Star Wars Thread (a Galaxy Far Far Away) Obi-Wan Movie In The Works! (36)

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by DarthRekal, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I was just coming here to post that. According to people in the comments if you’re white and complain about any person of color actor you’re racist. Good thing I’m only 1/4 white, makes me only 1/4 racist. I grew up I a cult, I can recognize one when I see it, these people are a cult. There is no independent, nuanced thinking allowed, you must follow the groupthink. It’s honestly scary and I hope the generation to come rebels against it and pushes it back. It’s a bad character, poorly written, poorly acted, kind of cheesy. Has zero to do with her skin color, gender, or anything else or that nature.

    Regarding your other post and Leia, it’s hard to say if they went with that trope. I suppose in their defense the only legitimate reason for Obi-Wan do leave the planet and Luke would be for the other Skywalker to be in danger. It’s just the execution so far has been poor. I don’t have an issue with Luke not being the focus, he’s not supposed to have any adventures with Obi-Wan yet, so that’s fine. The Leia stuff feels weird though, changes the whole “years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars” thing, feels like she didn’t know him, when now she clearly should have. I knew Obi-Wan was probably going to go off planet, I don’t know what I thought about how or why, but I don’t know, now I’m at the point of the show wishing they’d just left it alone.
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  2. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Yeah. I can't tell you how many times I was called misogynist for saying Rey was a bland character and had no development. Disney is dead to me in general. Any company that gaslights it's customers and calls them horrible names for merely pointing out something they don't like about their product can go to hell.
  3. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Turns out the problem is that she IS getting a lot of racist hate in messages. So that unfortunately lumps the people with valid criticism in with those actual racist pieces of trash. So I suppose I get Disney standing up for her in that way today, Star Wars fans are being given a bad name yet again by these morons. I stand by my criticisms of her character though, has zero to do with race.
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  4. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    What percentage of the hate is racist though? I've looked through different tweet threads, message boards, etc. and I haven't found anything racist. It seems more like there were a few morons that said something racist and they pulled those tweets/messages and showed a spotlight on them with an article making it seem like it's a bigger problem than it is. Any racism is too much. But it seems like 95% (or more) of the criticism has zero to do with her skin color, but the 5% or whatever it actually is has been turned into the majority opinion by Disney and the media. Disney standing up for her against a few racist trolls is their way of diverting attention away from all the legit feedback. I don't think it has anything to do with them actually caring about her being attacked. If Disney cared about racism, they wouldn't have shrunk Boyega on the Chinese poster. Or put a mask on Black Panther so not to show he was black on the Chinese poster.
  5. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Oh I agree entirely, but I still get them coming out and saying something, they kind of have to or it’s a bad look I guess. As far as the racist stuff, hopefully it always is a very very small percentage being actually racist. I imagine the actual racism isn’t comments on Twitter in the open, but being sent to her directly in messages. I don’t think anyone can anticipate the level of hate they will get from morons when they join the Star Wars world. I dislike the character so far, as I have many Disney Star Wars characters, but I would never, ever send a message to an actual actor, they’re playing a role, it’s a job. I don’t get why so many morons online can’t understand that, these people are not their characters, it’s disturbing.

    Agree with your post though, China owns Disney and it’s pathetic. I’m very close to being entirely out on Disney Star Wars and just continuing to enjoy films 1-6 and the Clone Wars animated series, you know, the Lucas involved stuff. I already do not consider the sequel trilogy canon, it’s fan fiction, it’s a “what if”. I’m not sure I consider Mandalorian or Boba Fett canon either, I enjoy Mando a lot, but I’m still not sure it’s anything beyond that for me, that I want it tied into the ordinal stuff. If Obi-Wan ends up garbage I may not have it as personal canon either, sure it’s the same characters, but it’s not Lucas, it’s not even Filoni. I kind of feel like I need to watch Ahsoka because I want to see the Rebels storyline finished, but even that I’m hesitant now, and it’s still no guarantee they don’t drive Mando off a cliff. I feel like I might start picking and choosing what Disney SW I watch more, and just enjoy it for what it is if I can, but never consider it the real thing.
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  6. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I have gotten to the point where I can't support Disney in any way shape or form. Sure, it' almost impossible to completely divorce yourself from them as they own like 60% of all media. But no more Disney+, no more Marvel movies in the theaters or on Blu-Ray. I cannot count on them to do anything but make content to keep the gravy train going which means it will never be good entertainment.

