Guess we did offer Monroe the max... Still turned us down. To be fair, most of the people sourcing are agents right now but still. Milwaukee over LA. That's a hard pill to swallow Laker fans.
All those players are currently playing for the contending teams, OKC,Memphis, Chicago, ATL. I do not really see the reasons for them to come to LA as they will be in a similar mind set as LMA.
time to get the crappy slideshow ready for these guys next year...let's use more Kareem slides and Coop slides this time...might work
It's a better move to not offer Harris anything and hope he doesn't sign an extension and becomes a FA next year. LAKERS FO IS GENIUS. Game over!
Honestly, thinking about next year which could very well consist of us losing our first round pick and watching the free agent chase Durant while more realistic targets get away (as usual) is more depressing than just dealing with what is going on now.
it's pretty obvious the lakers need to stop using history and tradition as a marketing ploy to attract FA's mitch telling potential big name FA's that "one day your number could be hanging in the rafters" honestly isn't what these guys want to hear. we're still stuck in the past when it comes to trying to land these guys and that's why no one wants to play for the lakers anymore
I think they wait until the officially strike out or have been officially informed they're out, then look to their next options. I'm still really hoping they throw the max offer at Harris (16.85 mil. start) then try to unload Kelly/Sacre/Young in exchange for a big man sign and trade (either Koufos or Hibbert or something). Harris/Hibbert would be a decent haul this summer.
I think they are holding off until the 9th to make an offer, the Magic have 3 days to match then, if they do it now they have until the 9th... plus maybe they'll shoot themselves in the foot by agreeing with other FA's making the return of Harris more difficult.
Agree with you and therealdeal but look at Jimmy Butler, he wanted to play for LA and BOOM max contract offer
Read earlier that Harris is playing this close to the chest too. I think he and his agent have a way of trying to get either a max deal to stay or try to find a way to a bigger market.
Fortunately, we will have 3 max slots open next year, so we can offer Durant a spot and still offer max slots to other players without interfering. It all comes down to Russell and Randle. Plain and simple. If they are studs in their rookie campaigns, FAs will start looking at us. Our best shot at another championship rests on their shoulders.
Meh, this one I don't mind. I never saw a good fit with Monroe here. I didn't mind if we didn't make a max offer, although that obviously would have been a waste of time since he was going to get paid max.
It's not necessarily the player it's that a player, any player, CHOSE Milwaukee over us. The Lakers, the star franchise, the media capital of basketball, everything... He chose Milwaukee instead. That has to tell you something about where we are as a franchise.
I don't understand this, Cleveland was s*** team before LeBron. One player can make you a contender in this league. These b****es just don't have the balls to be the man in LA. No one wants to follow up Kobe's greatness