1. Towns 2. Okafor 3. Russell 4. Porzingus 5. Winslow 6. Hezonja 7. Winslow 8. Booker 9. Mudiay 10. Johnson
Makes sense...see the jersey hanging above...I guess he won't be hanging out with Clippers in front row with Benoit Benjamin, Lancaster Gordon, Olawakandi, Manning, Shawn Livingston et al.
My Top 10 for the night (although I have this thread already in the NBA Discussion my friend)- 1. Towns 2. Okafor 3. Russell 4. Mudiay 5. Porzingis 6. Winslow 7. Hezonja 8. Stan Johnson 9. Frank Kaminsky 10. Booker
It's fine man I'm in no mood to kill threads right now! I'm too amped up... haven't gotten a lick of work done all day...
1. Towns 2. Okafor 3. Russell 4. Porzingis 5. Winslow 6. Mudiay 7. Hezonja 8. Stanley Johnson 9. WCS 10. Booker