    The only way they might change is if everyone stops paying attention to them. I am willing to do my part on that front since missing their crap doesn't concern me.
  7. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Just finished episode 3

    It was much better than the first 2, we got a lot of Vader, a lot less Reva, she didn’t talk a whole lot so that helped. But still, man, Savory you would hate this show haha. Women have to keep saving poor old weak Obi-Wan. I get that he’s at a low point too, but man this is not Obi-Wan, he was so smart, resourceful, cunning in the past, now he’s being led around by a bratty 10 year old he can’t control.

    Also, maybe I’m just jaded now, but Vader and Obi-Wan meet in this episode, they speak, they fight eachother, and I felt NOTHING. Vader doesn’t look right, Obi-Wan is basically able to run away from him because he can only fast walk, they have them fight in a dark mining area with dirty piles and it just looks off. I can’t explain it, it just looks super cheap and fan-film-like, extremely anti-climactic. Cannot explain what I mean, just feels wrong. Obi-Wan hardly says a word, just keeps backing up and jogging away as Vader tries to keep up. What little lightsaber battle we got in this one as well looked awful, like whoever is shooting this has no idea how to do action. I would say the ANH fight might be better. The actual lightsabers look off too, they have since Disney took over Star Wars really, more CGI cartoony than ever.

    First half of the episode wasn’t bad really, it had a decent feel to it, but man I feel like my worst fears have come true, Vader looking silly or not bada**, I didn’t even think it was possible, he was fine at best. I obviously have to finish this show, but man it’s hurting me to watch, I don’t understand how they could make something this disappointing, and I also don’t understand how people seem to be loving this, like the comments on Twitter are raving about it. Am I watching a different show than everyone else? Oh and I hate the music in this show as well.
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  8. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Wait. Let me get this straight. They did the Obi-Wan Vader fight in the 3rd Episode?!?! If they are going to piss all over George Lucas and his canon, at least do it as the climax of the show. And Does Vader know who Leia is? If so, (and I'm not even talking about her being his daughter, I'm speaking about the fact that now Obi-Wan has a link with the princess of Alderaan) why hasn't Alderaan been taken care of then by the time new Hope starts? Do they just not care about canon...AT ALL?!? I also read that the Grand Inquisitor died in the show...even though he's alive 10 years later in Rebles...where he dies.

    As for everyone "loving" the show, don't buy into it. Companies like Disney have MASSIVE armies on social media with bots upvoting or liking posts. They also did the preemptive attack on all fans for being racist even before she said she was being harassed to discourage people from speaking out. This is Disney Fan Blaming 101. Attack dissent by dismissing negativity as racism or sexism. And if someone says something that can't possibly be spun as racist or sexist, just label the fan in question as "toxic" and use the stupid trope of "Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans."
  9. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Fortunately they haven’t quite boldly broken canon yet. They fought, but it’s obvious they will fight again at the end after Obi-Wan reconnects with the force or something, the show has a very predictable feel. Vader does not know who Leia is, he doesn’t encounter her, she’s already off escaping, it’s why Obi-Wan fights him. I guess it’s odd that he doesn’t sense her, but thinking about it I suppose he’s so focused on getting Obi-Wan that he’s not thinking about anything else. As for the inquisitor, if he’s actually dead they messed up bad, but I think he’s not, he’s probably in a tank healing up, they can’t be that dumb to not know he is alive until Rebels. It’s not so much canon stuff that bugged me, it’s how bad it all looks and feels, it’s just off.
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  10. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    This guy just described what I’ve been trying to but much better

