I'm definitely getting antsy. We went into FA thinking we had a good shot at Aldridge and that's not looking accurate thus far. Most of the smaller names/back-ups are already getting snatched up. If you swing and miss now at DJ, the fall off is precipitous to Robin Lopez and Ed Davis. Omer Asik and Kosta Koufos are hanging around, but... Definitely not what we were sold on at the start of the FA period.
If the Suns get LMA because they signed Chandler, I'm going to be steamed. Lakers will have really dropped the ball if so.
Yep...this is how it is looking. Hard to fathom. It is not as if we have dullards on our brass. We have the loot... Chill's points are valid. The Laker squad is not that attractive at this point for those who want to win right away. While we are focusing on the "names"...the "solids" are being nabbed left and right. Swing for the fence while others are getting doubles and triples to get on. I'm not even a big baseball fan...
I have a revolutionary idea: lets get Steve Nash and, say, Blake to back him up. And then - wait for it! - we convince Dwight to come to the Lakers. Since run and gun is popular now, we can hire MDA as our coach. Championship.
Suns pick up Chandler, Spurs clear room for LMA and we pick up the option on Robert Sacre. And if LMA wanted a center so bad and he was our number 1 target with interest pre-draft, why did we not draft Okafor?
Is there a team out there with a center they don't need who wants a trade exception or something? Oyvey.
Shhhhhh you'll wake up @lakerjones . Seriously though. I thought Aldridge/Okafor was a fantastic offensive threat. I still do.
I'm still in for Harris + Davis.. Young, exciting team. Can grow & we have lot's of tradable assets..
FO drafted who they thought was the best player available... doubt that was contingent on who they thought they'd lure in FA with that pick.
We aren't getting ouplayed. Our team just isn't appealing to a 26 year old because our prospects aren't ready and Kobe is toast. And we don't have space to sign a second premiere player to put next to said 26 year old. Like I said a couple minutes ago, if we signed Kobe to a deal at 12 million (still probably more than he is worth at this point from an on court perspective) we could have called DeAndre and Aldridge on a conference call and said, "Guys. Max deals for you both. Come be our front line for the next half decade. Next offseason, you guys pitch Durant."
And I still don't really regard that logic. There's no point in rehashing that contract and I wouldn't have asked Kobe to take a big paycut the way the the Spurs do. Sure it's better right now, but I just don't feel right asking our best/2nd best player in franchise history to take a paycut. Feels wrong. Also, we ARE getting outplayed. By Phoenix at least. That was a hell of a swoop in maneuver. Not to mention Toronto overpaying for a good asset. Also, if you think the contract was bad then isn't that getting outplayed? Any who, who is the 26 year old?