To Serve And Protect

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Philosophy -(FORUM CLOSED)-' started by Barnstable, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. davriver209

    davriver209 - Rookie -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    The tweets
  2. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Essentially, two people that work for a left wing news organization claimed to be people in those pictures to sell a made up narative they created, and claimed it on Twitter.
  3. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Viewpoint: Comparisons of Waco shooting to Baltimore protests reveal news bias

    By Alexandra Samuels, The University of Texas at Austin May 19, 2015 4:02 pm

    I was driving home from my college town of Austin, Texas to my hometown of Dallas on Sunday afternoon when I first got word of the shootout between rival biker gangs at Waco, Texas’s Twin Peaks restaurant. Reportedly, nine people died, around 170 suspects were arrested and 18 were injured.

    Evidently, Twin Peaks was aware that the gathering was going to take place and police later recovered around 100 weapons from the crime scene. Recently the media revealed mugshots of the suspects in question and many of the bikers have been charged.

    In light of the gunfire and deaths that occurred in Waco, those on social media have begun to notice discrepancies between the way the media depicts the bikers and the way they portrayed the Baltimore protesters. Furthermore, as a picture of the arrested bikers — who evidently were sitting without handcuffs on — took over Twitter, some wondered if the predominately white biker gang would’ve received different treatment if black.

    Why is it when I Google the fatal biker shootout, I find credible news outlets referring to what happened as a “brawl” or “melee”? However, when I look up the Baltimore protests I see the words “rioters” and “criminals?”

    To me, the racism is present when a teen smashing a replaceable car window, the same teen whose bail was set higher than the officers charged for murdering Freddie Gray, is seen as a violent protestor, while a massive gang shootout is referred to as a “fracas” and “brouhaha.”

    It seems that the negative terminology is solely reserved for people of color (i.e. the Baltimore protestors) and not the predominately white bikers that engaged in acts of extreme violence. Not only was the mild word choice on various news articles an issue for me (something that inherently revealed cultural stereotypes that the media often pushes,) the lax behavior of the officers at the crime scene was also pretty difficult to watch.

    When the bikers in question were able to sit quietly, uncuffed before being taken to jail after the shooting ended, and when it became known that these prominent gang members planned the meet-up, it becomes evident that there is a double standard in how each racial group is depicted.

    Why was the National Guard not called? Why were the officers at the scene not dressed for a shootout? Why is there an absence of the term “gang violence” when looking up the events that occurred? Why is there no talk of how “white-on-white crime” is a problem? Why has no city-wide curfew been issued since there are rumors that more bikers are heading to Texas?

    All of these things happened following the Baltimore protests; however, none with the Waco shootout. Personally, I found the double standard of unfair treatment by police officers reprehensible. If these men in Waco were black, I can only imagine the uproar.

    White privilege is the ability for some of the suspects to not be placed in any type of restraint while having access to their cell phones after going on a shootout. White privilege is when therestaurant has to take the blame for what happened, but officers didn’t take the blame for the murder of Freddie Gray that caused the Baltimore protests.

    By now, if you’re unable to see the bias with how the media depicts black people compared to white people, you may not be paying attention. It’s unfair that a predominately white biker gang can kill nine people and leave multiple injured while shooting at police officers and have it be called a “brawl.” When white people get violent, it’s seen as a “once in every blue moon” incident, but when black people get angry over years of police brutality, we’re painted as thugs, and even some prominent figures in the black community say we need to “respect ourselves” before law enforcement can.

    There’s an inherent fear response to black people being angry vs. white people involved in a massive shootout. Somehow the cops were able to arrest almost 200 violent bikers without pepper spray, mace or murder. It’s a shame that the protestors in Baltimore couldn’t get the same treatment.