  11. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    A side note to what Disney did, I don't know if you've seen Top Gun: Maverick, but before the movie even starts, Tom Cruise did a little video thanking the fans for coming out and seeing the movie and telling them they made the movie for them. Just a short little acknowledgment showing they know they only get to do this stuff is because of the people that support them. Juxtapose that with Disney who before Obi-Wan even comes out is putting out the "beware of racists" stuff. The same company that had one of their highest ranking officials take a shot at the biggest Star Wars Youtuber/Superfan because he reacted POSITIVELY to something they made. And they continually do this at Lucasfilm. I have never seen a studio (or any company for that matter) that shows such hostility to their fans. They legitimately loath a large percentage of the people they are making content for. It's probably why they seem to go out of their way to make content that will piss off the die hard, long-time fans and make the "new" fans that just jumped on the train due to FOMO happy. But they know they can because we all loved Star Wars and what George Lucas made so much for so long, they can beat us up without losing too much support.

    It's why I can't even hate watch their stuff. They hate me. They hate you too, Weezy. If someone likes what Lucas did and what Star Wars was, and question the new regime's choices, they despise you and actively want to make you unhappy.
  12. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I hate watched episode 3 (I went through the trouble of watching it pirated even though my subscription to Disney Plus is still active from the deal I signed up for two years ago because I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of a rating) after reading some of what actually happened. It might be worse than The Last Jedi to me.

    Why does Lucasfilm hate our heroes? OMG! This episode does to Obi Wan what The Last Jedi did to Luke. What The Force Awakens did to Han. I don't know how there can be any doubt whatsoever what the current brass at Lucasfilm is doing. They hate Star Wars. They hate what George created. They hate strong male characters. Obi Wan and Vader meeting after 10 years, for the first time since Obi left him to die...And they go with the cliche, "You should have killed me when you had the chance." line? Really? And Obi Wan just sor of jogs away upon seeing him? And the location? It looks like a fan film that shot this climactic scene in a freaking quarry in City of Industry. You have that technology where you can put them anywhere in the wherever you can imagine, you can put them there. And you put them in a location that looks like it's straight out of our world. Like they drove down the freeway from Burbank and put it in a rock quarry. Long static wide shots that look like something a high school student would do on their video book report. Even if you remove the story completely, there are multiple idiotic things they did. Like a small fire somehow kept Vader from going after him? Vader tossed Obi using the force, but for whatever reason he can't stop the droid? It just felt like a student film or a fan film you'd see on Youtube, and that's not even hitting on the story and the absolute hate they obviously have for long-time Star Wars fans with the way they rape our heroes.

    I'm sorry, Weezy. I can't even hate watch the rest of this with you. It is just too insulting. It's like they made a checklist of everything they could do to Star Wars to make long-time fans angry.
    Weezy likes this.
  13. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I don't mind the Third Sister. I thought episodes 1 and 2 had few interesting moments, but episode 3 was better. Really like the actress...

    Little Leia. She's awesome.
  14. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Haha yes, this, all of this. It’s like whoever shot this has never shot action before, it’s horrible. You’re lucky you didn’t see episode 2 and that awful angry parkour display by Reva, laughable.

    Trodgers, I have zero against the kid actress, she’s fine, she’s a kid. It’s the storyline they gave her and Obi-Wan I don’t like.
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  15. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I like the actress and would've liked the storyline (ignoring the plot holes it creates) if Mando didn't already do it and do it better.
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  16. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Also the bit where Obi-Wan says “now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a looong time… a long time”, I guess a long time is 9 years because everyone and their grandma call him Obi-Wan in this show. It’s not canon for me, messes with the movies too much.
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  17. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I'll be honest. I don't quite understand the position.

    I've sat through a bunch of James Bond films with different actors. I've watched all the films and have found some joy in them, even when I thought they were ill-suited for Bond (like Brosnan). I don't worry about what's canon. Because I've read all the Bond stories written by Fleming, I know what the characters are like there. The cinematic world is just different.

