum is good at anything, Kitsch is a good actor just not the lead they tried to make him in the brutal summer of 2012.
    - it's a real shame this is the first time we've gotten X23 since Logan. Dafne kills the role, hopefully now that she's out of the dumpster and in the timeline with Deadpool and Wolverine, we'll see her again.
    - seeing Macfadyen run around when his plan went to s*** gave off some Wambsgans vibes. I miss Succession.

    - what's next? What do you guys think? Clearly they have to lock these two up to participate in as much as they're willing to do. They just delivered one of the biggest R rated movies of all time. Fan scores are off the charts. They needed this. This did for Marvel what Top Gun Maverick did for cinema. Feige has got to hurry though. Hugh can't keep doing that to his body. The arms. The shirtless scene. First... wow and how? Second, he's turning 56 in a couple months and we're two years out (for now) from the next team up Marvel movie. Tick tock.
    SamsonMiodek, ElginTheGreat and Kenzo like this.
  8. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    This announcement deserves a post of its own


    Not sure how they're going to pull this off. Multi-verse variant? But the Marvel GOAT is coming back.

    We wouldn't have a MCU without him. He didn't need this coming off Oppenheimer. We just saw another legacy character return after a 10/10 (what we thought was a) final appearance. If he's coming back, it has to be something really cool and worth everyone's time and emotional investment.

    He's a hell of a showman and that's an awesome way to make an entrance.

    Also going from Majors as Kang to RDJ as Doom to be the big baddie for your movie is one hell of an upgrade.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2024
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  9. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I definitely expect these 2 to be back. No way we have Secret Wars and don't get to see them go up against Doom.

    Beyond that, I expect Feige to move full speed ahead with what the majority of fans actually want - fun movies where heroes are heroes and villains are villains.

    One of the best aspects of this movie for me was that they do poke fun at comics and fans but they are laughing with us fans not laughing at us. That's a tough tightrope to walk that many of the blockbuster movies have failed at over the last 5 to 10 years but they nailed it here.

    So yeah, I think they will go back to what was working by leaning into the craziness of comics but not forgetting that these movies are supposed to be fun.

    I'm all for it.
    JSM likes this.
  10. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I feel like between the Majors stuff and the multiverse movies just not landing as well as they hoped, they felt like they needed to find a way to pivot from Kang but still bring the multiverse saga to a good close.

    I think its a bold move but they can actually make this work. Stark as Doom is crazy but has been done in some of the alternate timelines in the comics so they have some source material to pull from.

    The bigger thing for me is that they brought the Russo bros back as well. Their other movies haven't hit as well, but they 3 of my top movies in the MCU so I have faith in them and their ability to get this right. Plus, we know they can juggle tons of characters and different plotlines from what they did in Infinity War and Endgame so this should be right up their alley.

    So, while I still hope at some point we get the "real" Dr Doom from comics, I am pretty pumped about this and am optimistic again about the MCU.
    SamsonMiodek and JSM like this.
  11. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    Plus one of the same writers

    I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned that they're going into this with a short runway. The prior avengers movies had a lot of solo movies to set the larger stage. This is almost more like a DC move of throwing the big one out there without building towards it. Or at least building to it properly. The last phase was a tire fire as a whole. It puts A LOT of pressure on Fantastic 4.

    That said, if anyone can do it it's Russos + RDJ. Results speak for themselves to the tune of billions.
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  12. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Definitely agree on the short runway. In a way though, that's kind of what sells me on this version of Doom (forgive me, I'm about to go full nerd for a few minutes here).

    If you started Doom from scratch then you do need to completely build up that character from scratch. That's tough to do especially if the rumors are true and Galactus is the villain of Fantastic Four.

    But, if Doom is a variant of Stark who went bad instead of good, the audience pretty much immediately gets why this is bad and why he is such a threat. A different guy who saves the universe is now trying to destroy it. Should be an immediately credible villain that everyone can run with even with small window to establish him.