    What I think is important to understand is that social media commentators don’t seem to be upset with how various media outlets depict the biker gang. Instead, what seems to be issue is that the Waco shooting revealed the inherent hypocrisy when it comes to policing and covering white crime."
  4. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    But racism has nothing to do with all these cases eh?.....
  5. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Video Shows Officer Shooting Taser and Pepper Spray at Driver Reportedly Suffering a Stroke

    VICE News is closely watching policing in America.
    Check out the Officer Involved blog here.

    Video taken from a Virginia police officer's body camera shows him using pepper spray and employing a Taser on a man sitting in a car who appears almost non-responsive. At the time, the man was reportedly having a stroke.

    The footage released on Friday reveals Fredericksburg officer Shaun Jurgens and another officer approaching a vehicle stopped in the middle of an intersection on May 4 after the vehicle was involved in what was reported as a hit-and-run accident. Someone yells at the driver, later identified as 34-year-old David Washington, to move his car.

    When Washington barely responds, Jurgens shoots the taser but does not connect with him. The officer then pepper sprays Washington. The police continue to yell at him to get out of the car, eventually opening the door and pulling him onto the pavement to cuff him. As this is happening, Washington says "I can't breathe."

    After he's cuffed, his car begins rolling backwards. The female officer repeatedly yells "Stop it" as she rushes to the car, which appears to stop when one tire hits Washington. Jurgens says, "It's on his foot." The officers then move the car

    Washington eventually communicates that he has been sick for days. Jurgens ask him a series of questions as they wait for an ambulance.

    According to WTOP, the 34-year-old veered into the middle of the road after hitting another vehicle, then came to a stop at the intersection where the officers approached him. WTOP reported that Jurgens thought Washington may have been drinking or taking drugs. In the video, the cops question him about a beer in the backseat of his car.

    An internal investigation by the police department determined that Jurgens had used inappropriate force; he resigned on May 14. Jurgens said in a statement on Thursday that he believed at the time "immediate action" was needed. According to Jurgens, the suspect was moving inside of the vehicle; he cited rush-hour traffic and proximity to an elementary school as justifications for his action.

    On Friday, however, Fredericksburg Police Captain Rick Pennock said Jurgens's use of force was not in line with department policy or training.

    "We take matters such as these very seriously and require that officers at all times exercise appropriate restraint and good judgment in their dealings with citizens," Pennock said.

    According to the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star, Washington had suffered a stroke that day and was treated at the hospital. Police have not said whether Corporal Matt Deschenes and Sergeant Crystal Hill, the other officers seen in the video, will face discipline."

    Blacks make up like 13% of the population in the US, don't even perpetrate the majority of felonious crimes in the US, but are the victims in like 90% of these attacks. How many times do people need to see this before people realize and acknowledge race is not a small part of these incidents, it's the reason why these police think they can and should go to brutal or deadly force as option 1. Does anyone really think they would have pepper sprayed and tazed this guy, sitting in his car, this easily if he was white?
  6. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    ^^^ I love VICE News.
  7. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Where are you getting these stats? Last I checked, more white people were killed by the police each year than any other demographic.

    While I agree the police are becoming more and more militarized and our rights are being taken away (or given away, depending on which party you subscribe to), but I also think this is a case of the pit bulls who were seemingly biting people every day and then we never heard of them again. Media must've moved onto another story.
  8. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I wasn't trying to be literal with stats. I thought it was evident by saying "like" instead of exact numbers. But that's a part of the problem. People have given exact numbers, studies, etc, and I still feel like there's always an excuse for why it's not racism. Saying it's just the media hyping this up ignores one important thing. Every generation of black people has been complaining about this same thing being a threat and detriment to our life in this country since slavery. But the fact that everyone now has video cameras in their pockets allows people to document it, and in turn allows the media to have a juicy story. That's the media's role in this. Exploiting and in some cases exacerbating problems related to this, but make no mistake, the media didn't shoot anyone. The media didn't spray this guy with pepper spray and try to tase him when he's having a stroke. The media didn't punch that pregnant black woman in the stomach, a cop did, and the cop probably wouldn't have done it if the victim wasn't black. How do I know that? As you said more white people are killed by the police each year than any other demographic.... so show me all the videos of unarmed, un-hostile whites getting attacked or gunned down. Naturally you're going to have more white committing crime as whites are the majority of the country, so it should be pretty easy for any bystanders to record all the white people being victimized by the police too. You can't find many of those videos because it's so rare compared to how often police senselessly attack or kill unarmed blacks.