    In the Star Wars world, I read a lot of the early novels. Many of them were incredibly poorly written. Like, "How did this get published?" bad. And then I found Karen Traviss's writing. I think it's the single best product in Star Wars. Okay, that's not true. The original Battlefront and Battlefront II games (not the more recent ones) were the best thing in Star Wars. But Traviss's work on the clones (the Repubilc Commando series mostly) is top notch. Now, none of it is canon. But that doesn't stop me from enjoying lots of Star Wars materials.

    I was a Luke fan since as far back as I can remember - literally. I had a Luke and Obi-Wan action figure as a kid. My brother had the Vader action figure holder. I thought it was ridiculous how Luke went out in the most recent film. But I don't understand continuing to dump on Star Wars. It's not as if the original trilogy were well-directed or acted. Name an actor who gave their best performance in a Star Wars film. I'm not worried about what counts as canon or not, but I don't know many people who are clearly "bigger" or "better" Star Wars fans than I am.

    I get JSM's criticism, by the way. I don't get the "anti-third sister" criticism though. She's no Vader, but she's hardly worse than a bunch of other SW antagonists.
  18. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I don’t have the energy to argue this stuff anymore. I’ll just say that IMO this show is absolute garbage with horrible writing and bad acting. It’s incredibly disappointing, saddening and frustrating as a Star Wars fan. And to see so many other fans eat this stuff up because “ooh shiny Vader, ooh lightsabers, ooh characters from other shows I know” is even more baffling. I don’t get the argument I keep seeing either, people continuing to say oh Star Wars has always been dumb, cheesy, inconsistent, poorly acted, etc. it should continue that way? That’s a horrible defense. Why not use the stories and world building Lucas created and get people who can write way better dialogue and get the most out of the actors, why not fix perceived past issues? Instead this is one of the worst written and directed high profile extremely high budget TV shows I’ve ever seen. Put the writers from any number of HBO, showtime, etc original shows on this and it’s worlds better. I’ll lastly just say that this guy puts it so much better than I could why I hate this show.

    Some others as well

    This isn’t Star Wars, it’s Disney Presents: Star Wars. It’s counterfeit, cheap knockoffs. Realizing that has been both rough and good at the same time, as this is the last time I will be investing any care or emotion into a Disney Star Wars product, and thus my disappointment will likely stop from here on out, and I’ll just enjoy the 6 movies I grew up with, the Clone Wars series Lucas had a hand in, and to some degree Rogue One.
    KareemtheGreat33 likes this.
  19. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    For people like Weezy and myself, we follow (well, followed for me) the story like it was the history of a different world. When Luke goes out the way he did, or Han is changed into a deadbeat Dad, or Obi is turned into what he is being turned into, it completely changes the way you look at them in the earlier movies. It retroactively changes the characters and the movies themselves. Why should I like Luke anymore with the way he gave up on the galaxy and unleashed his nephew on the Resistance without trying to fix it? Why should I respect Han's character arc through the Original Trilogy when he turns around and reverts back to the selfish smuggler?

    The Bond stories typically don't connect (until this latest iteration). They are standalone adventures. Every time a new Bond is introduced it's almost as if it starts over and this is our introduction to Bond for the first time. With Star Wars, these characters are (supposedly) playing in the same universe as before. This is (supposedly) what happens to Luke after the Return of the Jedi. It's a different thing than Bond.

    We liked Star Wars because of what it was. With what Disney is doing to the characters, it's just no longer the same story. The characters aren't who we thought they were. It changes the way we view the previous stories because before when we watched the end of Return of the Jedi, we were under the impression they defeated the Empire. Now when we watch that celebration on Endor, it is meaningless since the Empire will return a few years later and blow up several planets. The Disney movies devalue all the sacrifices of our heroes.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2022
    KareemtheGreat33 and Weezy like this.
  20. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    We’re older and I think time has passed us by, if anyone still watches this predictable bait and switch shows then more power to them, I could not get myself to like the prequels but there are some characters there that I like since it’s still connected to Lucas, I tried to like the new Disney trilogy but I can only get through the 1st movie:LLLLLebronlaughing:… The only thing Star Wars I can watch is the Mandalorian and I think they are close to effing that up too if the recent Boba Fett series is any indication.
    trodgers likes this.

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