MLE is an "exception" precisely because it's something you use while being over the cap. Actually, they're not under the cap because of DJ's cap holds ($17M), and that's why they actually have the MLE. They would lose the non-taxpaying MLE if they go over the luxury tax, in which case they would get the taxpayer MLE, but that won't be the case with the Clippers.
Yeah I feel the same way. We may lose more games, but we're winning either way from a fan's perspective.
Optimism is over.... If this is really a pity meeting, what are we doing wasting time with good players still in play? We are going to wasted 3-4 hours saying sorry and not on the phones getting deals done. Their plan must really be David Lee (rolls eyes). I really really really don't want to see another season of 1 year rentals.
Not surprising that she feels that way. She was tweeting @ LMA's team about how they shouldn't be dragging our name through the mud. Hope she's wrong.
You will. Bargain bin rentals. We'll scrape 30-35 wins this season; health permitting. Unless something drastically changes our fortunes that I don't see right now.
To be fair that was just their opinions. She doesn't have any actual information or source just her feeling.
With the number 4 pick in the NBA draft via the Los Angeles Lakers, the Philadelphia 76ers select...... (Chugs last beer, passes out before pick selected)
Okafor can't run the floor. Finals were a lesson, you either run the floor or there's no minutes. Ex: Mosgov and Bogut
I'm guessing, like last year, they don't want any of who's left. as for why do it? saving face. even if it's a pity meeting, the fact that he went out of his way to do it means the lakers are still relevant. dude just canceled on the knicks. and maybe that was to spare them the same initial embarrassment, but again, people keep asking why the lakers bother---why does Aldridge bother? for the same reason he moved them from off the list to first on the meeting list. they're not always going to suck, and his agent may have some clients (current or future) that might want to work for the franchise. truth is, I'm guessing a lot of these FA meetings are "unimpressive", but we don't hear about it. the fact that we did indicates poor form from somebody on that side. makes sense to me to repair it, even if the second meeting is just a clarification and a face-to-face apology.
as for salvage plans, I also don't like the 1-year approach. do what Portland's doing and just sign interesting players to mid-level deals. kj mcdaniels and corey joseph are out there. biyombo's out there. all might be had for 5 per on long term deals. no more sacres to sell to next year's FA crop.