    So once again, as I told Dav, black people aren't mad because black people are being killed or beaten. It's about how and why they're getting killed and beaten. Unarmed. Making no threatening moves. Not given the time to even register what's happening before the police open fire and murder them. Nobody's protesting any videos of black men shooting at cops that get killed. This is all about these cops going for killing as option 1 or beating as option 2 when dealing with black people that did not deserve to be beaten, attacking people that did not deserve to be attacked, and killing people that did nothing to deserve to die. How many of those videos have you seen like that where the victim wasn't black?

    I'm harping on this because it's f**** infuriating to keep showing the same thing over and over again, keep telling the same story and still have people that don't have to go through this kind of treatment imply racism isn't a big deal anymore. It's like if black people said skin cancer isn't a big deal since we so rarely have to deal with it. If I implied skin cancer wasn't a big deal to a skin cancer survivor or their family, they would be furious and rightfully so.
  9. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    One thing I can't figure out is the #s. I've looked. I've read reports that only 1.2% of precints even report the demographics of those shot by the police. I find it hard to believe, but without a doubt, not all are reporting it. That's a problem. So again, I find all the stats to be confusing. Is this by choice? Probably to a certain degree. Like you said, whites are the majority, so they should be the majority of those shot and killed by the police. But I digress.

    To the point about white's not being video taped. I do believe that's by design. We don't have a World Star Hip Hop for whites. I can think of a few horrendous cases of hate crimes against whites that the media absolutely ignored, that IMO would have been front page / riot inducing if they were against blacks. Channon Christian is one (don't read up on her story if you have a weak stomach). The other is of a baby shot in the face (Antonio Santiago) by a black guy that the media didn't find interesting. Interestingly, they had video (not of the shooting, but incriminating video that was never shown in the media).

    I know this is cops against whomever thread, but I wanted to show the media's role in this too. IMO, they are trying to divide.
  10. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I don't buy that view of the media's importance in this @John3:16. The availability of information is way to broad now for the media to keep down the existence of a ton of white attacks by the police.

    Black people have been saying the police are attacking blacks at a higher rate to our numbers as far back as I can remember. Then some people have been saying blacks are exaggerating and that this happens to whites too. But white people have smart phones just as often as blacks, and network news is no longer the only media source. It would be on Youtube, or Vemeo, or somewhere. You can't keep information down like you once could by spreading a false narrative. If the information is out there, it will be exposed, and after, what 9 months or so of constant police shootings that black people have been calling racist, you really think we wouldn't have seen a ton of rebuttal videos, articles, etc. if it wasn't true?

    If unarmed, non-threatening, un-hostile whites were being attacked at anywhere near the same rate, there would naturally be plenty of examples out there, logically due to white population numbers alone, there would be more than black victims in fact. Some one, some right wing organization, some blog, some independent journalist would investigate it, count the number of videos of unarmed whites killed or attacked by the police and post those numbers. Those examples would be paraded around every time a black person complained about race related black shootings by the police.

    You don't see anywhere near a similar proportion of whites in unarmed, non-threatening situation killed or attacked by the police because it simply doesn't exist to even close to the same degree. There is no weight of reliable video evidence to contradict this point.
  11. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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  12. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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  13. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Two things... are those two videos supposed to be showing me that white people get attacked by the cops too?

    I hope not, because what I said was "You don't see anywhere near a similar proportion of whites in unarmed, non-threatening situation killed or attacked by the police because it simply doesn't exist to even close to the same degree.". That's not the same as stating it never happens, which I never claimed.