    Don't get me wrong, there is also the huge potential for them to miss on this. But I can at least see how it could work.
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  13. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    Yeah, the villain aspect shouldn't need more setup than whatever they do in F4. I'm more concerned about the hero pool that we actually give a damn about has dwindled, unless more of the guys who said they're done come back. Cause none of the ones they setup to have scaled up roles post-End Game has worked. They're really going to need Wolverine, DP, and all Spideys cause other than them it's Thor and Stange. Rest aren't row one Avengers, they're behind the bench caliber.

    And speaking of RDJ...

    It's good to be king
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  14. sk2408

    sk2408 - Lakers 6th Man -

    Jun 26, 2022
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    I was listening to a podcast discussing the RDJ as Doom announcement and they proposed that maybe Secret Wars is Feige's last dance. He's only 51, but he's been producing Marvel movies for 23 years now. Maybe he takes over Star Wars or just walks away altogether. It seems apparent that Secret Wars will wrap up the MCU as we know it, along with legacy characters like Wolverine, the Fox X-Men and Tobey McGuire Spiderman. Then there will be a soft reboot with Marvel's own version of the Mutants and the Fantastic 4 leading the way, with characters like Ironman and Cap eventually being recast. I just find it hard to believe Feige will build up to Secret Wars, cap it off with this culmination of the last 25 years of comic book movies and then preside over the rebuild. From that perspective, I think it makes sense to bring back RDJ and the Russos for the last dance of this version of the MCU.

    I saw Deadpool & Wolverine last Friday and really enjoyed it. There are plenty of issues with the plot, but it was a really fun movie experience and this is coming from someone who really doesn't care for Deadpool's whole schtick. Jackman is such an awesome Wolverine and it seems like he still has a lot left in the tank. My only real complaint was that Matthew Macfayden's character was a little too goofy, I was looking forward to seeing him in a more serious villain role. I think he might have been the best actor in Succession, which was filled with incredible performances.
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  15. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Yeah. Completely agree. They got so caught up in making new projects that they didn't even build on the ones that actually worked like Shang Chi.

    It feels like Marvel has learned its lesson a bit and will wrap up the stuff with the secondary characters that are already in the mix (Thunderbolts, Agatha, etc) and then move full steam with its more popular characters.

    I expect Doomsday to pretty much be Doom mopping the floor with the B Team Avengers and then Secret Wars be a combo of all the powerhouses from the various universes teaming up to take out Doom.
  16. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    That makes a lot of sense to me. I'd love to see Feige take a crack at fixing Star Wars if I'm being honest. If he steps away from the MCU it will be as the greatest film producer of all time IMO. What he created with the MCU is literally the biggest film franchise ever. Even its misses are better than a lot of other films. Whoever steps in will have big shoes to fill.

    Yeah, the villains of Deadpool didn't land that well for me either. Not enough to take away from the movie overall but their actions and motivations never really landed in my opinion.
  17. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    I don't understand the struggle. They hit on casting, they don't need a lot of CGI or a bloated budget. It's a straightforward story. How has it been 6 years since the casting and we're still nowhere on this?

    We should've gotten two in the bag and in pre-production on the 3rd by now.
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  18. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Me neither. Feel like I can honestly write this one myself for a lot less money than whatever they are paying their writers.
  19. sk2408

    sk2408 - Lakers 6th Man -

    Jun 26, 2022
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    With Avengers: Doomsday releasing in 18 months, they’re not messing around with these side characters anymore. Captain America, Thunderbolts, and Fantastic Four are the big ones set to come out before Doomsday. I bet they try to squeeze in Doctor Strange 3 before then too.
  20. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    The current scheduled release date concerns me. Yes, I'm the same one complaining in the DC thread that Batman's release date got pushed. Also yes, if anyone can do this it is the Russo brothers. BUT production isn't starting until March, running through August. Post-production and reshoots to be completed in only 9 months. That's really tight. Script on these typically isn't finished when they start shooting, hence the need for reshoots and pickups before the release.

    Looked up the previous ones and they REALLY hold on to that last week of April-first week of May.
    Avengers: 5/4/12
    Ultron: 5/1/15
    Infinity War: 4/27/18
    End Game: 4/26/19
    Doomsday: 5/1/26
    Secret Wars: 5/7/27

    So if they move it, does that push each back an entire year to hold to that Avenger window?

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