    Second, that second shooting was not even close to unjust. The guy reached in his waist like he had a gun, and pulled up his shirt up and told them "no fool" when the officer told him to put his hands up. I wouldn't have complained about that shooting if the guy was black.
    John3:16 likes this.
  14. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    ^^ not meant to show anything other than a cop shooting. I think it was justified, although I think I'm in the minority with that opinion.

    Having read the article, the video is much different. Isn't that always the case?
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  15. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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  16. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    The HOST Of The POOL PARTY In McKinney Texas SPEAKS OUT . . . There Were A LOT Of Misconceptions About What REALLY HAPPENED . . . And She Clears It ALL UP!!

    June 8, 2015: The mainstream media is putting out a LOT OF MISINFORMATION regarding the McKinney POLICE POLICE BRUTALITY CASE. Here are all the REAL FACTS:

    1 - A resident from McKinney Texas, named Tatiana Rose, invited a group of friends OF ALL RACES to the pool in her SUBDIVISION. Yes, she LIVES there and as a resident has FULL ACCESS to the pool.
    2 - A bunch of GROWN White women started berating the Black teenagers with RACIAL SLURS, telling them to "go back to their SECTION 8 HOUSING." Most of the children at the event live either IN OR VERY NEAR the subdivision.
    3 - The White teenagers in the group STOOD UP for their Black friends, and joined them in CONFRONTING the racist GROWN WOMEN.
    4 - One of the White GROWN women assaulted a 14 year old girl - SLAPPING HER IN THE FACE - and that's when things got out of control.
    5 - NO TEENAGER is accused to assaulting, vandalizing, or doing ANYTHING other than being loud and upset.
    6 - When the police were called, they did not ask ANY White person, including the White teenagers that ATTENDED TATIANA'S PARTY, onto the ground. Only BLACK TEENS were profiled by the police.
    7 - A few Black teenagers that LIVED IN the subdivison, but were NOT AT TATIANA'S party - were ordered to the ground by the CORRPUT police.

    And FINALLY . . .

    The police OFFICER who was on video being abusive was NOT FIRED . . . and he was NOT SUSPENDED. He was placed on "ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE" meaning he is STILL GETTING PAID AND STILL HAS HIS GUN. He has NOT been charged with ANY CRIME either."

  17. revgen

    revgen - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Here is video of the alleged fight between the white women and the partygoers that is mentioned in the video Barnes posted.


  18. thkthebest

    thkthebest Administrator Staff Member

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    How in the world is that cop not fired? People were explaining the situation to that one good cop at the start of the video. Then the idiot comes, starts cursing, and dragging people to the ground. One kid is still calling him "sir" while that idiot was shoving him to the ground. He completely escalates the situation.

    Then, what he did to a 14-year-old girl in the bikini (clearly no threat) was just inexcusable. I can at least somewhat understand why he pulled out his gun. He has a moment to make a judgement, and the other two kids appeared to be a threat. He holstered the gun after the two kids left. However, that would have never happened had he not escalated the situation in the first place!

    Seriously, I try to give cops the benefit of the doubt, but this was just inexcusable. Idiots like him should be fired.

    And really, why can't people just get along? It's so tiresome hearing about these situations all the time.
    revgen and Barnstable like this.
  19. Punk-101

    Punk-101 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Damn, why wasn't that woman in the video above in the original video with all those girls running around in bikinis? Holy bewbs!
  20. revgen

    revgen - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    The officer resigns from the McKinney police department. He blames his behavior on stress related to two suicide calls he responded to earlier in the day.

    I could probably buy his excuse if he were a rookie or a 2nd year officer. He's a 10 year vet. Even if he was emotionally stressed after responding to two suicide calls, he's been around long enough to know if he should call his supervisor and take a break for the rest of the day.

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